
It seems like everything in my life is overflowing; from the garbage can at my bus stop and the drain on my street, to my mental list of things to accomplish...and things Mother dearest would like for me to accomplish, my life is one big overflowing volcano. The funny thing is, I wouldn't really have it any other way. I would hate to ever feel complacent in life.

This overflowing life of mine does sometimes get pretty stressful and that's one reason why I started this blog. I've always enjoyed writing and it's definitely a cathartic experience. If I have a fight with a friend, I write long tear-soaked letters about how I'm feeling, and at the end of it I always get a better sense of who I am, where I stand on a situation, and how the other person would feel if they read it. I have a plethora of diaries from when I was seven years old till date and although I don't feel like a blog could ever replace my handwritten volumes, I felt like it was my duty to use this medium that's now available to us, to store my thoughts digitally and hopefully to arouse and stimulate my mind and anyone who visits! As for why this blog is called The L Word, it has nothing to do with my sexual preference, rather the letter L stands for love, laughter and life and that's what my blog is going to be all about!