Le Tigre and Baby..not connected at all but whatever

So I've been MIA for a while now as I've been in Singapore travelling and visiting family. While I was in Singapore I had the opportunity to go to one of the best zoo's in the world - The Singapore Zoo. The Singapore Zoo has an "open zoo" concept, meaning there are natural barriers that divide the animals from humans. I really can't get over how I feel about zoos, and animals. I have a pet lovebird named Baby, and when I think about how he's supposed to be in Africa, enjoying the hot sunshine and flying around looking for food I get really sad.

I've never been against having pets, but ever since "owning" (see who are we to even say we own another living being?!) Baby, I've realized the major effects we have on a wild animal. Baby came to my house with his natural survival skills and an overall zest for life. He was a healthy, happy bird. I researched all about lovebirds before purchasing him. I know that they need new toys, they need a proper diet, they need lots of love and care, etc. Before, he hated having our hand wrapped all around him as he felt confined. Now, he trusts us and knows us and loves being held like that as he feels warm and snuggly (or so we think). I didn't think much of the fact that he used to hate being held like that and now allows us to do it all the time until my sister mentioned it. She told me that he used to be so feisty and not allow us to do that and now it's like he's just given up and lets us do whatever he wants. That is what taming an animal is called but I feel really bad about it. We messed with this living animal's brain and we changed him so much from how he naturally used to be!

I also think that my precious Baby has developed psychological problems. See, birds spend 90% of their time in the wild searching for food. Even though my family tries our hardest to involve him in activities to search for food, Baby is often alone at home while we are all at school and work, and to occupy his time, he bites the skin on his feet and often pecks the skin on his back and under his wing. To prevent him from injuring himself he has a cone around his head, and we're not sure when we get to take that off. It's really heartbreaking, I feel like I've just done a horrible job and messed up this poor bird's life..but he LOVES my little brother (lovebirds attach and mate for life!).. so hopefully he's happy. I guess I'll never really know.