2018. Right. (I forgot to post this back in Jan)

"RIGHT." Does blogger do gifs? I hate this platform... sorry Blogger but you are the WORST. I'm going to make a new blog, but not sure if it should be on Tumblr or Wordpress, or if it should be on here still when I want to chat, or have the new blog be mostly Bollywood related??? I dunnerr.. I just dunner. Waddya think? Is anyone still there?...  I'm almost afraid to type on this one, I don't want the crazies to come out of the woodworks again and start stalking me and creating fake facebook accounts or instagram accounts like he/she/they(?) used to.I still don't even know who those people were? Like.. someone someone's ex girlfriend turned current fiancĂ© who thought I was with their ex bf soon to be fiancĂ©? Something like that. Or perhaps the scorned suitor? I dunner. I don't even remember half of it but when I look through some of my comments from this blog (that USED to be called queensharin.com but I seem to have lost that domain and it's now selling fake sunglasses, so my blog is back to the original title arousalofthemind.blogspot.com) I'm like whoa.. so. much. drama. It's pronounced drah-mer btw not dram-ah. Anyway I'm super irrelevant now so I think I'm safe... Right, anyway what was I saying...https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/ce/23/efce23e7f1d5d8b993240b3af7272897.gif
It's 2018, and I have a bucket load of memories from the last few years (and obviously throughout most of the rest of my life as well). 2015 and 2016 were hands down the best years of my life so far. 2014 was really good too (not as good as '15 and '16 but it was a great pre-cursor. In many ways it was a little set up, tee-up, whatever sports terms you want to use, for '15/'16). And 2013, I mean who even cares. So back to 2017, it was alright. When you have those amazing, life defining, life changing, supremely happy, where you're the happiest you've ever been and you KNOW it and you KNOW you'll never feel that way again times, you know that all you can do is be grateful that even happened  So nothing would live up to those two years, where all of my worldly possessions filled inside just two suitcases, but it was a solid year all the same. I moved to another city again, I rented an apartment and then filled it up with a bunch of things that I have serious anxiety about owning now. Like omg. What if I want to move to Tokyo? What am I going to do with all this STUFF?! But still it's kind of nice being like hey.. here's my couch people and it's not even from Ikea. That's I-kee-ur btw, not IkeAH. If you want to be pals you have to nail the lingo.On top of that I did get to see my family more this year which is also nice and we have a new addition, Jeeyana Kaur Mann. So all in all, I feel too blessed to talk about anything, and just wanted to wish you all a Happy new year. 


I often get asked, why I don't write as much. I do write. I get asked this question from people who I've known for a long time, people that have seen me grow up and have followed me and supported me on my journey. First, to you I say thank you. You know who you are!

But yes, I do write still! I write in journals, I write in my Notes on my phone, I write long emails or long letters or I just write in my head (if that's a thing....).  I'm a huge fan of letters, but I'm a little bit cautious of them because I don't want to jinx myself so I tend to write in my journal now as if I'm writing to that person; and then I just keep it to myself.

I've learnt that not everything can be communicated or needs to be communicated/said. You may need to express yourself, but not necessarily to the person who caused you to feel this way. It's your journey, not theirs. This can be both when a person makes you feel good and when a person makes you feel bad.

Say a person makes you feel good. What about that feeling is about them, and what about that feeling is about you? In my opinion it's largely about you and how you need that feeling, validation, or that emotion, or that love, or that kindness, or that understanding at that time. You are the one who is in that prime spot of needing or wanting or enjoying that emotion and that's why you feel good. So, say you like someone, and they compliment you. You will react positively and feel great and think YES. Say you don't like someone and they compliment you, you'll likely be a little irritated and wish that person would just leave you alone or not engage with you because you don't like them. Other people cannot make you feel good. You have to allow or want or need that feeling and you are the one who chooses the people that can make you feel good.

Your reaction to things is 100% your responsibility. So... if you are happy because someone made you feel happy - it's because you were ready and willing to accept it. My point is - the sole responsibility of your happiness does not derive from someone else. It truly lies with you. You are actually the only person that can make you happy. This isn't a unique thought, many people say this all the time "You're in control of your happiness" etc etc. My point though is the opposite (negative statement) - that someone else is not in control of your happiness. That someone else is not in control of your sadness or the bringer of happiness/sadness into your life. You aren't lovable because you are loved, you are loved because you are lovable and open to being loved. The difference between the "you're in control of your happiness" and "someone else is not in control of your happiness" is that the former sounds very optimistic and idealistic and the latter is the blatant truth. Mr. Whoever or New Job, or New Car is not the reason why you're happy. YOU are the reason why you're happy. Likewise, Mr Whoever, or Job or Money is not the reason why you're sad. YOU are the reason why you're sad. Telling someone they're in control of their happiness is not the same thing as telling someone that the factors in their life is not the reason why they feel happy or sad. It's a subtle but important shift of focus.

So, when you are in a relationship - stop thrusting all your happy emotions on them or they'll feel terribly burdened with the responsibility of keeping you happy. Stop expressing every single emotion that you feel to that person because it's YOUR emotion. You may need to express emotions but it doesn't have to be TO that person. They are adding to your happiness, but it's your responsibility to be happy.

That's what I've learnt so far in life, that there are many blessings to look out for and many people that add to your joy and happiness. Ultimately it is up to you to open up to this and to own it. Don't put the burden of keeping you happy on someone else because that's a false way to live. Just be happy, on your own, and share your happiness and accept the additions to that happiness from others.

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