Beyonce VMA take 2 and the word Feminism

I need to explain, I heard so much about how Beyonce slayed everyone and I was really expecting this epic, life changing performance and then felt completely let down when I watched it.  I liked her SuperBowl performance way better.

That being said, a lot of what I said yesterday needs to be put in perspective.  Beyonce is HUGE, she's a huge role model for women, she is a huge artist, complete superstar and a woman that has always been so fiercely real, so empowered, so womanly and always evolving as an artist.  That means that sometimes, I have too high of an expectation from her (as women always do of each other I can't decide if that's a good thing or bad), she's the only female artist I have an expectation of.  No one else.

SO, while I was feeling really annoyed by her dancers and a lot of the elements I said yesterday, that's not to say that I didn't like stuff.  I realized that to people who don't know how I feel about Beyonce it could come across as too nit picky and too hateful.  I give her all of the props for what she's done to empower women and what she is as a performer and as an artist.

I think a reason that people feel so strongly about her performances is because here you have a woman who is completely in tune with her sexuality, and this sexuality is being displayed in such an in your face manner that you can either take it as 1) she's sexualizing herself and that's negative because she out of all artists doesn't need to do this or 2.) she's not letting people put her in a box, you don't have to be ashamed of your sexual side, she's free, she's empowered.

About her performance at the VMA's - I felt enough to want to write something about it, speak something of her performance and that is what an artist does - they make you feel something.  She is a complete artist and what she does is commendable and she deserves respect.  I think for me lines just get blurred as to - what is she doing for the shock value/money and what is she doing for herself.  Like how much of what she is doing because it's what sells.

Moving past that, I think what is absolutely amazing is that she brought the F word back.  The dreaded F word that females these days seem to want to avoid being called "Feminism".  Words are powerful and just having that in the background makes you think about it.

When you have women like Nicki Minaj do the complete opposite of what Beyonce does on the regs, and on the same stage it's harder to really "get" what B is doing and what B is trying to say because it sort of looks the same.... but it's very, very different.

Kim Kardashian and her brother Robert

Kim Kardashian.  The name alone evokes very strong feelings from people.

A lot of people hate on Kimberly Noel Kardashian West, or 'Kim' as she's more popularly known as.

She's deemed "a whore" and more than that (unworthy tag); worse, she's deemed a "talentless" individual.

Her main offence?  She has a sex tape that was made with her then boyfriend Ray J.  Ray J of course doesn't seem to share this "whore" title even though he is an equal partner in the sex tape scandal (#misogyny)!  Ray J emerges virtually unscathed, actually he emerges even more infamous and popular than he ever would have been because he "hit it first".  While Ray J can brag about his conquests to the point where he even raps about it, Kim has to apologize and live with this stigma for the rest of her life.  Why, you ask?  Because she is a woman.  Woman are often painted as either whores, angels or victims of the whims of men, they are very rarely portrayed as masters of their own fate and strong decision makers, but anyway, back to Kim.

Never mind that she had sex with her boyfriend, never mind that there are countless of adults in America (primarily) that actually have sex on camera for a living but are never famous yet "Kim is famous only because she had a sex tape".  Never mind that she worked for her father when she was young and was taught to have a hard work ethic and about working for what you want in life (her father constantly made her sign agreements and contracts so that she understood the values of what she was receiving such as a car to drive).  Never mind that she's worth approximately $65 million dollars, never mind that she has clothing lines, perfume lines, was one of the first celebrities to monetize their social network feeds (she apparently gets paid about $10,000 per sponsored tweet), never mind that she's marketed herself successfully for 7 years, but I digress.

I by no means think that she is a perfect human being; my point is that she is a human being - one that has good qualities and flaws.  Yes, she capitalized on her sex tape, her sex appeal and posed naked for Playboy and W Magazine, yes this did not help prudes who would rather deem a non Caucasian with a big ass as instantly "slutty" .  Ray J also rapped about it and capitalized on this in his own way.  Ray J is not a mogul superstar or cultural icon.  I find it so sad that people would rather believe someone who is literally known around the globe is 'talentless' and 'stupid'.  You don't become famous world wide for whatever reason for this many years if you're talentless or stupid.  It's just too simple and so much easier not to mention convenient for (yes I'm going to say this) unintelligent people to believe that a beautiful and famous woman is stupid.  If she was stupid, you would not know who she was, and if you were smart, maybe you would realize that!  Her sex tape came out in 2007, it is now 2014 for those of you who do not have a calendar; a stupid person who had (bad) sex on camera with an E list celeb would not STILL be in the news, still be relevant and still have a CAREER that is minting her more money this year than ever before.

Some background - Kim worked for her father in his law firm, she also started to earn some pocket money by buying and selling clothes on Ebay, she then moved on to becoming a stylist for her friend Paris Hilton and Brandy (Ray J's sister).  Mind you, she was born into an affluent family, there was no reason at all for Kim to start working at a young age - I know people who live in my area that hadn't worked a day in their lives at the age of 25 because their parents paid for everything and were muchhhh less well off than Kim's parents were, yet these are the same types of people that would call Kim "a slut comma bro".

Let's contrast this with her brother Robert.  Robert has a degree and went to the University of Southern California.  Rob does not have a sex tape and is known because of his famous sister Kim.  Rob had a sock line that didn't do very well, has never had a steady job, is severely overweight and rumoured to be addicted to drugs, and more recently has received some tough love from big sister Kim who is actually getting flak for not "supporting her brother" and apparently being "self obsessed".  I'm sorry, why is it that men are supposed to be coddled, nurtured and given special treatment?

If Robert took a page, just one page out of Kim's book he would have 1.) not consumed copious amounts of alcohol leading to other drugs - Kim does not drink alcohol, on multiple episodes, by multiple accounts Kim is described by her sisters and loved ones as a "boring" person as she doesn't like to party, doesn't drink a lot, and doesn't party hard.  I've seen this on episodes of the show and it has remained consistent through the years, you have never seen a picture of Kim Kardashian wasted, trashed, flashing her inner wear or frivolously spending her life partying.  She has been as always all about WORK.  She has always been very aware of her looks, body, appearance as she should be being as this is what she is paid for, but she's always been professional about it and taken it very seriously as this is her job.  That is respectable behaviour in my eyes.

This speaks as a testament to the hard working individual she is.  If Robert had taken a page out of Kim's book he would 2.) Move forward in his life.  Kim has had MULTIPLE failed marriages, has been a public ridicule from people who deemed her to be a "lesser" human being (because being snobby is sexy cough Beyonce cough), has faced multiple ups and downs with her weight most recently due to her forming a life inside of her (no big deal douchebag males and women haters of the world) because she was pregnant, and has always had to deal with this absurd amount of hatred.  I mean if I were to excuse any celebrity for being hated on and then becoming a drug addict - it would be Kim Kardashian!  She has one of the most valid reasons for becoming a failure, yet she continues to strive on, make herself relevant, commits herself to her professional agreements, is responsible and clearly must be smart - at the very least smart enough to hire the right people and listen to them (although I very highly doubt that is all she is smart at doing) and continues to (after multiple hot people arriving on the scene as they do every year) be relevant, current, smart, successful, hard working, image conscious and still nice enough to be respectful and nice to her fans (I've never heard a story of her being a b*tch to a fan).

Power to Kim Kardashian, power to anyone who is smart enough to capitalize on their strengths, who has an entrepreneurial spirit, who worked for their coin, who is real enough and secure enough to call people out on their failures (swear to God if my younger brother became an addict and had the same failures as a man and wasn't listening or trying to change themselves I would and I pray HOPE to be strong enough to deliver the necessary tough love that Kim has stated in interviews).  I am SICK of people coddling Males, massaging their egos and walking on eggshells with them.  I'm sick of people being like "boys will be boys" and "he'll learn on his own you can't tell him what to do" and "he'll make his own mistakes" and "let him figure it out", "you can't say that he'll be crushed, he'll lose all his confidence, he'll rebel, he'll push away, he'll act out" because you know what, No One says that about females.  Females are always so controlled so regulated so expected to be accommodating and strong and understanding, so expected to look out for the members of their family, so with it so together so understanding about what you say to them and this is why they're so strong.

Basically if you couldn't understand my points were that 1.) everyone is so misogynistic 2.) people are smarter than you give them credit for 3.) males need to toughen up.

Ok bye. :D 

What If

There are really soul mates?

What if you really only fall truly in love once?

What if you will never forget someone?

Hard to explain what I mean but I've seen it first hand, life forces you to keep going, to keep on keeping on.  It's annoying, but I guess I just mean..   Anyway.. here's this awesome scene from this awesome movie:

I know that I will always be ok in life because I know how life is like, but what if... what if... it's true? What if people are just dumb and you don't ever end up with your real "soulmate".

I wrote this Jul 31 2014. Things have changed since then...

I wrote this Jul 31 2014 and never posted it.  I should have posted it, this is why I write... to document my life, express my feelings properly and without censoring.  I feel bad that I didn't post this so.. here we go.  It's so interesting to me to realize that small changes have occurred.  I suppose I'll write another blog post soon.

I've always been a self proclaimed "extremist" (see HERE) but even I have grown tired of the roller coaster of emotions that I go through.

I'm tired.  I always have my eyes on the people close to me.  I'm always like "are they ok, are their feelings hurt, are they tired, are they stressed, did I go too far in pushing them to do something productive, am I hurting their ego, should I be more caring versus tough love, should I be more disconnected and let them figure their own thing out, did I act too upset (even if I feel upset) and do they now know that I'm upset but I don't want them to feel like they upset me because then they'll feel bad and I don't want them to feel bad because I know they mean well or they didn't mean to hurt me"... I'm just always so concerned with having everyone around me be ok and be good, and of course that's just trying it's not always successful but I am very mindful of other people's feelings (of those close to me).

I may not need anything from anyone but it's just that sometimes I get really tired.  Like today, I'm tired.  I'm stressed, I've tried to do what I do every day and be happy and chill and be positive and not dwell... like I'm REALLY good now at just being like "No Sharin, you have to be happy" and switch off and find happiness somewhere.  I CHOOSE to be happy but sometimes you want to be able to just lie on someone's chest and have them stroke your hair while actually UNDERSTANDING you.

I've grown used to being alone.  I occupy my time with work, books, TV, magazines, and hanging out with friends as much as I can.  And then laughably I actually get random calls from people sometimes who tell me stuff like "you're actually a nice girl, I know people talk shit about you but you're actually nice".. like what??..1. people still talk about me, and 2. they have ill things to say? how confusing!  If only they knew I spent the last weekend re-reading Harry Potter 6 and 7 ;).

Whether it's in a funny YouTube video or reading a tabloid magazine to distract me, I've learnt to depend on myself and only myself to be my friend.   I watch movies by myself, I have eaten in restaurants alone, I can go somewhere alone after work and sit for a bit, at this point I can't even visualize myself travelling the world with anyone.  I would have to go alone.  There's always going to be someone who says "oh everybody does that it's not a big deal".  It's not.  It's not a big deal.  I'm just saying a lot of people have that person that they can discuss their shitty or good day with or talk about a coworker or talk about the person in front of them in line or talk about their dreams or talk about their failures or talk about whatever.  Even now even though I'm a little down I know I have NO right to be down, I personally know someone who is dealing with so much and in the most painful way and she's so strong about it outwardly that I feel no right to even write this blog post.  I never feel like I have the right to b*tch about something.  I'm always apologizing to myself, to others about how I feel or what I'm thinking.. or thinking that I don't have the right to feel a certain way.  Again, it's tiring, I'm tired.

I do have to say that my mother is my greatest source of comfort and pure love.  Although she is usually the person that I argue with the most and I often get the emotional backlash of her frustrations (that are always totally warranted), she is the person who has my back for 99.9% of situations lol (the other 0.1 percent being my desire to be a vagabond drunk hippie flower artist living in Mumbai).

I just feel like I can't leave until I know everyone is going to be ok.  I need to know that everyone I care about will be ok.

People are Messed Up!

How messed up are people these days?

I recently heard of Sabina Altynbekova (I'll wait while you go Google her since I know that's what you're doing right now)... a 17 year old Volleyball player who has recently been proclaimed "too hot" for Volleyball.

She's from Kazakhstan, went to Taiwan to play Volleyball with her team and instead of being appreciated for her skills; she's now an Anime character, has multiple Facebook pages and profiles devoted to her, has been offered modelling contracts and is international news.  She's SEVENTEEN FREAKING YEARS OLD.  Seriously, you go to watch a Volleyball game and instead become infatuated by a high school child????????  You're a sicko!

This is just so bizarre.  Not that this would EVER happen to me but I'm sure if this ever happened to me I would be 1.) Flattered beyond f*ck and then 2.) Extremely mortified by the level of attention and wished I could crawl into a hole because my parents would be like.. wtf is wrong with the world.

It's kind of like when you go out dressed casually with your Dad and a bunch of creeps stare at you!  It's awkward as hell, your Dad gets mad, you FEEL LIKE IT'S YOUR FAULT even though it's not.

You know, this girl is beautiful(!!!)... she's so beautiful that she deserves a modelling contract, international fame, anime characters based off of her and millions of fans.  Do you know what else she deserves?  She deserves to be able to pursue an education/a degree, athletics, a normal life, other ambitions that she may have without feeling pressured to accept this "once in a lifetime opportunity of becoming a model".  You can be beautiful and still have a life without feeling the pressure to succumb to what society dictates you should be simply because you are aesthetically pleasing.
Ok - I have to add - I saw a "Sourcefed" video on YouTube which is how I came to know of this, clicked on another YouTube video to see what the deal was and then laughed my butt off at the amount of deluded people in the world!

Seriously, people are so confused.  Most people are commenting about how she's an Asian supermodel in the making and are curious as to why people are commenting saying "mash'Allah" in the comments!!!!!  Seriously do you not realize that 1.) Kazakhstan IS IN ASIA 2.)  She is likely Muslim as Kazakhstan is a predominately Muslim country.  ???  Again, people are messed UP!

Rape.. Oh no I mean Drugs, Drake n Chris Brown, the World Cup.. Interesting topics ;)

I'm writing this post 46 seconds into watching this YouTube video:

I'm crying (big surprise I'm the most emotional crier I know).  I have been in more situations than I would like to mention, in horrid and truly terrifying moments where I thought - this is it, I'm going to be raped, this is the end, this person is going to kill me.

I am not exaggerating.  These are the thoughts that run through a woman's head when she is out, when she is alone, when someone looks at her the wrong way, when someone leers at her, when she's had a few drinks, when she realizes that any man who wants to can overpower her, when she's in a cab and the cab driver makes a turn she wasn't expecting, when her phone battery is dead and she's out, when she gets lost, when she goes on a date with someone who she wasn't too sure with, when she's in a public bathroom that doesn't have anyone else in it and she hears the door open, when she's on the Skytrain and someone won't leave her alone, when she gets off at a bus stop and someone who was staring at her gets off the same stop, when she hears someone running behind her and she's on a street walking and the sun has set and no one is around, when she's in a parking lot walking to her car and the only other person is a male and he's walking close to you, when you're at a party and someone keeps pressuring you to walk with them or go somewhere with them, when someone you know is supposed to "drop you off" but are ambling around and giving you really creepy vibes, when you're at a college party and someone is dropping you off at your dorm, when you're on a camping trip and someone is walking you to your tent under a guise of being nice and helpful but you don't really trust them, when you have to ask someone else to come along with you, when you are travelling in a foreign country and you're trying to book a room somewhere, when you're on a Vegas trip with your friends and you have to call security because someone you met casually just won't stop banging down your door and terrifying your friends after you told them no.  Whew.

There are a myriad of situations in which a woman will have that one blinking second (or more) of pure fear, of pure terror, of the thought of being raped.

It is, I believe, every Woman's worse fear.  The act of rape, is a terrifying and very real fear for women.  It's not something like being kidnapped where you think, this only happens to other people.  It's one of those fears that is VERY REAL, it's very present in a woman's life.  There have been multiple "What would you do" type of situations in which a drunken girl in America has been at a bar and a man she clearly doesn't know tries to pick her up.  Watch:

 I remember watching that video with my Father no less and tearing up so badly at 2:30.  It is shocking to me to see people do nothing.  That man is a hero in my eyes, he is someone I will never forget.  "She don't walk this freaking place with you because she don't know you".   Word!  Thank you humanity!!!!!!  If you did not cry at 3:04 I don't even want to know you, straight up.

It is heartening to me when people, complete strangers, have come to my aid.  I have walked up to complete strangers and said "hey, this man has been taking pictures of me while I'm standing here, I don't know him, please help me".  Can you imagine?  Literally I have had males that I don't even know block me from being snapped.  My new tactic is to flip my phone to "selfie" mode, turn it around to face the offender and have them see themselves being perverts.  It's actually quite effective (but scary if they get angry).

I have walked up to Skytrain officials without saying one word just looking at them with my eyes and having them personally escort me on the train, have the man refused entry while I boarded and been assured of my safety (this literally happened just last week - he was refused entry and they blocked him from entering my train, I tweeted my thanks here:  I have been followed on the streets, chased in a car (with my mom driving), been in an almost empty stadium after a job interview and have a man follow me into the bathroom and peel my name tag off my shirt, as I said, more situations than I would care to speak of.

All I want to say is - Women look out for other women but I just don't see men doing the same.  I don't see men feeling that same responsibility, that same empathy and the empathy level drops very significantly if the woman in question has had alcohol.  Alcohol does not make a woman a target, alcohol is not a "no rules apply" situation.  The most drunken woman in the world can lie naked in front of a male member of my family and they would never be touched, they would be treated like a Queen; alcohol is not consent.

Whenever I am out, if I see someone that I think needs help, or may need my help I will NEVER leave them, they will not go out of my sight.  I will personally go out of my way to ensure that they are safe.  It may sound weird to you but I could never leave a situation where I think this girl or old man or whomever is alone, is in a dangerous situation and just leave.  Whatever the situation is, I will stay, I will say something, I will do it...why, because I can't look myself in the mirror if I left.  All I want, is for people to STAND UP.  It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.  It's your responsibility to help.  Don't be that douchebag that helps some guy hook up with a drunk girl.

Don't be that that person.  Please realize that it's your responsibility to watch out for someone, to make sure that no harm falls on them.

No one deserves to be violated.  No one deserves to be raped.  No one is asking for it.  No one.

Please do the right thing, be alert when you're out, and when you see something please, please don't be silent.  Call the police or if you won't be endangered speak out but whatever you do, do SOMETHING.

Some Aishwarya Love

I can go on and on about Aishwarya so here is some Aishwarya love for you.  Why we love Aishwarya Rai (Bachchan)..
She's Mohini.  She's the queen of lightning. #damnthatgifisamazing

Her beauty is out of this world.. OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD!! Check this GIF out!!!

Her eyes can cut you down in one glance..


Her shyness and "ada" (grace, mannerisms) are so indian and beautiful!..

She dances and moves like the wind, she's free spirited, beautiful to watch when she moves and a work of art when she dances..

Gorgeousness and probably one of the biggest factors to my Aish obsession.

She's sexy and she know's it (although she rarely plays this card!)

Hotness personified

Her expressions are to kill for!!!

If this face was truly revealed right in front of you, you would die happy because seriously, look at that reveal..

You wish you were on the other end of this phone call

You wish you were the mirror..

 You like the retarded expressions

Her chemistry with SRK

 Her smile...

 How every movement seems like a photoshoot or work of art...

A Job

I've been working since I was 10 years old.

I did a paper route as a child for 5 years, until I was 15 turning 16 years old.  Most people did a paper route for a few months, I really don't understand (looking back) but am amazed that I did it for 5 years.

First, I would get the delivery of papers (twice a week!) to my house, flyers separate.  Then I would sit on the bottom flight of my stairs with the flyers one stair above, open the newspaper and insert each flyer into approximately 200+ newspapers.  I would then load half of the papers into my trolley and make my rounds.  Through sun, rain and snow I would roll my trolley and walk up to each door step to place the paper into the letterbox, then I would go back home and collect round two.  Often I had a friend from school who lived on my paper route come out and walk with me if the weather was nice, and I'll admit, a few times I had my parents put all the papers in the van and have my mom help me.  It paid for my new shoes for "back to school", it paid for my Lip Smackers (root beer was my fav flavor), it paid for my 5 cent candies, it paid for my $1 chocolate cake that I would buy at lunch time (McCains, so delicious) and it literally paid approximately $27-30 dollars every two weeks.  If I went on vacation, I had to train and hire my replacement (a classmate who I then paid).  It taught me responsibility, it taught me the value of a dollar and it taught me that no matter what, rain or shine you had to go out there and do what you signed up to do.

My second job, I was hired on the spot at one of the most terrifying perfume stores in the mall.  I was turning 16 in one week, I was given written cheques every two weeks by very stereotypical looking hairy chested, gold chained wearing men, and I was told to NEVER, EVER sell the customer what they want.  We sold the customer what we could afford to sell (cheap fragrances that the store would profit off of versus legitimate perfumes that the store would not make much money on).  The turnover rate was high, approximately every 3 weeks we would have a new girl for the one that quit, I lasted almost 1 year.  I was self conscious, scared and intimidated.  I had to stand at the doorway of the store and call out "up to 70% off all fragrances" to complete strangers and then when they walked in I had to sell them what I wanted "If you like Dolce and Gabbana you'll loove this new fragrance that's so popular right now called Water Drops".  I became their #1 girl, so the first customer to walk in I would approach.  If there was only every one customer in the store at a time, that meant that I would always be doing the work (because I was the best at selling).  It taught me.  It taught me how to bullshit, how to sell (um not directly related to bullshitting lol), how to get over your fears and EVERY single other job that I've ever worked since that job has been a piece of cake!!!!  That experience can't be bought.

Every job after that, was a mixture of fun, hard work, and running around getting stuff done.  I never went more than 3 weeks without a job, I couldn't do that, I NEEDED a job.  I worked at drugstores, restaurants, clothing stores, a photo lab, an electronics shop.  I would get off school at 3pm and work 4pm-midnight or 7 to midnight shifts, and I would still get my homework done.  I never asked my parents to pay for field trips, lunch money, back to school clothes or anything that I wanted.  I earned it, I bought it.

Studying was a luxury, there was never a time in my life when I felt that I had all the time in the world to study, not even in University.

I messed up, I'm not going to pretend that every job I did I was flawless at, there were times when I was in high school that I couldn't get up, or I just had to call in sick but looking back at the availability I had to give my part time jobs as a high school student  (every weekday from 4-midnight and every weekend) I guess that was pretty understandable that I would often be too exhausted and drained (or would be scheduled to work the night before an exam - sorry Shoppers Drug Mart!).

There was one time that I worked two jobs, I worked from 7am-3pm full time Monday to Friday and then I would take two buses and the train to my second job and work from 5pm-9pm.  It was heaven and it was hell at the same time.  I would be so exhausted that if I had the car (on occasion) I would drive home and just sit in the car, not wanting to get out.  It was heaven in the sense that I needed that at that time in my life.  I needed to be so bone tired that I would go home and just fall asleep.  I needed to not have free time on my hands.  I would consider it a "day off" if I didn't have to work the evening shift at my second job!  It was awesome!

Too often people complain about their jobs and I just DON'T get it.  Do you know what that job gives you?  It doesn't just give you money, it gives you freedom.  Maybe it's not the job that you want to do for the rest of your life, but it is the PATH and the way to get to what you want to do for the rest of your life.  It gives you the freedom to make choices, it gives you a sense of direction, it gives you a purpose and I have never in my life worked at a job that I did not personally grow and benefit from that.  I am not at all discounting education but it's funny that all my years at school have blended together, while I look back on my life and can distinctly recall what I learnt and what I did at each job.  Too many people these days have parents that will comfortably pay for everything their child does but I just don't get why that child doesn't have the sense of ego and pride in themselves to want to go out there and make their own coin.

I'd rather hustle than have things given to me.  I'd rather do without than ask for something.  I respect people who can not only talk grand schemes but who can put them to action and get something done.  I love people who put their money where their mouth is.  My money has not only helped me personally, but it's helped my family.  I was able to give someone very important to me time with someone very important to them (and me) and wouldn't go back and change anything in my life just because of this one thing that I did.  I will always, always thank god that I was able to help someone in that way.

I'm passionate about work and working, I will work for as long as I can work and I can honestly say that these values were instilled in me because of my father and because of my eldest sister.  I hope as an elder sister myself to be able to motivate other youngsters to realize the value of an honest living because it's far too easy in the society and culture that I live in now for young individuals to be un motivated and/or buy into the fast money lifestyle.


I'll never be them. It's not who you think you are that stops you, it's who you think you're not.

People are SO annoying - Jay Z, Beyonce, Solange

Yes, I feel like blogging about the elevator incident.

Yes I'm a week late, whatever.  I'm not really here to talk about what happened in the elevator (it was mind blowingly epic) but more about what happened after the fact.  As you all know, the internet broke.  People went CRAZY on social media with meme's, jokes, and statuses demanding to know what exactly happened in that elevator.  AND I LOVED IT.

The hashtag #WhatJayZSaidToSolange was one of the few that were trending on Twitter shortly after (which is a bit sexist, maybe Jay Z said nothing and Solange is just one crazy ass b*tch).  Hilariously, what seemed to make the most news was Beyonce's reaction, or rather her complete NON reaction.  She just stood there.

The memes, jokes, people's comments on them cracked me up for hours.  I'm pretty sure I watched the elevator footage about fifteen times, obsessively noticed Beyonce's hand movements, tried to lip read as much as I could and essentially had the time of my life.  Then, the haters came out on social media.

"To all the people who are posting and talking about Jay Z and Solange, there are children dying in the world, and girls like getting like kidnapped".  wah wah wah.. No shit Sherlock.  The next time you post a freaking picture of your nails, or a selfie, or a stupid status update about your dinner, your gifts from your man - guess who's going to post pictures of people dying in the world on your page?  ME.  Why, because you are a pretentious, self absorbed, self righteous, annoying hater.

That's why.  If people cannot, on social media, talk about culturally relevant information then where the hell else are they supposed to do it?  If you have such a problem with your friends being into Beyonce and Jay Z then why don't you get off Facebook and go read some news or watch CNN if you're someone who is so obsessed with world news?

This Mother's Day Post is Not Really About My Mother

Hi friends and creepers,

This post is not really about my mom but it is.  I always think that I'm a bad person, that I get more than I deserve, that I'm not worthy really but today (Mother's day) I guess it hit me that I must have done SOMETHING, to have the people that I have in my life (whether I did it in a past life or now).

People care about me.  Isn't that weird?  I have the best mom in the world, the best family in the world, the best friends in the world and the best life in the world.  So I must have done SOMETHING right!  I'm just so happy for this, for all of the crazy, fun and amazing people that I've met, for all the experiences I've had, for everything.  *insert the Because I'm Happy song here*

Somehow, I actually found amazing people, somehow I actually have the best family and by family I mean my immediate family and the psycho goofballs I met along the way who are everything to me.  I don't know how I got this lucky but I'll just shut up and take it before they start to question things as well!

It's really beautiful when you see how much care and love someone has for you - so don't take it for granted #notetoself .. Life is pretty freaking awesome.  I think I've had a good one and I'm excited for the rest of my life to unfold :D

#rideordie #lovemypeeps 

This Was Before

There will be one time in your life that will be a defining moment, a turning point.

There will be a time in your life where you look at a photo of yourself and say "this was before", before IT.  Before everything changed.  It will come.

You can look at yourself in a photo and see, your smile is different, it's a little wider, a little more true; your eyes are brighter, they have a sparkle.  It may not appear to be a physical difference to the untrained eye but you know, you may not know what year it is or where the photo was taken but you know - this was before.  This was when you were blissfully, ignorantly happy and you will never be like that again.  Before cancer, before death, before a heartbreak, before you lost the love of your life, before... before.  

I can see it, in myself, in others, in other people's pictures, in other people's smiles and eyes and it breaks my heart. 

How do you help someone else?  How do you be there for someone?  

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