

I am what I call an “extremist” - not in the terrorist kind of way or “religious zealot” way either but simply put I fluctuate between extreme ends of the emotional spectrum rapidly (see my “Who Am I” section on the right).  On an aside… I absolutely hate the way many extremists who bomb planes and kill their daughters are called “fundamentalists”.  I feel that they are as far from the fundamental teachings of their religion as is possible and the term “fundamentalist” is an insult to the religion itself.  

Back to what I was saying, I am an extremist and I can’t quite decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Any self help book (and I’ve read quite a few), religious book (again – I’ve read quite a few) or meditative/spiritual conversations that I have engaged in with spiritual people have mentioned in some shape or form that peace can be achieved through having a tranquil mind that is free from desires.  A peaceful, happy person is one that has the ability to meditate and free their mind from the banality of worldly goods and desires.  Not only do spiritual or self help books mention this but highly successful people who have accomplished many great things in life for an extended period of time have as well.  Over many years I’ve read various interviews or memoirs on businessmen, activists, politicians, humanitarians, actors/models and they also have often stated that one thing that has kept them going for so long is that they don’t ride too high on their highs or too low on their lows.  They don’t really get affected by the crazy roller coaster of emotions that I seem to be affected by.

So here is why I am confused.  I don’t 100% love being a slave to my emotions, but I 85% love it.  What should I do?  Am I supposed to listen to all these respected and other worldly people and float through life in an almost detached and spiritual meditative state?  Am I supposed to say screw you Buddha and your half a billion followers I think my philosophy is better? I love being wildly, deliriously happy and yes the contrast is that you do occasionally become horribly, cripplingly depressed but I don’t mind suffering so long as I can have that out of this world happiness every so often.  I feel that all super smart people though – Buddha, Guru’s, Holy scriptures, Yogi’s etc think that how I am is a bad thing.  I see the wisdom in what they are saying but…I don’t know.  It’s hard to change.  I guess I am aspiring to not be so extreme but I happen to think it’s one of my best features?! 

I keep most things on the surface; when I’m upset or mad it’s right there in your face but once the matter has been dealt with I’m over it and move on and am all jolly again.  I kind of feel that people who aren’t like me are missing out… it’s great to be me sometimes.  I am going to try to be a bit more balanced.  It can only be a good thing to not be a slave to one’s emotions right?

Here is a quote that really inspires me from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I think it’s really inspiring because I’m so often full of passion that I don’t let reason guide me and basically everything he says is true.  I just love it.  I love every sentence it’s the complete truth.