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I Feel Fat


I have heard those three words uttered countless times.  If those words have never crossed your lips then I bet you’ve heard them said by a co-worker or friend.  Women similar to the three women in the above picture have probably said those three words irrespective of the fact that they have three vastly different body types. 

Newsflash people: FAT IS NOT A FEELING!

Emotions have the following parts: subjective feelings, physiological (body) responses, and expressive behaviour. If fat was a feeling it would have some kind of expressive behaviour.  Think about this: if you had to act out the feeling/emotion of sadness it would be easy.  You would maybe have some tears streaming down your face and your head down with an upside down smile. Now act out surprised: Eyes open, mouth open, eyebrows raised and hands to face. Now act out “fat”. All you may be able to do is puff out your cheeks or some other PHYSICAL interpretation/depiction of what being fat is but there is no emotion that is being expressed.  Be conscious of how you feel not how you look.  Looks are not everything!

When you Google: define: fat there is not one definition that includes a feeling or emotion.  So why do so many people say those words?  Am I suggesting that people should listen to this picture below instead?


No! The above picture is also a horrendous outlook to life.  Pretty is not an emotion.  Fat is not an emotion.  People really need to take a step back and realize that how they feel does not need to be directly related to how they think they look.  All “skinny” girls do not have awesome lives; likewise all “pretty” girls do not have perfect lives.  There is no guarantee that being thin or being gorgeous translates into happiness.  Instead of uttering the words “I feel fat”, I would like you to accurately assess your feelings because only then can you address the problem.  The problem is not your weight or your health, the problem is that you are possibly unhappy.  You may feel sad or lonely or depressed that you have gained weight or think you look bigger than you normally do, but you cannot “feel fat”. 

Too many people think that changing the way they look physically will change their lives and that they will become happier.  Do you really believe people who say: “I will be happy if only I had bigger breasts” actually become happy forever after surgery?  There will always be points in life when you feel that your body or face is not what you would want it to be, but it takes a change in attitude, not surgery to become truly happy.  I’m not saying I am opposed to surgery.  I’m saying that one should not depend on surgery or physical alterations to their body to change how they feel about themselves or to feel happier.  If you were truly overweight, your weight is not what leads you to be happy one minute and “feeling fat” the next.  Your weight is also not the root of your problem, just like the fact that credit cards and malls exist are not the root problem for a compulsive shopper.  The problem with “feeling fat” is the inner emotional state that the person is experiencing such as unhappiness, loneliness, anger, or depression; not the literal fatness.

I feel that it can only be a good thing when people begin to be conscious of the way they FEEL rather than directly relating how they feel to their LOOKS and physical appearance.  Next time, try not to “feel” a physical characteristic and actually state an emotion, you owe yourself that much!

What the….

Ok guys, makeup does wonders.  Granted you need a good base, but regardless, makeup can do WONDERS.  Check this chicka out.  Her name is Promise and you can check out her tutorials on Youtube HERE
No it’s not Angelina Jolie but it’s a darn good eye makeup job.
The girl is GORGEOUS.  I could totally tell she was doing an Angelina make up look without her having to mention it.

Honestly, I don’t even know how she does this, she manages to look like so many different celebrities and I think she has a million wigs?!
girl kim lkjh nicki ravvv taylor wow
Here she is without makeup:
Yeah.  I know. 
I just think it’s scary for people nowadays because everyone really is so fake and I’m not excluding myself from this.  Everybody is hiding something.  Push up bra’s, plastic surgery, contouring, extensions, eyelash extensions, lip injections, Spanx, contact lenses, hair dye, hair removal – I know for a fact some of you only had one eyebrow you big bunch of fakes reading this :P, tanning, laser treatments, cellulite reduction treatments… You can do a treatment for literally anything and everything.  Promise is beautiful don’t get me wrong, the more you look at JUST the picture of her without makeup (without comparing it to the fully loaded ones) she looks amazing.  She has high cheekbones, a straight nose, full lips, and gorgeous eyes.  I honestly just thought it was really cool that she could pull off such different looks and wanted to share it with you guys!
I wonder sometimes…where is this all bringing us as a society?  When will our quest for perfection end?  How soon will it be that plastic surgery becomes the norm for everyone (not just celebrities and the uber rich)?  Makeup for me is a presentable face.  It’s the polite thing to do.  I wear it when I work at my sales job most of the time, I wear it when I have to be on camera, I wear it when I’m going oot and aboot.  I don’t wear it if I’m just being me without needing to “present” myself to anyone.  I would never want to have the ability to put makeup on so “well” that I look completely different with it washed off.  Less is more!


If I Ever Became A Mother…

sharinsmom momsharin
I could not be like my mother.  Why?  I’m not that good/kind/nice.  I would not be selfless.  I don’t know anyone my age who would be selfless if they were to become mothers… we as a generation have become too selfish, too demanding.  My mother is someone I can’t even talk about on this blog because there is just too much emotion there.  *DISCLAIMER; The following is not a true story of ANYONE I know… just a scenario to explain why being a woman is freaking difficult so I may have borrowed or embellished things*
I just don’t understand the concept of being a mother.  Just imagine.  Not too long ago you’re a little girl walking around licking an ice cream cone and playing hop scotch (hopefully not at the same time).  You grow up, go out with your friends/family/sisters, learn how to cook… fall in love or somehow get married and then bam.  Your whole life is over.  It’s over for YOU… and now your whole life is put on the back burner/back seat/second fiddle to your children. 
Your children grow up thinking that their life is more important, that you should put everything on hold for them, and you do!  You wake up every morning, make tea for your husband, get his food and clothes ready, see your kids off to school, clean up the house, cook food for the family, pick your kids up from school, do the laundry, do the dishes, go to work maybe part time, come back, cook again and maybe just maybe get a spare hour for yourself to read a book or watch a tv program if you’re lucky and your daughter isn’t watching her PVR’d Gossip Girl episodes.
On top of the demands of a husband and the stresses of having a job and looking after a house financially and figuratively, you have to worry about your daughter wanting to go clubbing and being out with her friends at late hours of the night and how she is constantly busy doing one unusual or dangerous activity after another, then there’s your son wanting to join a fight club/MMVA type of club, your other two daughters are essentially good but you have three total and not one of them is married.  Then there’s the pain of losing your parents.  I mean, how do you handle the stress?  How do you find happiness?  When is it YOUR TURN to live????
It just seems like being a woman is so difficult.  Being a mother is so difficult.  I would love to be a mother one day let me just throw that out there, I think my life would be very odd if I never had children one day but I just think that it is an insanely difficult task.  One day you belong to your father and you have to listen to everything he says, then you belong to your husband and his family, then you bring up your children and then maybe your daughter in law and son don’t look after you (in an Asian type household) and you grow old and your daughters leave you to get married and live their own lives.  It just seems so sad.  When do you get to live for yourself?  When does a woman get to live for herself? 
I don’t want that to be my life.  I don’t want to belong to anyone or put my life on hold for anyone, ever.  That is a quality that I think good mothers have though…they are selfless and want the best for their children.  They put their children first.  They put their children’s happiness before their own. 
That is why I say, I can never be like my mother…

Final Season of The Hills!

I used to love watching this show.  Hearing Lauren Conrad’s voice.. the song in the beginning, the palm trees, the Hollywood sign..what’s not to love?  It was so cool to see these girls living a life that many girls including myself would want to live.  Lauren came from a well off family, was going to fashion school, working for Teen Vogue, partying, living in a big city, was pursuing her dream, and had cute boys as friends and even cuter clothes…it was the dream life.  She was likeable, relatable, she cared about her friends, she was down to earth, she made mistakes (yes, she will always be remembered as the girl who didn’t go to Paris) and she was losing her friend to a smarmy guy and couldn’t do anything about it.  It was electrifying television I tell you.  It was a show full of promises, it was youthful, and it was fresh.  As I sat down to watch the first episode of the final season the other day, I felt sick watching it.. where did it all go so wrong?
Why did I feel sick?  It kind of reminds me of this poem from the beginning of one of the best books ever: The Valley of the Dolls
You've got to climb to the top of Mount Everest
to reach the Valley of the Dolls.
It's a brutal climb to reach that peak,
which so few have seen.
You never knew what was really up there,
but the last thing you expected to find
was the Valley of the Dolls.
You stand there, waiting for
the rush of exhilaration
you thought you'd feel - but
it doesn't come.
You're too far away to hear the applause
and take your bows.
And there's no place left to climb.
You're alone, and
the feeling of loneliness is overpowering.
The air is so thin you can scarcely breathe.
You've made it - and the world says
you're a hero.
But it was more fun at the bottom
when you started,
with nothing more than hope and
the dream of fulfillment.
All you saw was the top of that mountain -
there was no one to tell you
about the Valley of the DOlls.
But it's different
when you reach the summit.
The elements have left you battered,
deafened, sightless - and too weary
to enjoy your victory.
- Jacqueline Susann, Valley of the Dolls
I felt sick watching it because of Heidi Montag.  She started off as a sweet girl, full of spunk and brimming with confidence.  She looked fresh faced and cute… Now, she’s a completely different person!  The allure of fame and living in LA has ruined her.  How is it good television to see someone fall apart?  I’ll admit it’s morbidly fascinating, and while that may help ratings, it leaves one with a bitter aftertaste in their mouth and that’s not good.  I just kept shaking my head in sadness and pity when I saw Heidi and her mom having their conversation in Heidi’s hometown.  I feel so bad for Heidi’s mom it’s crazy.  I can’t imagine how she feels, to see her daughter change so rapidly over just a few years and morph into someone who has succumbed to the pressures of living in LA.  It’s a horror story.  The Hills is supposed to resemble a fairy tale, not a horror story!  It’s become something that I would imagine a parent would show a child if the child said they want to become famous.  “Do you want to turn out like Heidi Montag?  Look what happened to her…it’s an evil world out there kiddo”
The episode really made me sick, Heidi’s plastic surgery nightmare, seeing her mom’s pain and sadness (I DO NOTTT WANT TO SEE A MOMMY CRYING ON TV! IT’S JUST TOO SAD!), watching Kristen do shot after shot, drug abuse accusations… it was too much I was cringing the whole way through the show.  I think to have fame and to go for a dream and enter a world that is cut throat, you need to be strong, level headed and grounded or you’ll just get chewed up and spit out.  Heidi got screwed and it truly is sad to watch.  The show used to have a point, it was about a girl pursuing her dream.  There is no point to the show anymore other than to watch all their lives derail. 

From the Vault = Ash Verve Photoshoot

Before you all start pouncing on me, I happen to think Aishwarya Rai looks beautiful in both pictures (it’s hard not to when you look like her cough I’m biased cough).  I thought it’d be great to post this because it’s just enlightening to see the work and effort that goes into a photo shoot (not so much of it is the retouching but body positioning and lighting help to get that magic shot).
In the picture above, Aishwarya has bags under her eyes, a looser neck than in the picture below, wider body positioning, bigger boobs, a slight furrow or tension in her forehead and a crumply
dress.  In the picture below, her arm size has definitely been reduced, her entire frame is smaller than in the above picture and it looks like she’s been positioned further back, her dress is fixed, her boobs look more “streamlined” shall we say, her eyebags have been reduced – although they are still there, the tension in her forehead is still there but because of the way she is posing you can’t really see much.  Her pose in the second picture is a million times better than the first picture, as she looks considerably less “hefty” and a lot more delicate.
I def think she looks older in the above picture, but wow she looks so breathtaking!  The second picture, while tightened and more youthful, does seem a little robotic and plasticky to me.  I wish more magazines would release untouched images from photoshoots… they are very enlightening!

Seriously, people?!

I cannot believe this product exists!
So I was in the bathroom at school one day putting on some makeup when a pretty girl who looked like a shorter version of Zhang Ziyi walked in. She whipped out her makeup bag and we smiled at each other through the mirror. Then she pulled out this weird looking eyelash curler. I stared at it for so long trying to figure out what it was but couldn’t figure it out. She took out what looked like white nail polish and raised the brush towards her face, and caught my eye in the mirror. Embarrassed, I looked away, packed up my stuff and left the bathroom. I was super curious and it always kind of bugged me that I never asked her what it was that she was going to do.
My curiosity ended when I came across this YouTube video that I have posted. I can’t believe people are so obsessed with having a double eyelid that they’re willing to put glue on their eyelids, and poke and prod at it. I have a huge lid and it’s super deep and sunken in, and I absolutely hate how I can’t do a “smokey eye” effect with eye shadow because it would just look like I got punched in the eye because my eyes are so deep set. I remember always admiring Asian girls because they always had amazing eye makeup and it always looked so sexy, seductive and gave them this mysterious quality, whereas I always looked like a baby doll.
I just think this is really weird, and it makes me sad that so many people feel this way about their eyes. It’s not like regular plastic surgery where one girl or guy feels bad about their appearance and wants to get plastic surgery done. That is small because it is on such a personal level. This is major, because it’s a huge percentage of my generation that feel that they need to change a feature that is racially identifiable. It’s a HUGE problem! I don’t know why so many people feel this way, but it freaks me out. I really don’t know what to say about this whole thing but it saddens me. Let me know what you think…More on this to come!

It's Britney, B*tch!

Ok I gotta admit, I am a HUGE Britney fan. During her "Hit Me Baby One More Time" days I used to see her giggling, girly, blonde self in interviews and roll my eyes, hating on everything she'd say, but I never once changed the channel if she was on tv. Something about her life has always fascinated me. Britney became such a huge sensation. After Princess Diana, I would say Britney was the iconic blonde of my generation (bottle blonde or not). It seems odd to say Princess Diana and Britney in one sentence but you have to admit, they were both iconic, albeit in very different ways. Madonna is the only other singer I could compare Britney too, her image was as racy, but always in a kinky, erotic, contrived way. Britney, on the other hand, screamed sex, yet in such a innocent, American cheerleader way. She had a huge impact on girls all over the world, as well as pop culture.

The latest Britney news, is that she is lending her face and name to Candie's, available at Kohl's department stores. Now I've been reading my US magazines, and I'm pretty dang sure that I saw Britney's flubber coming out of her Circus tour costumes. Now I'm not saying she's giganto-woman anymore or anything, but she definitely doesn't have the body of her pre-pregnancy-mental trauma self any longer. So what's with the Candie's ads? Retouching is cool and all but I just think that when it's so obviously fake, there's just no point! The executive vice prez of Kohl's stated that: "The new Candie's advertising campaign featuring Britney Spears is authentic, relevant and designed to resonate with our junior shopper." Authentic? Hmmm, not the best choice of words! Whatever the case, it's great to see Britney back, hot and fabulous. I swear my entire life went off kilter when Britney, the girl that symbolized hotness as I grew up, shaved her head and started attacking things with umbrellas. Shiver.

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
And to a man
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees.
I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing of my waist
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say
It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care.
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
- Maya Angelou

In my opinion, being comfortable with your sexuality is a great thing. I love being a woman, and I absolutely love Maya Angelou's poem, "Phenomenal Woman", because I feel like it embodies who I am as a person. On some occasions I do feel like showing off my body, like when I wear a sari that's maybe more revealing than the conventional sari, or if I'm going out for a night on the town but always in a manner where there is still some mystery. I think now is the time to show off and appreciate (in a classy manner) what I have because it's all downhill from here, right?!

On the other hand though, I think that, like the woman that Maya Angelou describes, I don't need to shout or jump about, and I like having that "inner mystery". I think girls who reveal too much of themselves are "shouting" for attention, and although they might think that they're being modern women, and that they're very feminist in their thinking of being free and open sexually, I feel that it actually is oppressive. There is a difference between loving and respecting your body, and vying for attention from men (which is what I feel is oppressive). At the end of the day, when women wear ultra revealing clothing, yes it looks hot, yes we feel sexy, confident, brazen, self assured and powerful...but truthfully the only reason we feel that way is because we know that men find us hard to resist in those clothes. By "those clothes" I mean clothes like a school girl's uniform, a dress that looks like "that" dress by Versace (the one that J-Lo wore when she was J-Lo)...something totally revealing and something that leaves very little for the imagination.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love being a woman, I love being able to wear clothes that make me feel sexy, but at the same time, I think some girls show off too much of their body, or are too brazen in their attitude towards things like sex. Some things are meant to be private, and I feel that when celebrities such as Angelina and Megan Fox talk about their sex lives, it is meant to titillate the reader and make us (or more specifically, make men) view them as objects of sexual desire, as that is the image they want to present. I just feel like that brings us backwards as women, and that I would rather be known for other things, but I guess that's just me.

I would never call or badmouth another girl and call them a slut, because I believe that girls who generally act like men, are called sluts, skanks, whores, etc. I don't understand what the double standards are about nor do I wish to endorse them. Why are women called such things? I don't feel that women who are simply happy or comfortable with their bodies and sexuality are called derogatory words, I think it's a lot more complicated than that. One can't say that only women that are confident and comfortable with their sexuality are called such things because there are plenty of women out there, who are young and old, that are totally comfortable with themselves, yet they still conduct themselves in a classy manner, and are never thought of by society as being a "slut", or "skank". I suppose the majority of women who are called those words, are women who are very vocal about sexual matters, or wish to portray themselves in that manner by constantly wearing clothes that are meant to titillate the audience, and in that regard there is no double standard for me because I would feel that a male was equally tacky if he was to be extremely vocal about his sexual prowess. I feel that you can be confident and happy with your body, but that doesn't mean that you need to constantly let other people know or put your body up for display every time you go out.

When I see or hear of a girl participating in a lingerie show at a club, competing in a wet t-shirt contest, or kissing other girls when the Katy Perry song comes on, I don't sit and think "Wow that's great, this girl is really comfortable with her sexuality and that's such a great thing for women all over the world". I do however think that she needs to grow up and realize that you can be a confident and sexy person, without subjugating yourself to becoming a hormone-ridden teenage boy's fantasy for the night.

Good from Far, Far from Good.

While viewing pictures of the FHM Style Icon Awards I came across the thumbnail picture of Aarti Chabbria and thought, wow, she's looking pretty good! Then I clicked on the picture and KABLAMO...the phrase good from far, far from good came to mind.

I just do not understand this. She's an above average looking girl with nice skin, hair and a nice body... WHY do you HAVE to pack on the makeup and wear contacts? We know you weren't born with baby blue eyes, and we're not going to think you look any better because you have them on, we're just going to look and think "contacts!".

Ok, I guess the contact thing I can overlook because she doesn't usually wear them (just Google Aarti Chabbria if you don't know her), and I'm ok with her wearing them just to change things up and have some fun. If she does start wearing them all the time (like a certain ex Miss India Universe *cough Celina Jaitley cough* ) I'm going to have to go to Mumbai and hold an intervention for all the starlets and wannabe actresses out there. I'm so sick of the whole coloured contacts seems like every model and actress in India is sporting them and it's like that whole culture is obsessed with looking Caucasian. If you flip through an Indian magazine and look at all the models, 90% are Indian and have coloured contacts on, and the other 10% are Caucasian. Not to mention most of the ads are Indian girls advertising skin lightening creams with contacts on.. as if all Indian girls are suddenly going to have light skin and green eyes by putting on some Fair & Lovely. *Rolls eyes*.
I wish Asians would get over the obsession of looking like a Caucasian person... we don't need to do eyelid surgery, nor do we need to use skin lightening creams. Tans are hot! (And this girl really needs to find a foundation shade that matches her true skin tone.)

What Recession?

Sigh, to be David Beckham's wife would be a dream come true. Hours and hours of massages, manicuring, pedicuring, shopping, botox treatments, picking up three amazingly cute kids, not eating, and then coming home to my hot hubby...ah... the dream life - except for the not eating part (hello, previous post about Pretzels and McDonalds!).

Seriously though, Queen Victoria Beckham a.k.a Posh Spice clearly lives in her own little world, one in which there is no recession, and no qualms about money. Here she is seen showing off a Christmas gift from David, a Hermes Himalayan Birkin.

What's so special about this bag? It happens to be one of only three in the world, it has diamond hardware (most noticeably a 3 carat diamond on the lock), and the waitlist for this bag has been closed. Those that were lucky enough to be put on the waitlist have to wait at least four years. According to the Dailymail the price tag is a staggering $120, 000USD.

While I would covet a Birkin, this one is a little too OTT...even for me. I just don't think I would ever feel comfortable wearing or receiving such an ostentatious gift. If I were married to David, I think breakfast in bed from my hubby would suffice as an amazing Christmas present ;)

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