Untitled. Like the rest of your life.

People say where there is a will there is a way.  People say you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  People also say to be careful what you wish for, for it just might come true.
Sometimes in life you find yourselves at a crossroads.  You can choose the easy way out, or the hard way…which way will make you the happiest?
What if your dreams can come true?  What if you had the chance to make it happen?  Nothing in this world is for free, the question is are you willing to pay the price?  For some, pursuing their dreams and living their normal life is one and the same.  I have friends that dream of being accountants, or optometrists and they go about their daily lives while simultaneously pursuing their dream.  Others don’t have it so lucky, they want to act, they want to dance, they want to be lawyers or doctors and they might need to leave the country in order to expedite the process.  It takes a lot of guts to leave behind your friends and family.  It also takes paper.  Fat wads of cash baby.
For the people who would have to drop their family, friends and regular life - It’s so easy to stop yourself from doing what you want because no one has ever told you that you should, or because you don’t feel pretty enough or because you don’t have the time.  Dropping everything to follow your dreams is insanely difficult and you think, do I just not want it enough, because if I did wouldn’t I have gone for it? 
If you’re sitting there debating on what you should do, I say – DO IT.  Do what you always wanted to do.  Go for it!  At least you TRIED!  Make the rest of your life amazing.  Go for your dreams, eff everyone else.  Eff people who say you aren’t good enough, eff people who say you’re too fat, thin, tall, short whatever.  It’s easy for me to say this but yeah if you have the MOOLAH then do it.  Go for it – life is short but at the same time it’s long if you don’t put your own timeline on it.  You know: “find a guy at age 24, marry him by 26, first baby by 28” etc.  If you actually just LIVE your life and let things happen at their own pace you really have a lot of time!  Live a little.