Some people are twisted/read too much into things that I do and are too judgmental.  They also can’t comprehend that people have lives that continue on and that doesn’t mean the past never happened and it honestly just perplexes and baffles me.  HENCE why I’m writing this post because I’m so perplexed and baffled!!!!!  It’s stuff that happens sometimes I notice it sometimes I don’t.  Right now I’ve noticed it so I’ll write about it cuz it’s on my mind.  Ok so lemme explain…
Here’s a story for you.  I had a best friend in gr. 4.  We were cool, she’s no longer my best friend and things DID NOT END VERY WELL… AT ALL.  I still live in the same city so I see her once every 2 years or so randomly.  End of story.  It’s a TRUE STORY.
So now when I see her… am I not going to greet her warmly when I see her, or pretend she doesn’t exist and I don’t know her, or not ask how she was?  Of course I am and have because I’m a nice person and you shouldn’t let small things define a person.  Maybe we just weren’t meant to be best friends, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly!?!  I’ve also – believe it or not – gotten over what happened in grade freaking four!!
I AM JUST THE KIND OF GIRL WHO IS VERY …RANDOM AND I DEEPLY APPRECIATE ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE I’VE MET ALONG THE WAY TO BEING WHO I AM TODAY.  I don’t think of things as ending so much as I think of things as having changed.  For example I didn’t end my relationship with my bank I just changed banks.
Going on with the best friend story here let’s just use it as an analogy now... I’m someone who’s PRETTYYYY EASY GOING AND FORGIVING, I don’t hold grudges (unless you like screw over my family or something) and I sometimes don’t even remember what so and so supposedly did or why we stopped hanging out… and I’m sometimes actually a little too absorbed in my goals and vision for my future (that’s my euphemism for self absorbed) that I don’t notice mundane things like someone deleting me off Facebook or that they haven’t texted or called me as often.  So forgive me if I don’t realize that I’m “supposed” to be mad at someone or not talking to someone.  I don’t have that chip inside me I don’t realize what it is I’m “supposed” to do I just do what I want.  I don’t care what it is that YOU’RE doing – maybe you have a new best friend now – good for you – that doesn’t mean I can’t call you if I want and say hey what’s up, how’ve you been.  You can not answer if you want – that’s your choice but if you make a big deal about the fact that I called and tell your mama and your boyfriend that I called and then write little cryptic tweets – it’s a little weird and it perplexes me like um …are you not over this?  Are you not a mature adult?
I truly just don’t get how some people think I just think some people are so messed up it actually gives me a headache.  Maybe some people read too much into small things… maybe I’m weird for being friendly and easy going and impulsive? 
Am I “living in the past” if say an ex something from 7 years ago texts me happy birthday like they do every year and I say thanks and then we proceed to have a small conversation which culminates in us deciding to have a coffee together?  No… I have no desire to get back together with the person or to rekindle a romance or friendship or to do anything other than have a coffee and see how they’ve been and have a friendly 20 minute meeting with someone who once put a smile on my face and nor do I think THEY want anything more than a coffee.  I have time for a coffee it’s no sweat off my back.  Now if people see us together of course I understand they might think differently because they don’t know the situation, that’s natural that’s understandable.  What is not understandable is going around talking about it to Tom, Dick and Harry and going to ex’s friends and saying that ex is making a bad decision and ex needs to stop living in the past.  IT’S JUST A COFFEE!  IT’S JUST A HI.  IT’S JUST A HUG.  IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS.
Sometimes the guy who approaches you at a party and strikes up a conversation isn’t trying to pick you up… they’re just having a freaking conversation with you.  There’s nothing wrong with humans trying to interact with each other.  Some people just genuinely like conversing and connecting with people.  Some people are just so messed up!  Me talking to someone doesn’t mean I’m trying to get with them or vice versa.  I just don’t get how some girls or guys get so jealous or offended at what they think someone else’s motive is.  Some things should just be taken at face value.  If you’re saying hey I hope you’ve been well – it means hey I hope you’ve been well not hey I freaking miss you and love you and think about you all the time.
Sometimes I walk into my old jobs to say hi to old coworkers or managers.  That doesn’t mean I want my old job back, I have a new job.