Seriously effed up! Tootie scares me.

So I was watching Toddlers & Tiaras today for the first time ever on TLC and was freaked out but amazed at the same time and ended up watching the entire episode.
The “toddlers” ranged from itty bitty babies that could barely walk on stage alone to full fledged diva’s like Tootie, (that’s her stage name! Her real name: Madison) who has all the snarl and attitude of a Hollywood A-lister.  Tootie competes in the age 10-12yr old category but looking at her face and how she acts you would never guess she fits in that age group.  I watched in fascination as she pouted and primped in front of the mirror before the pageant… she was like a mini adult with her eyeliner, fake tan, french manicure, lipliner, lipstick and everything else required to become a pageant girl.  I knew her mom had created a monster when Tootie b*tched (not yelled, not whined, b*tched!) at her hairdresser for being a dimwit/not knowing how to braid her hair.
Now, I’m not one to say that pageants are stupid.  I was in many baby beauty contests myself when I was younger (and won them thank you very much) and would continue to participate in pageants at my current age if I had the time.  However, I just think it is so completely wrong to have these girls who are at such an impressionable age competing in pageants.  These girls are worrying about how they look, their weight, makeup, tanning and that is just not right for someone so young.  I think it’s ok to put your child in pageants when they’re younger if they show an inclination to performing and they actually enjoy it (some contestants were hiding behind their mothers on stage – clearly they’re not into it, don’t put them through hell like that! geez), but if they’re at an age where they will remember this for the rest of their lives and understand what is going on (around age 7/8) I think it’s time to stop.  Women are already bombarded with images and pressures to look our best and we are already insecure about looks as it is.. I couldn’t imagine being brought up in a world where my looks were my number one priority since I was a little girl!  It is also so damaging for their hair and nails and skin.  They’re constantly being hairsprayed, spray tanned, made up with pounds of makeup and false eyelashes..etc.  How can a mom put their child through that?
Being in pageants when you’re at an age that can remember it forever is wrong, plain and simple.  Your kid might enjoy being in pageants when she’s 8-12 years old because she’s been brought up her whole life in the pageant world but it’s your duty as a parent to stop it at one point and make sure she lives a normal life and worries about innocent things rather than appearance.  If she’s still interested in pageants there are many opportunities to join once she’s older and has more knowledge and maturity to handle the pressures of being in a pageant but for now, let kids be kids!  I shudder to think of what Tootie will be like as she grows older…or then again maybe she’ll be rich and super famous and laugh at everyone who made fun of her mom for putting her in pageants.


I just think it’s super cool that there is this technology available where like.. “fans” can get in touch with “stars”.  As soon as Amitabh Bachchan started blogging I was like omg.. this is huge.  Ever since I was little I used to wonder what “stars” were like, what they ate, where they went, what their day to day schedules were like.  I don’t think this fascination with celebrity will be something that I will ever grow out of, nor do I ever want to.  I like being amazed, and I like being thrilled.  I got a super huge rush when I saw Mickey Mouse.  It was SO AWESOME.
I went on Karan Johar’s page and he has updates like: “sitting in the office with SRK”.. and you just think I want that!  Then when you see Demi Lovato (hope I spelt her name right.. I think she’s a Disney starlet?) posting about how she’s getting off her tour bus and going on a private jet.. you just think.. I want THAT!  Maybe Twitter isn’t the greatest idea.. it makes you that much closer to everything that you can’t have.

Twitter Mania!

So I’ve recently joined Twitter and I think I might become addicted to this thing.  People often wonder what’s so great about it seeing as how on Facebook you can post pictures and do all kinds of funky stuff.  I think the thing that keeps people flocking (pun intended) to Twitter is the real time action that you see on there…not to mention the celebrity mania.  “Stars” like Mallika Sherawat from Bollywood, Self proclaimed Armenian Princess = Kim Kardashian and influential people such as Anderson Cooper and Larry King all have Twitter accounts that they are constantly updating. 
It’s super interesting to see what’s going on in their lives (stalker world that we live in) and of course it gives a little thrill when you get mentioned (as you see above, Mallika Sherawat responded with an “@queensharin” to a little query of mine).  It looks like the aim is to have as many followers as you can because of course, everyone wants to be their own mini celebrity.
Both Facebook and Twitter reek of a culture that is voyeuristic and self obsessed.  I don’t see sites like these becoming obsolete anytime soon.  Hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join them! ;)

I’m pretty horrible


Sometimes I think I’m the meanest person in the world.  The capacity that I seem to hold to hurt other people is limitless.  Ask anyone close to me and I’m sure they’ll be able to corroborate this theory. 

I am also a complete failure, worthy of a big, fat, FML Grand Prize for being the most deserving candidate in the modern world.  I’m kidding.. somewhat.  Seriously though, I’m so in the hole in every aspect I don’t even know what to do.  People I know feel the same way, and how am I supposed to help them if I can’t even help myself and vice versa.  Maybe I should just focus on one thing and one thing only…sigh… nice thought but the answer to too many of my problems is $$$ so I guess work will have to stay alongside with school and family and friends..yay so we’re back to square one.

A lot has happened to me lately that has made me realize that karma is a b*tch.  For example, I used to treat people that became close to me like sh*t and drop them and not really care after a while.  Now, that happens to me!   I think I make friendships that might last a long time…not that I don’t have friends already but when you meet new people you do become friendly with them and some of them seem really cool and you’re like hey, I made a great friend.  Then, boom.  You never hear from them again.  It doesn’t really matter much because I have my close friends already anyway, but it does just make me think about how I’ve treated people in the past.  Also, I guess it’s not so smart to become friends with people who started off “too” friendly because people that hit on you can NEVER, ever be your real friend.  I was smarter when I was younger.

Anywho.. I know I’m being horribly vague, but I promise more shall be revealed in the future.  For now, I’m off to eat some more Pringles, Kit Kats, and Nutella by the spoonfull…and drink some more Coke (actually horror of horrors I only have Pepsi right now, forgive me Coke I still love you!). 

Being fat is fun!!


As of late.. I’ve heard so many people say the word “bandwagon”.  Why is that?  It is because, Michael Jackson has died, and now anytime someone mentions his name or says anything good about him, the other person in the conversation goes “way to jump on the bandwagon.”
What is a bandwagon(er)? describes it as
A fan of a particular sports team who had no previous interest in the team until they began winning. They often will claim that they have been "a fan forever."  AND/OR
In sports, someone who shamelessly cheers for a particular team not because he likes them or follows them faithfully, but only because that particular team is the "popular" choice or has been or is the top team in their specific sport recently. When that team which bandwagoners follow falls from grace, they gleefully jump on the next teams bandwagon and cheer for that team.
I believe that:
just because you HAPPEN to like something that everyone else likes.. it doesn't mean you're a bandwagoner just because it happens to be a convenient time to start liking something.. HOWEVER .. if you're liking something JUST because other people are liking it and you don't actually fully like it yourself and would never have liked it if other people didn't like it only then are you a bandwagoner.
In the case of Michael Jackson.  It is completely plausible and highly likely that people were a fan of Michael Jackson before his death,(in fact I don’t think I know a single person who would be immune to his music or talent) and after he died, they realized once again how amazing he was and and kind of renewed that interest in him.  It’s completely natural, and a common product of mourning, to reminisce about a person and to remember all the good things that came out of that person’s life.  I think it’s an insult to just continue on as if nothing had ever happened.  Are people supposed to shout from the rooftops randomly that you’re a fan of someone?  I’ve never been that type of person where I shout things from rooftops lol (figuratively) because I just don’t feel that I need to prove anything to anyone.  I’m a quiet kind of fan.  Of course, when people are alive yea you could be a fan and have all the cds or love the songs and think he’s awesome, but if he never really came up in conversation with someone or made news it’s not likely that many people will know, especially because he was around for so long it’s kind of generally accepted that everyone loves him.  It’s like.. when people ask me who my favourite actors are.. I usually say the younger, generally popular talented actors and bypass someone like Amitabh Bachchan because that’s just kind of a known fact.  Of course I don’t think anyone matches up to him.. he’s not even in the running he’s just permanently up there and not in the same league.  If that makes sense.
But you know what?  Even if someone was not ever a fan of Michael Jackson and just started listening to his music after his death and now realized that they liked it… SO WHAT?  I’m HAPPY!  Why would any fan of his NOT be happy that more people are appreciating his music?  As a fan, why would I say to someone “oh whatever you’re just into him now that he died”?.  That doesn’t make any sense.  I hate people and fans who look down on others..  “you can’t be as big of a fan as I am because I’ve watched every single Canucks hockey game since I was five”, “If you were a real fan you would have _____” Fill in the blank.  Being a fan, means that you care/love something.  There is no measure for how much someone loves something.  Sure, there are other people who know more about Italian football than I do, but that doesn’t mean I’m not as happy as those people when they win the World Cup, or as sad as them when they lose!  (I don’t actually watch club soccer but I watch the cups).  As for Michael, I mean, he lived a pretty rough life, and he WAS one of the most talented entertainers there ever was (WHILE he was alive and will continue to be the most talented for a long time I think) so of course I think he deserves it.  He deserves to have his songs played on the radio for weeks, he deserves to have people fall in love with his music, he deserves all the CNN and worldwide coverage, he deserves to have Billie Jean pumping from every car on the road.  It would be a disservice to him not to remember him.  And like I said before, of course people that you might not have known were fans before are going to be talking about him now.  It’s natural.  Someone DIED.. what are people supposed to just ignore that?  Does it really matter if you liked his music before or not?  What matters is if you like it NOW.  You’re alive NOW.  You either like something, or you don’t, and if you appreciate his music now that he’s dead, than all I can say to you is I’m glad you finally saw the light.  Yes of course, it kills me to see how the media and normal people everywhere bullied the sh*t out of him when he was alive but it would kill me even more if people didn’t at the very least appreciate him now that he’s gone.
It just amazes me how human’s put so many restrictions on themselves.  Like, you should be able to feel whatever you want to feel and not restrict yourself from those feelings.  Just because you might seem like you’re jumping on a bandwagon, doesn’t mean that you should suppress your emotions! 


Lately I’ve been watching and reading a ton of ghost stories and been so scared to sleep at night.  It’s odd because it’s like this obsession to consume as many scary stories as possible.. the scarier the better but it’s weird because I’m still unbelievably frightened to go to sleep.  Why can’t I stop with the scary stories?! Sheesh.  Off to watch the Excorcism of Emily Rose!  Gosh I’m freaking out just thinking about it.  I need a man to cuddle up to while I watch it for the scary parts!  Any volunteers ;) ? hahaa lol

I can’t think of a title. Michael Jackson is dead. No other way to say it.

Michael Jackson to me was the greatest performer ever, and the most famous human being on the planet.  I honestly believe that I could go up to most people in the world, and either do a moonwalk or play his song or say his name, and people would know exactly who I am talking about.  That’s saying something.  He united the world, he made history, he was a creative genius, and I believe he made the world a better place.
I wasn’t home when I got a text message saying: “Michael Jackson is dead”.  I immediately called my house and said, “PUT ON CNN NOW!  I GOT A TEXT MESSAGE SAYING MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD!”.  My mother was shocked and quickly put on CNN and started reading out the headlines.  As soon as she said Michael’s name, I knew it was true and I hung up the phone.  I said to the girls around me (I didn’t know them) “do you know Michael Jackson died?”.  I just felt the need to tell the world and get a reaction that would mirror mine.  I needed to see that other people cared as much as I did and I needed to feel that it was real.  I left the store in shock, tears instantly welling in my eyes.  I was supposed to go to a night class but there was no way that I could go after hearing the news.  Michael was my idol…it was like hearing that an old friend had passed away…someone that I had thought was always going to be around but hadn’t really contacted every day because…I thought he was always going to be there!!!  I mean, I didn’t think about him a whole lot except when I’d hear his song or reminisce or see something on the news.  It was so shocking and I needed to go home to be surrounded by my family because they too cared about Michael, and I wanted to watch the news to make sense of what had just occurred.  My sister called me to see how I had found out and to tell me that CNN hadn’t confirmed it yet, and she asked me where I was.  I said I was on my way home, and she said, “don’t you have school?”, I said yes but there was no way I was going now (voice breaking because I was seriously choked up). 
On the way home I just felt like shaking everyone… how could everyone just be walking around.. do they NOT KNOW that MICHAEL JACKSON DIED?!  I called a few friends and texted a few people, but it didn’t seem like anyone really cared that much.  I felt kind of silly for a few moments about the fact that I was so emotional and so sad about someone that I had never met, but then I thought, you know what, screw that!  This man influenced and touched my life, and it doesn’t matter whether I met him or whether I knew him personally.  He gave me so much… I can’t even BEGIN to describe how much he’s contributed to my life and of course I am going to be sad that he’s gone, I freaking loved the guy!  So, I cried on and off my way home, trying to control myself and walked into the house.  My sister was still in denial, “no one from the hospital has said anything yet”, but I knew it was real because the L.A coroner had confirmed the news to CNN.  I just couldn’t believe it.  I’ve met many celebrities in my life, and you know how in t.v you see people freaking out and crying and fainting?  For all the other celebrities that I’ve seen, I’ve never come close to that state, but I knew that if I ever saw Michael… I would totally be one of those people crying and shaking lol.  He was just.. the biggest and the best.  No one can ever come close to him.  As for his controversies:
I think the world bullied him, and I don’t think he deserved it. 
  • Let’s start with his skin.  I believe that he did have a skin disease called vitiligo.  Whether he bleached the rest of his skin to even it out, or whether he hid the patches under his long sleeved tops and pants while it evened out naturally, I am not sure, but I do believe he had the disease.  Therefore, I think there is NO reason for the media and the rest of the world to have teased or taunted him about his change in skin tone. 
  • Regarding his plastic surgery: Everyone gets plastic surgery nowadays.  Back when he got his nose job, plastic surgeons used to almost give a brand new nose to patients rather than just slightly modifying the nose that the patient had.  Plastic surgery has evolved now so that it is more natural looking than it was when it first came out.  So what if he wanted to change his appearance?  Of course he wanted to, he lived a completely abnormal lifestyle and was part of a culture where looks were everything.  He lived at a time when there were no other mainstream black artists to look up to.  His goal was to be recognized and loved by everyone, and I’m sure he felt that making his features more racially ambiguous would help him achieve that.  Celebrities all over the world take these kinds of measures and more to ensure success.  Not to mention the emotional abuse he suffered from his father, and being called “big nosed” while growing up.  I repeat: most celebrities do plastic surgery now.  It’s not a big deal that he got it done, and a lot of people feel the need to do more and more procedures.  It’s normal to feel that way (kind of like when you start redecorating your room…you think hmm a little bit of something here, a little bit there…).  It’s not his fault that his surgeries just got majorly messed up (his nose pretty much crumbled.) 
  • Reports about him buying the Elephant man, sleeping in a hyperbolic chamber and owning a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles were also fodder for people to continue bullying him and calling him “Wacko Jacko”, a term that Michael was really hurt by.  What gave people the right to torment him like that?  First of all, it’s seriously cool that he had a pet chimpanzee.  As one of my friend’s put it, its not like he was friends with a toilet paper roll or something (which would certainly be “wacko” or psycho).  He had a CHIMPANZEE… some people have tigers, for crying out loud!  N what, people like Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears etc. are allowed to shave their head in public, get physical with the paparazzi, show their private parts to the world, overdose/pass out unconscious in public, go to rehab then say they’re sober then go to rehab and say they’re sober again, get arrested for drinking and driving, have illegitimate children, showcase their newly married life on tv, wear vials of blood around their neck, cut themselves, adopt children from all over the world (including places that don’t have proper adoption laws), accidentally on purpose leak sex tape videos and pictures, physically abuse and bite their girlfriends, bite people’s ears off and do GOD KNOWS what else because the list definitely goes on.. and poor Michael can’t spread one little stinking rumour that he sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber to get some publicity without being completely crucified for it?!  Britney Spears can drive who knows how many miles an hour with a baby in her front lap, and Kate can have her kids videotaped all the time and not lead a normal lifestyle but Michael can’t make his kids cover their face so they don’t end up super duper famous like him?
  • His “fake” marriages that he was made so much fun of… he was married to Lisa Marie Presley for almost 2 years.  That’s like ten years in celebrity land.  N really, all I have to say is… Heidi and Spencer anyone?  There are tons of fake/rush/stupid marriages happening every other day in Hollywood… once again, he did not deserve to be made that much fun of.  Just because he was super famous…the higher you get, the harder you fall.
  • Child molestation charges.  One settled out of court, and the other… he was acquitted.  I just feel that everyone used this as an excuse and justified all the other horrible stuff they were saying about him already.  R. Kelly had child molestation charges.. I don’t hear tons of bad stuff being said about him.  Heck, Hugh Hefner is probably the biggest, most famous child molester on the planet (I joke, I joke) and no one says much about him!  People think he’s the man!  (Which just goes to show that most people are sick individuals).  Anyway, my point is that no one knows if this is true or false.  The law said that he was innocent of the charges brought against him.  I’ll let God be the judge.  My only thing is that… he was already so heavily criticized and made fun of for every other thing that he did.  He was for a long time, a walking joke for everyone (not me and I’m sure not for his true fans but for everyone else).  They just used his child molestation accusations to make their own selves feel better about being so mean to such a sweet individual.
Anyway, now that I’ve cleared up how I felt about his controversies, etc, I can move on and talk about the rest!  It sucks that I even had to talk about it, and it sucks that it became such a huge part of his identity and his life.
I remember when he came to Singapore for a concert.  I so badly wanted to go but I was around 4 years old and my parents wouldn’t let me but my sisters went.  I thought I looked like Michael Jackson at the time because I had really curly hair, and I would put one curl down the middle of my forehead, like him.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I remember being so sad on the day of the concert, but then I wore my Michael Jackson t-shirt, put on his cd and did a mini concert for my mom and dad instead!  I had two t-shirts of his and I wore them alll the time.  I remember trying to learn the moonwalk.  I remember wanting to be friends with Michael and Macaulay Culkin.  I remember watching the 30th anniversary special that they had on t.v and I got so super excited that I was cheering and crying as he danced and at the end of the concert…as if I was actually in the concert rather than watching it at home!  I was so jealous of the people in the concert that they showed briefly (especially the little kids… I was like DO THEY EVEN KNOW ANYTHING!).  Lots and lots more memories, and I don’t really feel like sharing them all because it would kind of kill the magic... it’s too hard to explain how I felt about him. 
He was the most amazing dancer and I really loved his voice, he revolutionized music and pop culture.  The way he did every little thing… everything was so unique, so Michael!  If you watch his performances, like every little thing was so carefully thought out and set to his high standards.  His clothes… if someone dresses in an outfit that he had worn…everyone would know instantly that you’re dressed as Michael Jackson.  You can’t say the same for most people nowadays.  He was honestly talented, not like people nowadays.  Not very many people knew that he actually had a great sense of humour.  There was this singer who parodied him… Michael loved it and thought it was hilarious… but there was one song that Michael said not to touch and that was Black or White.  He thought that the content of that song dealt with an issue that shouldn’t be trivialized.  (for ex some of the other songs that were parodied: Beat it became Eat it.)

I think one of the saddest things is that, his life was so tragic.  I honestly think he is the victim of the biggest and worst case of bullying/emotional abuse ever, and that the world was just really not very fair to him at all.  He definitely paid the price for being famous and successful.  When I watch his old interviews (ex. the one with Barbara Walters), I just get SO sad.  I really hope he finally gets the peace and happiness that he deserves. 
Michael… I love you, you pretty much defined a huge portion of my life.  You impacted it in ways you will never know.  I hope you knew that you had so many fans that still loved you.  I really hope you knew that.  I’m glad that at least you got to see that your concerts sold out!  I’m crying as I write this…oh goodness.  I just will really miss you.  Your music will live on forever, as will you, through your music and through the legacy that you left behind.  Four days since you’ve been gone.  The day you passed away was horrible, but the next day was even worse… I woke up and I was like.. was real..and then I grabbed my laptop, went on the computer, saw a performance (singing Man in the Mirror) and just cried and cried.  There really will NEVER be anyone like you.  K…too sad now.  Time to stop writing.  I’ll sign off with a few quotes from interviews that Michael has done.  Some of them just make me feel so sad.
On Immortality:
I always want to do music that will influence and inspire people...each generation. I mean I, well, let's face it, who want's mortality?  I mean everyday you want immortality, you want what you create to live, be it a sculpture or painting or music, composition... Like Michaelangelo said, you know, I know the creator will go but his work surivives, that is why to escape death I attempt to bind my soul to my work.  That's how I feel I give my all whenever because I want to just live and just give all that I have you know?
On Friendships:
I get afraid of, well I don't know people, I get afraid of people sometimes.  There's a whole 'nother life that, I haven't really experienced that, like friendship is a thing I miss beginning to learn about.  I was raised on the stage and that's where I'm comfortable and everything else is like foreign to me.  I'm just beginning to learn about people, friendship, things like that.
On “Wacko Jacko” and the media:
You should not say he's an animal, you should not say he's Jacko.  I'm not Jacko... I'm Jackson. (…) Wacko Jacko where does that come from?  Some English tabloid.  I have a heart and I have feelings, I feel that when you do that to me.  It's not nice, don't do it.  I'm not a wacko.
On his son:
Maybe I don't want to show him to the world like that?  I want him to have some space where he can go to school.  I don't want him to be called Wacko Jacko, they called the father that... that isn't nice, right? (...) Did they ever think I would have a child one day, that I have a heart?  It's hurting my heart, why pass it on to him?
When asked if he would let his son go on stage if his son wanted to perform he said:
(Laughter and slaps knee) Hold on now, hold on, if you do go that way, expect this expect that expect this expect that.. id lay it all you're gonna get all this and all this and all this you ready to do that?.. "yea I can't wait".. Go!... and do it BETTER than I did it.
- Michael Jackson ~^*08-29-1958 to 06-25-2009*^~

Be warned.. I say cool about fifty million times in this post! :D

Holy crap.. I spent so long yesterday writing only to realize today that it didn’t get posted, or saved in my drafts!  Jeeeeez.

Ok so basically, secret revealed, I’m a little bit possessive when it comes to my friends.  I don’t know why, nor do I think it’s a particularly bad thing, but it’s just the way I am.  I like being number one, in everything in life, including friendships (buttt that doesn’t mean that I’m super duper competitive.. I like being number one naturally and effortlessly.. I don’t like to fight for the position).  I can get tight with someone fast, but I don’t get tight with just anyone, so I guess when I feel that they’re getting tight with other people that I know as well, I’m like “hm.. maybe I don’t know them as well as I thought”.  Why?  Because clearly, I’m super cool, and that’s why they became tight with me.. but.. if they’re getting tight with other people after meeting the most super cool person in the world, then they’re not as cool as I thought for recognizing my coolness because apparently.. everyone is cool to them!  Now this scenario only applies if I totally don’t think the other person is cool.  If I can see their coolness then yea totally I don’t mind (ex. if they become tight with say my best friend its all G but if they become tight with some random that I know then it’s like are you serious?)

Does that make sense?  It’s weird because, if they had these tight friends before they became friends with me, that’s totally fine, but if they become tight with someone after me, then I start thinking that.. they’re just not as dope as I thought.  It’s like my friend from highschool… I just don’t understand how he could throw away two of the most dope and chiller chicks around (moi and my friend) for like.. random people that he must have met after high school.  I’m sorry but I don’t think they can beat us in dopeness ahahah lolll.  Ok I know this probably isn’t making much sense to you but whatever… it’s my blog.  Oh, back to the competitive thing I was saying earlier – I am competitive when it comes to certain things, but for things like social groups, I’m not competitive.  Ex. if I’m with a group of people and there’s one really loud girl, I revert to being the quiet one in the group who doesn’t really talk much.  I just feel like clearly this girl wants the attention today so whatever, I’m not going to compete for it.  If there is no one loud in the group though, I am a lot more vocal because someone’s gotta be loud or it’s boring!  I know.. my mind is a little bit twisted.

June is going to be an emotional month…


I am the biggest cry baby ever.  I cry over… everything!  It’s like my tear ducts are just filled to the brim and they leak if I shake my head too much.  Honestly, I’m really emotional.  There are certain things that make me cry more than others.  I am really sensitive when it comes to the elderly.  I think part of the reason is because I’m an immigrant, and so I understand the disconnect and the lost sensation that an elderly person might have after living most of their life in a country that was completely different, only to come to a new country with certain hopes and expectations that might not ever be fulfilled.  You know in the movie the Titanic, when the ship is sinking?  I cry the most when they show the lower deck and they show the immigrants who couldn’t read English frantically trying to decipher a sign so that they can get out of the ship. 

Seniors make me think about life in general… what I want to accomplish and what really matters.  They’ve done it all.. they’ve loved, they’ve lost.  I find that they have such a good grasp on things like money, and I am so humbled when I see the care with which they keep things.  I just get so angry when I work, or I’m at a store, or on the skytrain, when I see older people not get the respect they deserve.  If I’m not seated and I can’t give my seat up to a senior, I make sure they get a seat, even if I have to move somebody else.  Courtesy seats are there for a reason!! You cannot sit on them if someone who fits the description needs it! 

I work in a place that is sales oriented, and people who work there want commission and they often overlook customers that they think don’t have big buying potential and so seniors often get overlooked.  One time, there was an elderly man, and it was snowing outside.  He came in to get a webcam and no one was paying attention to him because they were all busy hunting for laptop sales.  When I saw him I immediately went to help and he told me that he was standing there for so long and that no one was helping him because he wasn’t buying anything big.  It just broke my heart because he was so old.. and another reason I was pissed off was because he had bussed to the store and it was SNOWING outside!  I just wanted to find his son or daughter or grown up grandchildren and throttle them.  Way to look after someone who has given you so much in life!  Let them walk to a store in the snow.  Goodness.  I’m getting pissed off right now thinking about it.  Anyway, at the time, I just went to the backroom and cried and cried.  I couldn’t go on the floor for the longest time because.. I guess he reminded me of my grandfather in a way (he passed away on June 6th).

I feel like I’m rambling… I basically just wanted to say that… I really care about the elderly and I hate when people disrespect them, or .. ignore them.. or don’t look after them.  Parent's give you so so so much in life and you should do everything in your power to take care of them as soon as you’re older and you have the ability to look after them. 

I love love but at the same time it’s super scary because I can’t imagine losing your partner in life.  I also can’t imagine being old and alone.  (Biggest fear.. losing everyone.. being alone.. both common themes for seniors.. see the connection now??).  I wouldn’t want to leave the house where all the memories were (I’m already super emo about the house that I grew up in… I just went by the other day and stood in front of it and cried).  I’m going to stop now because I’m really sleepy and really teary.

Mother Dearest

So.. it’s Mother’s day today, and my mom dropped me off at work in the morning and is working till 1130 at night tonight.  Not much of a Mother’s Day really.  I wanted to write a post on mom’s and my “me” (short for mummy”) but it’s too heavy of a topic because I really can’t do full justice to it right now.  I don’t think I did full justice to my topic on books either.  Things that mean SO much to a person.. it’s hard to explain that feeling in words.  So basically, Happy Mother’s Day to everyone and I’ll leave you with a few lines in Punjabi that sum up how I feel about my mom…

Is duniya vich.. jinney rishtey.. sab jhootey teh peh-roop

Maa da rishta sab toh sacha..

Maa hai Rab da roop.

Books (I couldn’t think of a better title.)

Real%20Gabinete%20Portugues%20De%20Leitura%20Rio%20De%20Janeiro%203 I luoghi della memoria scritta. Le Biblioteche italiane tra tutela e fruizione.
I can’t believe I haven’t written about this subject before!  Books are my life.  I started reading in kindergarten and I can honestly say books were the only true friends that I had through elementary school.  During “free time” in class, I would choose to sit at my desk and read a book rather than play with other kids (partially because I was shy, but mainly because I found books more interesting than Pogs.  Ok, it was also partially because I was bullied a little as a kid lol.).  Teachers would praise my vocabulary but lament over how I didn’t interact with other students, and my parents were one of the few parents in the world that wished their child read less.
When I was really little (gr.1-2) I would read the amazing collection of books we had at home.  I loved books by Enid Blyton that were set in England with charming little English school children as their protagonists.  They would have tea with scones, go to boarding schools, and have amazing adventures at the sea during their school holidays.  It was all so “quaint” and “charming” and so unlike life as I knew it!  The kids had so much freedom to go about as they please, and their lives at home were almost always idyllic.  I would read amazingly illustrated books such as “The Folk of the Faraway Tree”, and "Grimm’s Fairy Tales” and it’s uncanny because the pictures in those books of a fairy or a dwarf or gnome are forever stuck in my head so if someone were to say “gnome” to me, I will to this day picture the gnomes from the illustrated books I used to read.  I still read those books occasionally and my favourite (The Folk of the Faraway Tree) is just as enchanting now as it was then.  I miss books like those, I haven’t seen any other children’s book that has that amount of creativity and storyline along with beautiful illustrations to this day.  If you know of any, do recommend it to me. 
Around grades 2-5 I graduated to slightly bigger books such as The Nancy Drew series, The Boxcar Children, The Hardy Boys, The Baby Sitters club, books by Judy Blume, Roald Dahl, and R.L Stine…tons of books that were in the library of my elementary school where I would spend every lunch hour.  Once I read those books, (I honestly read most of them), I graduated to telling my sister to bring books back from her junior high school’s library (they were the more grown up versions of R.L Stine’s books.. the Fear Street series etc whereas my elementary school only had Goosebumps).Yup, I was one of those kids… I went to the library during lunch hours.  Needless to say, I wasn’t a very sportive or popular child.  It’s funny because when I pick up a certain book that I read, I remember who I was at that time, more than a photograph of me when I was younger could tell me.  They’re like little keys to the mystery of who I am.
I would always borrow the maximum amount of books from the elementary library (a measly 4), and then borrow a huge amount of books from the local library.  The librarians (if they didn’t know me) would always comment and say “are you sure you’re going to get to read these all?” and I would laugh in my head like “Psh lady you have no idea.”  I read everyday, and I still do.  I can’t eat without reading (it’s a bad eating habit, much like watching tv when you eat because you consume a lot more food), I read before I sleep, I often read when I wake up, I read every spare moment I get.  Summer holidays to me were days that I would get to stay up late without being yelled at to go to sleep and read.  Days I could go outside and sit on the shed in my backyard by the apple trees and read.  Days I could walk down to “7/11 to get a slurpee” with friends but really I just wanted to go to the library.  A library to me is one of the most sacred and beautiful places in the world.  The libraries that I have posted pictures of above are libraries that I would love to visit one day!  Books just have a little voice, and so do libraries.  Maybe I sound crazy but I get a major thrill every time I go into a library.  I just wish I could stay there as much as I wanted, and uncover all the secrets each library (by way of their books) has to offer.  I honestly can’t explain the connection I have with libraries, it’s like another home to me.  Some people may feel at home on a basketball court, no matter where that court is in the world.  I feel the same way about libraries, and Gurudwaras. 
Today, I couldn’t even tell you what kind of books I love, because I really love them all.  I love the classics, I love light hearted “chick lits” (the book equivalent of a chick flick), and I love books by ethnic authors (mainly Indian authors).  Here are some of the books that I’ve liked over the past few years:
What the Body Remembers - Shauna Singh Baldwin
A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth
Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts
Reconciliation - Benazir Bhutto
Londonstani - Gautam Malkani
Beneath A Marble Sky - John Shors
Family Matters - Rohinton Mistry
Brick Lane - Monica Ali
Bel Canto - Ann Patchett
Salt & Saffron - Kamila Shamsie
The Folk of the Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton
Harry Potter books - J.K Rowling
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Valley of the Dolls - Jacqueline Susann
Daaku - Ranj Dhaliwal
P.S I Love You - Cecilia Ahern
Angels And Demons - Dan Brown
The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga
Q&A - Vikas Swarup
Bungalow 2 - Danielle Steel
Bitter Sweet - Roopa Farooki

Stick ‘em up!


Now this is definitely not a sight you see everyday!  The illustrious Bachchan family were snapped happily fingering the paparazzi in Mumbai recently.  The reason behind the finger is that they had gone to cast their vote in the recent elections in India, and when you vote, the voters get ink on their middle finger… so really they’re just extremely proud voters!  Love them or hate them, this family always makes a mark everywhere they go.  I adore them! 



A penny, a rabbit’s foot, a playoff beard all have one word in common.  Luck.  Why do people grow playoff beards?  They grow them so that their favoured team does well during playoffs as they think it will bring their team luck.  I don’t know the origin of why a rabbit’s foot would be lucky, nor do I know who coined the phrase “lucky penny” but I do know that I possess great quantities of luckiness.  Did I just “jinx” myself?  I suppose that if I believe in luck, I should believe in jinxes, but I don’t feel that I’m jinxing myself at all.  I think part of the reason I am lucky is because I view things in a positive light.

I have my share of bad luck, where bad things happen to me I suppose, but I never really view anything as bad (unless I’m in a really depressed mood).  I’m a big believer in “everything happens for a reason.”  Also, I’m of the viewpoint that if things aren’t going according to plan, then you should be extremely happy.  Why?  If thing’s aren’t going according to your plan, then you should realize that they’re going according to God’s ultimate plan, and since God is a lot smarter than us, you should feel safe and secure in the fact that whatever is happening is going to eventually end up for the best!  Life is so much simpler when you look at things that way.  Some people may say that I have too much of a carefree attitude, or that I’m too blasé about things.  I completely disagree.  I chalk up a lot of things to luck and I do consider myself to be a very lucky girl, yes, but half of my luck is preparation.  If something good happens to you and you’re not ready for it, then it’s a waste.  You have to be prepared and do your share of the work, and then, when you do get lucky, you’re ready for it!

I’m lucky by just being born to the family I was born in.  I’m lucky that I have the opportunities and freedom that I do have.  I’m lucky that there’s nothing physically or mentally wrong with me (I mean in terms of illnesses, etc, not whether or not I look like a supermodel).  I’m lucky because I have people who care deeply about me.  I’m lucky because even though I’m such a forgetful person that I leave things everywhere…somehow or the other, I get it back in the end.  A friend or a passerby might come after me with my wallet, or cell phone that I left behind, or I might come back to a car parked in a mall’s parking lot 2 hours later during peak Christmas season and find that the cell phone I had carelessly placed on the trunk was STILL THERE.  I’m lucky that someone picked up my USB drive and handed it in to security.  I’m lucky that I got exactly the grades I wanted to get this semester.  I’m lucky, I just am.


I wish I could fall asleep on the phone everyday.  Talking on the phone is one of the few things that help me fall asleep, because I’m so relaxed and comfortable and I can just doze off listening to someone’s voice (ok truthfully, not just ANYONE’s voice, I would feel so odd falling asleep to like, some random person’s voice, they would have to be a really good friend).  I’ve fallen asleep on the phone with two people…and just like what I said above, they were really good friends.  Unfortunately for me, it’s not possible to fall asleep on the phone everyday because either:

  • they’re cool with it but their battery dies and they don’t want that to happen
  • they think it’s odd/weird/psychotic..why would you want to listen to someone breathing?
  • they find it offensive if you feel sleepy.. If you feel feel sleepy, just tell the person and have the courtesy to say “I’m going to go to sleep now, goodnight!”  (If people feel this way.. to my defence, if I’m falling asleep I’m usually not conscious enough to say that I’m falling asleep ((because HELLO, I’M FALLING ASLEEP so that whole argument above is kind of void)), and even if someone asks me if I’m sleepy and if we should get off the phone - my subconscious is programmed to say “no, no I’m awake”.  It’s just the way I am, love me or hate me!)

I don’t think wanting to fall asleep listening to someone’s voice or breathing is weird at all (but then again, it might just be some weird psychological thing with me.. I used to fall asleep at people’s houses when our family went to go visit other families).  What I mean is, biologically or naturally or whatever, living creatures are just wired like that (for humans it’s usually women and children).  When a new puppy comes into a household, a hot water bottle and a clock is often wrapped up so that the puppy can fall asleep thinking it’s their mother.  When children are small, they often fall asleep listening to their mother or father telling them a bed-time story.  Maybe I’m just too much of a people person.  I just feel safe, comfortable, and connected to the person I suppose and that’s why I start dozing off.  Based on what I’ve heard, some people would think it’s cute and wouldn’t mind, and some people hate people who fall asleep on phones.  What do you think about falling asleep on the phone?  Do you hate people who do that to you or do you find yourself falling asleep on the phone?  When I went on vacation, the only way I could fall asleep was by having my headphones in my ears and listening to music.  I’ve also bought cd’s that had 80 minutes of ocean wave sounds, or 80 minutes of a rainstorm.  The ocean waves’ cd gave me terrible dreams (I can’t swim and am super afraid of drowning), and the rainstorm one was ok but I lost it.

I bet the more you read my blog, the weirder you think I am.  This isn’t the half of it honey!

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Writing on a blog makes you feel so exposed and vulnerable.  It kind of sucks because, anything you have posted or write about is there forever.  Your opinions could be taken the wrong way, or people can think that you think a certain way about something, when actually you don’t feel that way at all. 

That sounds kind of funny right, seeing as how it’s a personal blog, how can someone think I feel a certain way about something without me actually feeling that way?  It’s the inferences that people make about a post.  I might not express or state how I feel about something but just by writing about that subject, people might think certain things.  For example, just because I’ve written a few posts on contact lenses and eyelashes, people might think that it’s the only thing I care about and that I’m superficial.  Also, I could feel a myriad of different emotions about a certain topic, and choose to write about only one feeling that I have regarding that topic.  For example: anyone can look at my previous post and think a lot of different things.  They can think that I’m healthy, unhealthy, stupid, smart, insecure, secure…lots of different things!  Which adjectives are closer to the truth about how I really am?  Maybe both.  I believe that my weight is a healthy weight although my diet is not healthy.  I believe that I want to be healthy and that it would be a good thing if I thought a little bit more about diet and exercise.  Due to the fact that I was writing about weight, I decided to be overly critical about my own body, with descriptions and photos that might help the reader who doesn’t know me personally.  I could have just posted a picture of myself, but I didn’t feel comfortable doing that at this point.  This doesn’t mean that I hate the way I currently am, or that I compare myself to celebrities or that my post was the only way that I feel about my body.  So, that’s an example of how I may only post about one aspect of how I feel.

What goes behind a blog post?  The answer: lots of Google searches.  I write about anything that captures my fancy, and I often Google images of what I’m writing about to give a better visual to readers.  For example, I never actually coveted Michelle Obama’s arms before.  I did notice that in comparison to other First Ladies, she looked a lot more toned and fit, but I didn’t have her picture on my bedroom wall with the words “dream arms” scribbled over them or anything.  I Googled (yes, Googled is a verb) “toned arms” and that is what popped up and I thought, “hey, she does have some pretty strong looking arms”, so bam, she became part of my post.  Have I ever noticed Mischa Barton’s arms before?  Nope, not at all.  I just wanted to describe how I feel my arms don’t look that way, and so I Googled “skinny arms” and her picture popped up.  So, there you go…secrets behind how I post.   

Why did I write this post/what’s the point?  I guess because I realized that, people judge you.  Which is both a good thing and a bad thing.  Of course, I write about what’s on my mind and it is a reflection or insight into my mind and how I think about things but sometimes things can be viewed in a different way than I intended.  I also wanted you to know why I write certain things, or how I go about it. 

Best Body I Can Have


That, dear readers, was one of the goals that I had written in my “50 Goals in Life” when I was in junior high.  So far, with all the other goals, I’ve actually been doing pretty good!  Except for the body goal. 

I’m not fat or skinny, I’d say I’m thin.  If you look at me straight on from left to right, I’m pretty small…hold on, why don’t I just go measure myself?…Ok, here goes.  My bust = 32, waist = 24 and hips = 34 and I’m 5 feet 3 and 3/4” (I think the average model with my stats would be about 5’7” or 5’8” which is scary).  My average weight is 107 lbs.  I fit size 23 jeans in Guess, and otherwise size zero jeans at other stores, and I’m a small in tops from any store.  Once I start eating throughout the day (remember that McDonalds post I had a while ago?).. my stomach expands..picture an African malnourished know how they have those protruding bellies?  That’s me (well not THAT extreme but you get the idea), except I’m not malnourished.. I just have a small frame and my belly comes out because it’s not toned.  The other thing about me is in comparison to the size of my waist and the rest of my body, my arms are like giant bowling pins.  I don’t have naturally skinny arms that other girls my size tend to have (think of Mischa Barton’s arms).  My arms are more along the size of Michelle Obama’s arms (except nowhere near as toned).  The First Lady has my DREAM arms right now:
I would love to have curves like Beyonce:
 Beyonce-CSH-034085  but unfortunately, that’s just not my body type.
So…what to do, what to do?  I do a lot of cardio which is currently allowing me to stay at this weight because God knows, with my eating habits and junk food consumption I should look like a baby elephant.  I’m starting to do ab excercises and resistance band training at home (it’s been 2 days ahha so we’ll see how long that lasts but that goal sheet I made when I was in junior high is very important to me so I’m def going to try hard).  My legs aren’t too shabby because I do bhangra which involves a lot of squatting but I’ll incorporate some leg excercises too I suppose…possibly, wall sits and lunges.  Other than that, I’m going to cut out junk foods except on weekends and reduce portion sizes, and I’m eating a green tea pill twice a day.  I should probably buy some multivitamins but I’m broke right now so I’ll save that for when I have some money.  Going to the gym is out of the question because I have no desire to get there using public transport, nor do I want to pay for gym membership.  On top of bhangra (youtube it, if you don’t know what I’m talking about), I have this mini trampoline in my room which I dance, jump, sing, bounce on occasionally but I’m planning on doing it for about 20-30 minutes everyday (while contracting my abs of course!).

Hopefully, I stick to it!  I think posting my progress on this blog might help me so I’ll be keeping you posted.  I’m not at all concerned with having six pack abs or anything like that.  I actually don’t mind my body right now, it’s pretty decent but it’s just not “the best” I can be.  I just want a stronger core, one that doesn’t expand like a dry sponge absorbing water as soon as I eat my first meal of the day.  I also, really, really want toned arms.  That’s about it.  I’m not looking to lose weight, just tone up, but there is def a layer of fat that needs to go so I hope I don’t end up too skinny.  Some junk in the trunk is always a good thing, right fellas?

Circle Lenses!

After my last post I've been quite curious about this whole double eyelid, Asian eye surgery phenomenon. 

The girl in the white top is hot, the girl with the blue contacts is just scaring me and the girl with the painting/drawing of herself is cute as a button, with big brown eyes and all..but the thing is she looks remarkably like those anime cartoons.. you know.. kind of like the girl in her drawing!  I mean, I can't tell if that's a self portrait or a cartoonized version of her, but I guess it’s both since she looks like a cartoon.  It's the Sailor Moon look! Apparently looking like this is a great thing though and is really attractive in South East Asia!  Young girls and guys are using plastic surgery and contact lenses called "circle lenses", which is what all the girls above are wearing to achieve this look.

Circle contact lenses are basically regular contact lenses, but they give the effect of an enlarged pupil and a bigger iris, as they have an extra ring of colour to make your eyes look bigger.  I don't have a problem per se with contact lenses or coloured contact lenses but I do have a problem with getting plastic surgery to make yourself look like a cartoon because it happens to be the "in" thing at the moment.  Unfortunately, I can’t comment on the girls above as I have no idea if they have had plastic surgery done, but they did have their pictures posted and talked about how they were wearing circle lenses, so that part is confirmed.  With contacts, sure, it's fun to wear them sometimes and change up your look - who wouldn't want to be able to have limpid brown eyes one night and sparkling baby blue's the next?  I've tried coloured contact lenses before and I totally would get some again if I wasn't so paranoid about ruining my eyes.  I wouldn't however wear them all the time or get contacts that are so obviously fake.  I think coloured contact lenses should be treated somewhat like makeup.  Someone (usually in the case of men because girls do tend to notice things like makeup) should look at you and say "wow you have really nice eyes", not think "omg that girl wears a lot of eye shadow".  Likewise with contact lenses, I feel that they should look somewhat natural.  For the unfortunate girl above with the blue contacts, they do not look natural.  In fact, when you look at that girl, I bet the first thing that pops out at you are her contact lenses.  I just don't understand why anyone would want that to be the case!  

Side story: The other day I was coming home from school and I saw this really pretty girl while waiting for the Skytrain with what looked like a fur coat instead of eyelashes.  Literally, she didn’t have eyelashes she had a fur coat for her eyes.  Semi-fake-nice person that I was, I asked her, “wow I love your eyelashes, are they real?” and she responded with, “oh no, they’re from Shoppers Drug Mart, this Quo brand, I stack them though”, giggles, “I put three on each eye.”  My eyes went 8-| I said “WHAT you wear three on each eye?!”  She said, “yeah, everyday”.  I honestly, don’t understand why anyone would wake up every day in the morning and put three pairs of fake eyelashes on each eye.  Seriously, most of these girls need an intervention.  Their eyes are beautiful the way they are, the shape of it, the monolid, everything!  Of course, girls all around the world have complexes and each culture or race has their own issues.  I guess I just wish we could all be happy the way we are.

If You Haven’t Already Seen This…

…You’ve been living under a rock.  Susan Boyle is creating a storm around the world!  Twitter, YouTube, and TV stations all around the world are broadcasting Susan’s story.
I had seen the name Susan Boyle in someone’s status on Facebook...  Curious, I Googled her and watched the video above in amazement with tears rolling down my face.  Honestly, this was one of the best thing’s I’ve seen in a long, long time. 
Firstly, I thought she was such a cutie and such a sweetheart when they interviewed her in the beginning and she talked about how she’s “never been kissed!..but it’s not an advert!”.  It was so.. charming!  Then when she went on stage I felt so bad for her because I couldn’t believe that people were laughing and giggling at her.  I felt like saying…can’t you see that she’s normal?!  She’s not some psycho little cat lady (ok maybe she is a little cat lady but she’s not psycho).  I figured anyone could tell by the way she conducted herself that she was just a sweet person with a sense of humour!  Honestly, when she said “I’ve never been given a chance before, but here’s hoping it will change!” I already had tears in my eyes.  Yea, I am a very emotional person and I cry easily but it just breaks my heart to see people get made fun of.  I fully know how she feels.  I was bullied when I was a kid (my confession of the day hehe) and when I see people who just have this innocence about them get “dogged” on I feel so sad. 

I’m super duper glad that she rocked the house.  She’s a strong cookie for getting up on that stage, because so many people give up on their dreams.  The determination in her eyes right before she started singing was inspiring.  I can’t stop watching this video.  It just sucks that people judge others so fast…not everyone in life has to be overdone and glossed up.  I think Susan is beautiful, I’m so in love with her right now.  I hope she makes it big and becomes successful, but overall I hope that people will take a little more time out of their lives to appreciate all humans.. and not judge someone that fast!  How often would you just walk by a lady like Susan Boyle on the street without even noticing her?  When did we all become so superficial?  I’m going to do a bit of soul searching and watch the video mmm fifty more times!  You guys.. do some soul searching too..don’t let the power of Susan fade away.  We should learn from this…1.) NEVER. GIVE. UP. ON. YOUR. DREAMS!!!  2.) Don’t judge a book by its cover.
ONE MORE THING – Simon is so freaking cute when he smiles.

Seriously, people?!

I cannot believe this product exists!
So I was in the bathroom at school one day putting on some makeup when a pretty girl who looked like a shorter version of Zhang Ziyi walked in. She whipped out her makeup bag and we smiled at each other through the mirror. Then she pulled out this weird looking eyelash curler. I stared at it for so long trying to figure out what it was but couldn’t figure it out. She took out what looked like white nail polish and raised the brush towards her face, and caught my eye in the mirror. Embarrassed, I looked away, packed up my stuff and left the bathroom. I was super curious and it always kind of bugged me that I never asked her what it was that she was going to do.
My curiosity ended when I came across this YouTube video that I have posted. I can’t believe people are so obsessed with having a double eyelid that they’re willing to put glue on their eyelids, and poke and prod at it. I have a huge lid and it’s super deep and sunken in, and I absolutely hate how I can’t do a “smokey eye” effect with eye shadow because it would just look like I got punched in the eye because my eyes are so deep set. I remember always admiring Asian girls because they always had amazing eye makeup and it always looked so sexy, seductive and gave them this mysterious quality, whereas I always looked like a baby doll.
I just think this is really weird, and it makes me sad that so many people feel this way about their eyes. It’s not like regular plastic surgery where one girl or guy feels bad about their appearance and wants to get plastic surgery done. That is small because it is on such a personal level. This is major, because it’s a huge percentage of my generation that feel that they need to change a feature that is racially identifiable. It’s a HUGE problem! I don’t know why so many people feel this way, but it freaks me out. I really don’t know what to say about this whole thing but it saddens me. Let me know what you think…More on this to come!

Britney's Vancouver Concert

Yup, this is the same Britney that's featured in the Candies ad that I have posted below. I knew there was an over zealous Photoshop maniac working on those ads! Seriously, if they wanted someone to show off the cute little swimsuits they have for the Fall collection, they could have picked Nicole Scherzinger from the PCD or something rather than picking Britney and taking 30 lbs off her. Britney's not fat by any means, but she doesn't have the body that most celebrities strive for. I'm so sick of all the fakeness. Oh and small mention about the Britney Spear's Circus 09 concert I just went to...she stopped the show after 3 songs. Why? Apparently there was too much smoke, and everyone in the stadium was requested to butt out their cigarettes. I'm honestly pretty sure that no one was smoking so I don't know why she felt the stadium was too smoky to perform. I mean, it couldn't possibly have been her own fifty smoke machines that were spewing smoke into the air, could it? What a douchebag. Way to go Britney!


Do they even look like the same girl? Ok, clearly, Sonam Kapoor is still pretty because her cheekbones are sky high and she has a nice nose, but WOW she really needs the makeup to shine! Without the makeup, she looks like a normal, albeit pretty, girl off the street. *Lightbulb* so thisss is why stars are always wearing sunglasses! Here I was thinking it was just because their eyes hurt from the flashbulbs...silly me.

Noir Lash Lounge

Note: Click on the picture to enlarge.

I love eyes. If someone has really pretty, big, nicely shaped, symmetrical eyes, that person is just super beautiful to me. Even if they have a nose the size of Pinocchio, the eyes are what get me every single time! (And dimples.. ooh I love dimples :P ) Celebrities whose eyes I luurveee: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Catherine Zeta Jones, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Richie, Rihanna, Persian model Claudia Lynx, Nicole Richie, and Bollywood babes Rani Mukherjee and Vidya Balan.. just off the top of my head.

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Facebook is Creepy

Five years ago would you ever have thought that it was necessary to join a social networking site because if you didn’t you would feel disconnected from your friends, unaware of what events are happening and therefore will be left out of them, and worried that you weren’t going to know the latest on your “friends” life? Seems crazy right? I would never have thought that would be the case today, and it is with a site known as Facebook. Five years ago I also would never have thought that my fascination with tabloid stories of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears being hounded by the paparazzi, would lead me to become somewhat of a stalker myself. Sadly, I’m not the only one who has bought into the voyeuristic culture of today’s world.

Facebook has become the premier networking site of choice for youth all across the world. The reality is this; tabloids are still in existence today because people are interested in other people’s lives. This is not a good thing. Facebook is pretty much a tabloid. The newsfeed on your profile, the homepage that screams headlines of what the rest of your Facebook Friends are up to, it’s all a sick fascination with other people and aspects of their lives which you otherwise would never know about.

Here’s a crazy story that pretty much scared me into writing this article, a wakeup call if you may. I had joined a group called Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a Goddess on Facebook, and a few girls on that group became my “Facebook Friend” (hereby known as FF!). We would analyze Aishwarya’s beauty over other famous, beautiful people in the world. One day I became FF’s with another girl on the Ash group. Let’s call her J. I added J because she and I argued against a random person that said Ash had plastic surgery. I also added her because she was strikingly beautiful as she had green eyes and a face that rivaled international actresses today. I complimented her on her beauty and we gossiped about how silly other people were for thinking that Ash had plastic surgery!

I pretty much stalked J's page for weeks, she had the most amazing life! She was a hybrid of Megan Fox and Nadia Bjorlin, had the luscious locks of Priyanka Chopra, and a booty that was a better version of Kim Kardashian’s. She had a gorgeous boyfriend (they’re the non-white version of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to say the least), the best clubbing outfits and a huge rock on her ring finger. How did she get that rock? Oh don’t worry, I know that story too! Her and her boyfriend went on a trip to a tropical locale and he proposed to her. The ring was hidden in her dessert and he had made her the most artistic 3-D scrapbook I had ever seen to propose to her…*sigh*. Too good to be true, right? How could a girl’s life be so perfect? I was totally jealous! My other FF had also added J unbeknownst to me. She too thought J had a wicked life, and showed J’s page to her older sister. Enter the “kahani mein twist” (twist in the tale). She told me that her sister had met and worked with this girl, except the girl’s name was M not J. She lived in a different place than J’s Facebook profile stated; she was a different age, and therefore all her friends that wrote on her profile about the awesome party they ALL went to, weren’t real either.

I immediately vetoed this possibility. Why would someone go through all this trouble making such a detailed fake profile page and profiles for fake friends, only to proceed to have fake conversations with themselves? This had to be investigated thoroughly. I went through each and every picture looking for clues. Sure enough, I found them. License plates of the country that the real M lived in were in J’s pictures, phone numbers on banners in the background that advertised a restaurant with a different area code than wherever J claimed to live, a cake with the wrong candles on it for J’s supposed age - with the name M written on it! I realized that not only was J a total weirdo who likely found a hot girl off some other networking group and created a Facebook profile that tricked me into hours of stalking, but I wasn’t far behind on the weirdness scale. I basically knew EVERYTHING about this girl through the pictures she had posted, and I had enough time on my hands to investigate the validity of J. I still kept J on my friends list because I was oddly fascinated at the amount of energy and time he or she put into their fake world, and I was super curious and wanted to eventually find the source from where she was getting her pictures from and let the real girl (M) know what was going on! Over about a year, I looked at pictures she posted, read her descriptions on things and eventually added more and more “evidence” to my growing list of reasons as to why J was really M. I had gotten M’s real name, her father’s name and her age from my FF’s sister, however, try as I might, I could not find the profile from where J was stealing all of M’s pictures.

Until now. I found M! I found her facebook profile (she wasn’t using her real name of M but a nickname, which is why I couldn’t find her before). I couldn’t view her actual page but I could view her friends, and creepily, I recognized a bunch of them off of J’s pictures, and on J’s their names had been slightly changed from the original version. On J’s page, her “friends’” friend lists were all un-viewable, but on M, each friend had their own friend list that was viewable and had multiple mutual friends. Too hard to fake. I added a guy of M’s friends, so that I could check to make sure that this was 100% the real girl. He added me back, and I was surprised to see that most of my hunches and observations were correct. This was the real girl. What now though? How do I message someone I don’t really know and tell them, “hey, msg me back because your identity’s been stolen and faked to the max by some other girl”?. I mean, how am I supposed to say HOW I know that she is the real girl and not the fake one? “I creeped this other girl’s facebook page for a year after finding out from someone else that she was fake. I know your bf’s real name because I read it off a cake in a picture?!”. God, life is so complicated. I just think this whole situation, is creepy, weird (including my part in all of this), and seriously fascinating. To see the extent that the fake has made her profile look real, is crazy! She literally is having conversations with herself. It’s really quite sad. Now that I know the “real” girl (M), I wonder who the fake actually is. What kind of person does this? Is she an agoraphobic that has no real life of her own? Is she just a lonely teenager that wants to feel popular?

This may not be the kind of identity theft that can ruin you financially, but it’s just as scary. Unfortunately, Facebook stalking and internet identity theft is a common phenomenon. After surfing MySpace, I found five girls with the exact same pictures, but the names of their profiles were all different. That was with minimal effort on my part.
Who is a Facebook stalker? More people than you would realize. Have you ever seen someone in the mall or a party that you’ve recognized, only to realize you saw them on your friends Facebook profile because they have a picture together? Do you know where your ex boyfriend or girlfriend went on vacation? Yep, you’re a Facebook stalker. There are things that you can do to protect yourself from stalking, being stalked and from having your identity stolen. (I totally need to follow these rules as well!)
1.) Only add people that you are friends with in real life.

2.) Stop posting a million photos on Facebook, or at the very least make sure that all of the albums aren’t viewable by everyone on your list. Your real friends know what you look like, they don’t need to see 20 pictures of you in various club gear if they’re not in the album themselves. Benefits for yourself: When you go out, you will actually enjoy yourself rather than spending your time taking pictures and making sure they’re “facebookable” (meaning: do I look hot enough and do I look like I’m having tons of fun?). Another benefit is that you will also get more usage out of your closet! Fewer pictures posted of your killer outfits are a good thing for your closet, and your wallet!

3.) Delete friends that you haven’t talked to within the month. Even if they know you in real life it doesn’t mean they deserve to be your FF. Benefits for yourself: When you stop caring about friends that don’t mean anything to you, you will have more time for your true friends.

4.) Get rid of your wall. People only post on it because they want other people to see what they’re saying, and if they really want to say something to you, they can message you, or call you! Walls often reveal information that is potentially deadly, as do clicking the “Attending” choice on Facebook events. Why do you need to advertise where you’re going to be or what your plans for the weekend are? A little mystery is always good, and the less information you give unseen Facebook stalkers, the safer you’ll be!

5.) Make sure your profile is limited and is viewable only by your friends!

6.) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post pictures of yourself on other groups. For example that hot pic of you in your sari that you recently posted on the group “UK Desi Girls are the Hottest!!”… Do you really need strangers commenting on how good you look? Self confidence is good but asking for compliments really isn’t necessary.

Prevent yourself from ever being in M’s situation, the girl who I “know” so much about, and yet she has no idea that a J exists, or that there’s a blog entry written about her.

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