What the….

Ok guys, makeup does wonders.  Granted you need a good base, but regardless, makeup can do WONDERS.  Check this chicka out.  Her name is Promise and you can check out her tutorials on Youtube HERE
No it’s not Angelina Jolie but it’s a darn good eye makeup job.
The girl is GORGEOUS.  I could totally tell she was doing an Angelina make up look without her having to mention it.

Honestly, I don’t even know how she does this, she manages to look like so many different celebrities and I think she has a million wigs?!
girl kim lkjh nicki ravvv taylor wow
Here she is without makeup:
Yeah.  I know. 
I just think it’s scary for people nowadays because everyone really is so fake and I’m not excluding myself from this.  Everybody is hiding something.  Push up bra’s, plastic surgery, contouring, extensions, eyelash extensions, lip injections, Spanx, contact lenses, hair dye, hair removal – I know for a fact some of you only had one eyebrow you big bunch of fakes reading this :P, tanning, laser treatments, cellulite reduction treatments… You can do a treatment for literally anything and everything.  Promise is beautiful don’t get me wrong, the more you look at JUST the picture of her without makeup (without comparing it to the fully loaded ones) she looks amazing.  She has high cheekbones, a straight nose, full lips, and gorgeous eyes.  I honestly just thought it was really cool that she could pull off such different looks and wanted to share it with you guys!
I wonder sometimes…where is this all bringing us as a society?  When will our quest for perfection end?  How soon will it be that plastic surgery becomes the norm for everyone (not just celebrities and the uber rich)?  Makeup for me is a presentable face.  It’s the polite thing to do.  I wear it when I work at my sales job most of the time, I wear it when I have to be on camera, I wear it when I’m going oot and aboot.  I don’t wear it if I’m just being me without needing to “present” myself to anyone.  I would never want to have the ability to put makeup on so “well” that I look completely different with it washed off.  Less is more!
