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Trying To Stay Positive



I’m a big believer in thinking positive and that we can all achieve anything that we set our minds to.  I believe that our minds have powers that are beyond our comprehension.  I believe that we inadvertently or for those who have discovered “the secret” as it’s often called (the power of positive thinking) purposefully shape our own destinies.

I think I was always a positive person and that I always kind of had this sense that I could “make” things happen.  A lot of my positive thinking was just visualizing, visualizing my life in my head – aka day dreaming.  I would very distinctly imagine my future.  On the first day my best friend and I hung out we wrote down and planned out our future and I’d say quite a lot of it came true or what we had thought about and wanted when we were younger came true although of course as we grew older we always wanted more and more. I also wrote a lot so besides day dreaming I would write about my life and what I wanted and believed would happen.  I would sometimes write in a future tense and act as if I was already a famous journalist or hot shot what have you.


Then there came a time when I wasn’t so positive.  I was so immersed in sadness and negative thinking that I often couldn’t breathe.  I’d throw up randomly (not knowing why (at the time)), I was not able to sleep well, I would wander the streets, I was pretty much constantly crying – at work, on the bus, on the skytrain, waiting for the bus, walking, in my room, in the bathroom, when watching a movie (you get the point) or hyperventilating to the point where I thought I needed to call 911.  I remember an episode where I was in my room and suddenly couldn’t breathe and thus far I had tried hiding it from my family but they found out this time and suddenly EVERYONE in my family was in front of me (including my dad, omgah poor guy), freaked out and scared and trying to help me.  It was a surreal moment and my sister told me that my lips or tongue started turning purple.  The power of positive thinking helped me.

After watching The Secret and meeting people in my life who were positive and really changing their mindset consciously I too changed my mindset.  I believe that if you clearly visualize yourself in the image that you want to be (a successful lawyer for example) and you FEEL that image, you feel the happiness, the power etc you will gravitate towards that and the powers of the universe will conspire to get you where you want to be.  It’s a very, very conscious effort.  It’s not easy to do this and you’ll find yourself slipping and thinking “one day” or thinking negatively.  You can’t imagine that you will be something “one day” you have to feel it NOW or you will forever be that person “one day”.   Create a vision board where you showcase things in a present tense.  “Your car” should not be the car you have now but the car you want and the more you look at that board and believe that that life is yours, the better for you.   I stopped dwelling on anything negative, I used to get so upset at little things.  I used to call up a friend and vent and moan about things and now I literally don’t tell anyone anything.  I may feel bad about something, write it on a piece of paper and rip it up and then I never think about that again.  I only allow myself to be upset for a few minutes and then I’m like ok .. time to move on.  It’s ok to rant and vent every so often as long as it’s not something you’re doing all the time and it’s not affecting your mental health.

It’s not easy being positive and lately I’ve been feeling that the future I once saw so clearly in my head has slipped and it’s getting more and more difficult to imagine that I will actually do what I said I would - so this post is about me trying to get back to the power of positive thinking and saying that I will once again make time for ME, for being positive, thinking happy thoughts, writing powerful quotes and speeches to myself to motivate me and working on my future as if it’s a reality.  I hope you will do the same and please do share with me if you try to think positive – what you do to stay positive – if you’ve slipped on this.  I READ ALLLLL OF YOUR COMMENTS via twitter/facebook and on this blog itself!!!!!!!!!!!  Sometimes your comments are just awesomeness so I just post it and don’t reply because there’s nothing to say cuz you’re right!!  But I do read them all!

I think I’ll write another post later on how to actually feel better and be more positive.  So watch out for that :D

**Side note** You can’t just sit there and think that thinking positive alone will change your life, it is meant to be a catalyst for positive ACTION. 


Now get out there and KICK SOME BUTT PEOPLES!! :D :D

Put Some Sunscreen On. Now!


I really hope Miranda Kerr is wearing sunscreen! 

There are literally UV rays from everywhere.  It doesn’t matter if you have full sleeves on or if you’re sitting under a giant umbrella.  It doesn’t matter if it’s cloudy, if you’re sitting in your car, if you’re indoors or if you’re on the beach, if it’s winter or summer – you can seriously harm yourself if you do not not protect your skin from UV rays.  Remember, there are UV rays everywhere and they can bounce from the pavement to pretty little you sitting under your umbrella thinking you’re all protected.

Did you know that a two hour shopping spree in a store like Walmart with fluorescent lights everywhere is equivalent to a full hour in the sun?  Sure you won’t get sunburnt but you are still exposed to those UV rays!

Besides CANCER - UV rays and sun damage can also wreak havoc on your skin.  A ten dollar bottle of sunscreen now will save you hundreds in laser treatments later on in life.  I say this because people often don’t care that they could get cancer – they figure meh that will be when I’m old and gray, but I’d rather look tan and hot now!  Aargh.

To be properly covered from the sun you HAVE to cover your skin with enough sun screen (think frosting on a cupcake) and make sure that you REAPPLY every 2-3 hours.  The amount of sunscreen you should be applying (everywhere – including your neck, backs of ears, hands, face etc) is quite simple if you think of yourself as a cake and the sunscreen as frosting - - a nice thick layer of sunscreen.  That does NOT mean a quarter sized amount for one arm.  Don’t cheap out – layer it on.  If you have a moisturizer that has sun screen of SPF 15 that’s great, but still make sure that you wear a sunscreen with a higher spf AS WELL as your moisturizer.

sun damagebefore4

The sun can damage your skin in many ways:

1. Sun spots, freckles and brown spots

2. Uneven skin colour

3. Freckles

4. Age Spots

5. Rosacea

6. Wrinkles

7. Broken capillaries

8. Enlarged pore size

9. Sagging skin

This is not pretty:


Ok dammit it is but this look can be achieved through spray tanning or instant bronzers that are available in cans – not tanning beds.  THIS is not pretty:


Do you really want your boobs and neck to look like this?


Squamous cell carcinoma – a skin cancer:


This is a cutaneous horn.  Yes that’s right, a horn growing out of the side of your friggin face.  It’s not pretty.  It’s not cancer but it can also lead to cancer.

cutaneous-horn  It’s from a condition called Actinic Keratosis and is most common in people with:

  • Fair skin.
  • Hair color is naturally blond or red.
  • Eyes are naturally blue, green, or hazel.
  • Skin freckles or burns when in the sun. 

Lifted straight off a website:

What causes AKs?

Ultraviolet (UV) rays cause AKs. Most people get exposed to UV rays from being outside during the day or using tanning beds. You can prevent AKs by protecting your skin from the sun and never using tanning beds or sun lamps.

Loss/Family/Time… NEED MORE TIME!

There is no flow to this blog post whatsoever.  You’ve been warned. And this is pretty personal.  To those of you who get this blog emailed to you - - - you might not want to read it.  It’s not funny, it’s not anything other than me needing to write and expel my thoughts.
I have witnessed parents say good bye to their children (which I think is one of the most tragic and unnatural things in life) and children say good bye to their parents forever. I have been to many funerals, seen hearts break, seen dreams shattered, seen many lives stopped before they should have been and have felt the pain of loss.  Those images never leave you, they are imprinted in me forever.
Death is a natural part of life, but it’s not something you can ever prepare for, or get over.  I’m terrified to lose people.  Like when they’re gone… they’re gone.  You can’t call them, you can’t see them, you can’t… hear them, laugh with them nothing.  They’re just wiped off the face of this Earth and we’re left with nothing.  Pictures, videos, it’s all nothing.. just memories and I’ve said this before: It is in the complexities, powers and failures of a human’s memory that I sense an omniscient all knowing God.  Our failed and flawed memory is a blessing, for if I could remember every moment, I would live each day reliving them.  Meaning…  If our memories were perfect… I think I’d go mental because I would literally just relive each moment that I’ve ever had.
I want to cherish the time that I have with family.  I mess up… we all mess up.  Like when I buy McDonald’s and come home and realize my mom’s cooked chicken curry… like hello… what am I thinking?  I’m buying some crap food rather than eating my MOM’S cooking?  Seriously am I retarded?  Or when I sit with a few friends shooting the shit at a restaurant and I’ve been out of the house from.. well firstly I came home at 230am the night before from a friend’s party left at 7am for work then came back at 1230am the next day after a dinner but anyway – shootin the shit at a restaurant with people who I probably won’t care about in 10 years or less and meanwhile my mom’s at home waiting for me to come back because she dressed up in a Halloween costume for the first time in her life and she wanted to show me cuz she was excited.  Like seriously am I retarded?  Do you guys ever mess up like this?  Do you guys think about it?  I think about things all the time. 
Opportunity cost is my biggest problem.  I can’t figure it out.  At some point you have to branch out and do your own thang and cut the umbilical cord and let loose maybe move countries and then… on the other hand I want to spend time with people that I care about because you don’t get to spend time with them forever.  I pray every day for the safety of my friends and family… I can’t lose anyone I really can’t.  I care and love everyone in my life so so much.
Everything is all connected for me… death, guilt, loss.  I think everyone is going to die so fast…if not from a disease or illness than a natural disaster or a freak murder/shooting or a car crash or a plane crash or whatever there are like fifty million ways you can die early that it makes the “died peacefully while sleeping in bed” option seem far fetched and dismally grim.  I feel like life is just rushing by, I’m being swept by the current and all I want to do is find a branch to hold on to to try and stop myself from moving forward.  I can’t add anyone in my life because that’s just one person too many that I’d worry about.  You don’t understand… the amount that I love the people who I love – it’s an insane amount.  It’s insane.  I truly and madly and with all my heart love people. 
Kirpa is a word that really resonates with me.  We are all here by God’s grace and blessing and if you aren’t thanking God for being here every single day of your life – you should sort out your priorities. 
Its true what they say – youth is wasted on the young.  I feel like so many young people… have everything going for them right in front of them and they waste it on… stupid shit.  They waste time on stupid ass shit… and before they know it this will all be gone and I feel like they don’t cherish the moment.  But maybe that’s just what youth is – the innocence of thinking that you have your whole life in front of you, that nothing is going to go wrong, that bad things happen to other people, that you’re invincible.
I just want my family to be settled and happy.  As much as I joke about how I never want to be in a relationship… I do want to grow old with someone, I DO BELIEVE IN MONAGAMY, I do want children very badly I want my children (God willing if I have any) to know my parents because I KNOW they would make AWESOME grandparents and I loved my grandparents and would want my parents to be grandparents too.
I just want everyone to live a very long, healthy and happy life.  Is that so much to ask God?  As for myself – I don’t fear death personally (in fact if I ever left while fighting for injustice know that I left happy)… I just fear things happening to other people or the effect that my leaving would have.  I give myself great importance in the role I play in my family lol I feel like everything would fall apart if not for me because in my house I’m kind of the jokester, the catalyst for things, I push people, I push the status quo, I entertain and most especially I try and look out for my younger brother,my sisters, my parents because I feel like I’m the most street smart.  I feel like as long as I’m around I can take care of them through any kind of scenario.
I just think about things way too much like… I think it’s the news.. the news depresses me thinking about all the problems in the world and I’m always on the internet and looking at pictures from earthquakes, tsunami’s, bomb blasts whatever’s going on… and it’s just so insane like we live in the most messed up world where people care more about Birkin’s than 2 year olds dying in the street.  :(

I Feel Fat


I have heard those three words uttered countless times.  If those words have never crossed your lips then I bet you’ve heard them said by a co-worker or friend.  Women similar to the three women in the above picture have probably said those three words irrespective of the fact that they have three vastly different body types. 

Newsflash people: FAT IS NOT A FEELING!

Emotions have the following parts: subjective feelings, physiological (body) responses, and expressive behaviour. If fat was a feeling it would have some kind of expressive behaviour.  Think about this: if you had to act out the feeling/emotion of sadness it would be easy.  You would maybe have some tears streaming down your face and your head down with an upside down smile. Now act out surprised: Eyes open, mouth open, eyebrows raised and hands to face. Now act out “fat”. All you may be able to do is puff out your cheeks or some other PHYSICAL interpretation/depiction of what being fat is but there is no emotion that is being expressed.  Be conscious of how you feel not how you look.  Looks are not everything!

When you Google: define: fat there is not one definition that includes a feeling or emotion.  So why do so many people say those words?  Am I suggesting that people should listen to this picture below instead?


No! The above picture is also a horrendous outlook to life.  Pretty is not an emotion.  Fat is not an emotion.  People really need to take a step back and realize that how they feel does not need to be directly related to how they think they look.  All “skinny” girls do not have awesome lives; likewise all “pretty” girls do not have perfect lives.  There is no guarantee that being thin or being gorgeous translates into happiness.  Instead of uttering the words “I feel fat”, I would like you to accurately assess your feelings because only then can you address the problem.  The problem is not your weight or your health, the problem is that you are possibly unhappy.  You may feel sad or lonely or depressed that you have gained weight or think you look bigger than you normally do, but you cannot “feel fat”. 

Too many people think that changing the way they look physically will change their lives and that they will become happier.  Do you really believe people who say: “I will be happy if only I had bigger breasts” actually become happy forever after surgery?  There will always be points in life when you feel that your body or face is not what you would want it to be, but it takes a change in attitude, not surgery to become truly happy.  I’m not saying I am opposed to surgery.  I’m saying that one should not depend on surgery or physical alterations to their body to change how they feel about themselves or to feel happier.  If you were truly overweight, your weight is not what leads you to be happy one minute and “feeling fat” the next.  Your weight is also not the root of your problem, just like the fact that credit cards and malls exist are not the root problem for a compulsive shopper.  The problem with “feeling fat” is the inner emotional state that the person is experiencing such as unhappiness, loneliness, anger, or depression; not the literal fatness.

I feel that it can only be a good thing when people begin to be conscious of the way they FEEL rather than directly relating how they feel to their LOOKS and physical appearance.  Next time, try not to “feel” a physical characteristic and actually state an emotion, you owe yourself that much!

2 Random Quizzes I Found on the Internet

Thought I’d take a couple of quizzes on the internet since it’s the new year.  You might find this boring but I write for me so I can’t really apologize to you.  Happy New Year everyone!
1. Why not me?
I have no idea what this question is asking.  Why not me?… to do what?
2. Am I nice?
I think I am.  I’m not naturally as nice as some people because I’m kind of sarcastic but I’m not fake when I’m being nice to someone.. if I’m being nice to you I mean it.
3. Am I doing what I really want to do?
Definitely not.
4. What am I grateful for?
My family.
5. What’s missing in my life?
Love and freedom.
6. Am I honest?
No.  I’m honest in the sense that I don’t lie to people (other than parents…they don’t count all kids lie to parents eventually), but I’m not honest about how I feel and I don’t always tell everything about how I’m feeling to people (sounds funny coming from someone who blogs about everything and anything but there you go I’m a walking oxymoron).  I do what’s best for me, or I try to at all times so if it’s in my best interests to not tell you that I think you’re a horrible person, or the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me than I won’t.  If that’s lying then so be it.  There are a handful of people in this world who I will never lie to and tell too much to!
7. Do I listen to others?
Not really.  I don’t listen to what other people think I should do or how I should behave, I do whatever I think is right, and I guess this is why I am always getting in trouble in my family lol.  It might technically be the “wrong” thing to do but if I will live without regretting it, even if it’s the “wrong” thing, then for me it was the right thing to do.  Does that make sense?  For example, if I was lactose intolerant maybe it wouldn’t be correct for me to have an entire bucket of ice cream, but I would rather eat the bucket of ice cream because I wanted to than wake up the next day wondering what flavour it was. 
8. Do I work hard?
9. Do I help others?
Not enough.
10. What do I need to change about myself?
Number 9.  I should dedicate more time to helping other people.  My family as well as other citizens of the Earth :)
11. Have I hurt others?
Yes.  A lot…all the time.
12. Do I complain?
All the time.  I’m ashamed to say I’m a whiny person haha but in certain situations I don’t complain.  I will always complain if I feel cold, otherwise I’d say I’m pretty easy going.  I don’t complain about food when I’m travelling or accommodations.
13. What’s next for me?
Being happy and having fun are the only two things on my list of things to do.  These are the only goals of my life, beyond this I have no idea and no plans.
14. Do I have fun?
How funny that this was the next question.  Yes!  As depressing as I can get sometimes I always have fun every single day.  (As long as I have a book or a good laugh life is pretty awesome so I’m pretty easy to please…at the present time I’d like to thank my bff’s Youtube and Kobo).
15. Have I seized opportunities?
Sometimes I am not prepared for the opportunities that arise and that’s horrible because luck is 90 percent preparation and 10 percent chance! However, what I have the capability to do, I do seize..yes.  Example: I once went downtown with my sister and friend to meet someone in the afternoon and suddenly an opportunity arose to be a part of something.  I said yes no questions asked… I stayed up all night in downtown Vancouver outside in the cold , rainy weather without an umbrella or proper clothes, alone and not knowing a single person there or how I was going to get home and went to work the next morning at 7am straight just so I could take part.
16. Do I care about others?
Too much.
17. Do I spend enough time with my family?
You can never spend enough time with your family.  Never.  Everyone will realize this at one point or another.
18. Am I open-minded?
19. Have I seen enough of the world?
Same as #17, you can never see enough of the world.
20. Do I judge others?
Oh I love this question.  I never judge other people I firmly believe their choices and decisions are between them and God.  Unless they are a murderer or other such condemned individual.
21. Do I take risks?
22. What is my purpose?
To make other people smile?  To hopefully raise good children.
23. What is my biggest fear?
Being alone.
24. How can I conquer that fear?
I think you can’t.  If anyone knows how to please let me know.
25. Do I thank people enough?
Blah blah blahhhh I’m getting bored and so are you I’m sure… lets skip this one.
26. Am I successful?
Not yet
27. What am I ashamed of?
I won’t tell it’s personal and it involves someone else.
28. Do I annoy others?
Ask my sisters and my best friends haha.
29. What are my dreams?
To do what I like to do for the rest of my life.
30. Am I positive?
33. Does everything happen for a reason?
Yes, always.  I believe in fate and destiny and there is always something to be learnt from things that happen in this world.
34. What can I do to change the world?
Be the best me that I can be.
42. Do I care what others think about me?
Not enough to stop being myself.
50. What was the toughest time in my life?
It started on November 15th 2009 and hasn’t ended yet.  I’ll let you know when it does…
51. What was the easiest time in my life?
It started on Feb 26th or 27th 2007. 
53. What was the craziest thing I did?
Fall in love.
54. What is the craziest thing I want to do?
Fall in love again.
55. Do I procrastinate?
I’ll answer this question laterrrrr.
56. What is my greatest regret?
Not calling to speak to my grandparents enough.
57. What has had the greatest impact on my life?
58. Who has had the greatest impact on my life?
My mother and her mother.
59. Do I stand up for myself?
To the death.
61. Do I hold grudges?
Only one.
63. Do I listen to my heart?
Too much!?
66. Do I constantly dwell on the past?
If you live in the past isn’t it the present?
67. Do I let other people’s negativity affect me?
Yes.  I care too much about people.
68. Do I forgive myself?
Yes always.
69. When I help someone do I think “What’s in it for me”?
I can thankfully say that thought never crosses my mind.
70. Am I aware that someone always has it worse than me?
Yes, unfortunately I’m kind of a morbid person.

************SECOND QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**************

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? – NO ONLY BECAUSE THAT WOULD PROBABLY HURT HER FAMILY AND THAT WOULDN’T BE VERY NICE OF ME.
How do you flush the toilet in public?  WITH MY FOOT
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?  YES ALWAYS
Name one thing you worry about running out of. EYELASHES AND HAIR
What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? I’VE ACTUALLY GOTTEN LAUREN CONRAD FROM ENOUGH RANDOM PEOPLE TO OFFICIALLY SAY ITS HER.
What is your favorite pizza topping? PEPPERONI
Do you crack your knuckles? NO IT GIVES YOU ARTHRITIS
What song do you hate the most?  99 BOTTLES OF BEER
Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?  YOU ARE SO MEAN!
Peppermint or spearmint?  SPEARMINT
Where are your car keys?  WHERE IS MY CAR IS THE BETTER QUESTION
Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?  YOURS!  FEEL FREE TO COPY PASTE AND WRITE IN MY COMMENT.
Where did you last go on vacation?  LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA
What is your best physical feature?  MY BIG…CHEEKS.
What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?  MILK, EGGS AND BEER
What color are your bed sheets?  BLACK AND WHITE PRINT
Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?  HANDS FREE
What are your favorite sayings?  WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE’S A WAY
What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?  I CAN’T SING AND WON’T TRY.
If you could go back or forward in time,where would you go?  TO MARCH OR APRIL 2007 AND TO DEC 2000.
What do you do when no one is watching?  BLOG
If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?  PREITY ZINTA.
Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?  I WOULD RATHER DIE IN MY SLEEP BUT BEING A SIKH I WOULD BE HONOURED TO DIE FIGHTING FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN.
Coffee or Tea  GREEN TEA.
Have you ever been in love?  YES
Do you talk to yourself?  I THINK RIGHT NOW COUNTS.

Breakfast of Champions

A McChicken meal from McDonald's plus 6 pieces of chicken nuggets and Coke. So nourishing and satisfying. I also love how the title Nutrition facts is smudged with the grease stain from my fries.

I know it's a few days past Jan 1st but I do believe it's time for a change... a drastic one! My sister recently told me that my eating habits were consistent with those training to be Sumo wrestlers. How lovely. Actually, I do believe a Sumo wrestler has a healthier intake of food than I do, as they have personal trainers and dietiticians to assist them. They don't gorge on McDonald's, but they do gain weight by:

1.) Skipping breakfast, and eating their first meal at midday. After 8 hours of sleep, one should eat a healthy breakfast so as to increase their metabolism. In simple terms, if you deprive your body of food, it basically will kick into survival mode and your next meal will be stored as fat, because your body doesn't know how often you will be eating.

2.) Exercising on an empty stomach.

3.) Eating lunch and then taking a nap!

4.) Eating heavily before going to sleep. Once again, the body which typically slows down in the later hours of the day allowing you to rest, has to deal with the avalanche of nutrients that you just put in there, with insulin - thereby forcing their bodies to store it in cells as fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.

5. ) Last but not least, they always eat with others in a social atmosphere. Meals consumed with others often lead to a higher consumption of food intake than if you were to eat alone. You also tend to consume more fatty foods in a social setting.

All of the above is a description of my eating habits. I'm 107 pounds on a bad day and I'm 5ft 4inches tall. I'd say I'm a fairly thin girl on the outside, but inside I'm sure my arteries are as clogged as the next obese person. The thing with me is, I'm not consistent. Some days I wake up early, and have three to four huge meals a day as well as 8 hours of sleep. On other days I might have just one meal and a couple of snacks. I also have one of the most unbalanced diets ever and it consists heavily of meat with a few vegetables - purely for colour.

So what do I do now? Well, for starters, I declare that I will eat breakfast every day, and not the breakfast I had today morning! As for my last meal of the day it will have to be before 8pm.. I'd say 7 but that's just a tad unrealistic for me!

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