An Important Rant.

Why is it that death allows people to see someone for their true potential and WORTH?!?!?  It should start before someone dies!!

I’m sick of “kids” or young people in general being so cruel to other kids.  There are enough illnesses and accidents happening in the world without a parent needing their child to die because of a bully or out of jealousy.

It shouldn’t take DEATH for people to bond together.  We should ALWAYS be there as a community for each other, we should ALWAYS respect and recognize the potential and worth someone else has.  We should ALWAYS encourage each other and HELP each other.

I’m SICK of people talking sh*t behind people’s back, posting hate comments anonymously or posting stuff on websites about how people are “sluts”, “whores”, etc etc.

Murder is extreme, you completely take away someone’s life…like it’s WORTHLESS… but bullying and hating each other is the first step in throwing away someone’s worth!!!!!!!!!!! 

I’m disgusted at what my community has become.  ((By my community I mean people my age (all ethnicities)as well as Punjabi people from Vancouver/Surrey, and women))

All I know is that a majority of people who comment on how worthy someone was of living (after they have died) would probably have hated on that same person had they continued to live.  Think about it.  You know it’s true.

I’ve had so many friends who are simply trying to live their lives and try and make something of themselves and follow their dreams come up to me and tell me about all of these people who are hating on them and bringing them down.  If you’re from an ethnic minority, or you’re a WOMAN (which is a rare thing for some countries nowadays) please think twice before hating on someone else.  We get hated on enough as it is from the world… please don’t do it to each other.

Value human life, value each other, support each other, stop adding hits to stupid websites that serve no purpose other than to degrade and humiliate people, and just BE A BETTER PERSON!!!!

Just remember, you should ALWAYS defend someone who isn’t there to defend themselves!