Crabs in a bucket

Honestly I've written so much stuff on here that I don't remember right now if I've already written a post on this topic - if so forgive me but it's still worth writing about..

Sometimes even your closest friends and family can be crabs in a bucket - its a very blue collar/middle class mind set because it's hard for this social class (that I'm in as well) to take risks and to think big. Sometimes parents, friends - they're just scared, they're scared for you and they want you to be secure, have a nice little normal government job and live a normal life. It doesn't mean that they're bad people! They might act like crabs in a bucket and pull you down and even though they're doing it out of love - it's hard to deal with. Also if you're scared remember that fear is not a bad thing -a little fear is a survival instinct. Just don't let it take over your life.

They say if no one's laughing at your goals, then your goals just aren't big enough. Think big and even if you can find one person who believes that you can do it - keep that person close to you!! Touch base with them often. It might be a stranger, a random admirer on Twitter or Facebook or a friend that you're not all THAT close to...but they're there in your life for a reason. Remember that they believe in you and focus on that. Everything else will come around.

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