Breakfast of Champions

A McChicken meal from McDonald's plus 6 pieces of chicken nuggets and Coke. So nourishing and satisfying. I also love how the title Nutrition facts is smudged with the grease stain from my fries.

I know it's a few days past Jan 1st but I do believe it's time for a change... a drastic one! My sister recently told me that my eating habits were consistent with those training to be Sumo wrestlers. How lovely. Actually, I do believe a Sumo wrestler has a healthier intake of food than I do, as they have personal trainers and dietiticians to assist them. They don't gorge on McDonald's, but they do gain weight by:

1.) Skipping breakfast, and eating their first meal at midday. After 8 hours of sleep, one should eat a healthy breakfast so as to increase their metabolism. In simple terms, if you deprive your body of food, it basically will kick into survival mode and your next meal will be stored as fat, because your body doesn't know how often you will be eating.

2.) Exercising on an empty stomach.

3.) Eating lunch and then taking a nap!

4.) Eating heavily before going to sleep. Once again, the body which typically slows down in the later hours of the day allowing you to rest, has to deal with the avalanche of nutrients that you just put in there, with insulin - thereby forcing their bodies to store it in cells as fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.

5. ) Last but not least, they always eat with others in a social atmosphere. Meals consumed with others often lead to a higher consumption of food intake than if you were to eat alone. You also tend to consume more fatty foods in a social setting.

All of the above is a description of my eating habits. I'm 107 pounds on a bad day and I'm 5ft 4inches tall. I'd say I'm a fairly thin girl on the outside, but inside I'm sure my arteries are as clogged as the next obese person. The thing with me is, I'm not consistent. Some days I wake up early, and have three to four huge meals a day as well as 8 hours of sleep. On other days I might have just one meal and a couple of snacks. I also have one of the most unbalanced diets ever and it consists heavily of meat with a few vegetables - purely for colour.

So what do I do now? Well, for starters, I declare that I will eat breakfast every day, and not the breakfast I had today morning! As for my last meal of the day it will have to be before 8pm.. I'd say 7 but that's just a tad unrealistic for me!