Just Accept The Compliment Goddamit.

I don’t know what it is with girls.  We are SO different from guys!

129167033986932671Guys are used to pumping themselves up.  Their self esteem increases in direct relation to the number they’re bench pressing.  They feel good when they’re making money, when they’re working out, when they’re picking up chicks, and when they’re DOING things.  They have no problem promoting themselves and bragging or boasting about how much they’re benchpressing, how much they’re making, how many numbers they’re getting, how many chicks they’re doing and …you get the point.  It’s all very measurable.  Girls can have an amazing body and STILL be complaining about their fat arms or small boobs. 

When a guy gives another guy a compliment like: “your arms are getting huge”, the guy who is on the receiving end of the compliment accepts it matter of factly.  He does NOT do what girls do and reject the compliment “my arms are nice whatt noo no look at this it’s so jigglyyyy *shake shake shake*”. 

Why is it that girls have such a hard time accepting compliments?  Not only is it stupid to point out your flaws if you really believe they are flaws, it’s detrimental to your self worth and esteem.  TAKE THE COMPLIMENT – ESPECIALLY, and I cannot stress this enough ESPECIALLY if a guy is giving it to you.  Don’t let it get to your head, but just thank him and accept it.  The more you point out your flaws the more he’ll end up believing you!  It will slowly sink into his head and then he might be like ya that’s right, your friend’s ass IS nicer than yours, or ya you’re right your hair really is messed up.  It’s true.  Trust me.