Why Nice Guys Finish Last

EVERY GUY is supposed to be nice because humans should be nice!  Unfortunately most of the people you end up meeting or hearing about tend to be dirt bags and so when you finally do meet that one nice guy, you feel like you need to give him a shot just because he’s (apparently) nice.  That my friends, is the beginning of the end!  DON’T CAVE IN! 
Girls have a tendency to get confused and say “but he’s so nice” and then agonize over why they don’t feel any connection.  It has nothing to do with the fact that this person is nice, it’s just that you don’t connect with them!  You’re not supposed to be with someone just because they’re SUPPOSEDLY nice.
1.) TOO PASSIVE = I think “nice guys” are just too passive.  They very often don’t hit on a girl as much as a “bad boy” would?  Theory of mine.
2.) NO GAME = constantly texting and being available, “hey we should meet, hey what are you up to, hey how was the exam you told me about once briefly three weeks ago that you were going to write today and I still remembered because I’m a creepy person with no life and I want to impress you with how nice I am?”.  This is what I say in my head to people who do that: BUDDY RELAX!  It’s not that a girl wants a guy to play games and not text her back; a girl wants a guy who has a life!  You should really not be that available, it's a turn off (remember this all you clueless “nice guys” out there!).
3.) Picture above: straight up!  A “nice” guy is really just a guy who wants to boink you and doesn’t have the balls or CONFIDENCE to say so.  "NICE" GUYS DON’T HAVE CONFIDENCE.  They don’t straight up ASK you to go on a DATE, instead they ask you out for coffee and/or pretend to be your friend first.  They cover up the intentions from the get go, thereby usually confusing the girl who doesn't automatically view you in that light.
4.) Pushovers.  "Nice" guys are known to be pushovers.  If I cancelled on a “nice” guy last minute with a lame excuse they’d be totally ok with it.  A bad boy would be like ok this chick’s a waste of time, screw her and move on.  A “nice” guy would be all understanding and say “it’s ok next time”. There’s nothing WRONG with being nice and with being understanding, but every time you allow yourself to be a second class citizen, girls realize that hey this person is ok with this type of behaviour and treat you like a second class citizen.  People don’t cancel on the Queen of England.  They shouldn’t cancel on you either.  If they do forget to call you back, or cancel on you, or whatever – screw em.