Why Are You Here? Karma is Only a Bitch Because You Are.


Have you ever wondered why you are here?  You are on this Earth to

  1. Be the best you that you can be. 
  2. Explore the world
  3. Make amazing connections with other human beings.

That’s pretty much it.  Wow I’m so smart?!

You don’t have to save the world, every single day.  You don’t even have to save the world at all but you have to do SOMETHING good in the day.  You should be nice!

Maybe you helped your mom out, or did something nice for your dad or sisters.  Maybe you ran ahead to a bus and told the bus driver to wait for the older woman who couldn’t run and catch the bus herself and was struggling, maybe you walked home a senior citizen just to make sure he got home safe, maybe you filled out a complaint form and effectively fought for justice for someone who didn’t even know you were doing it just because you knew that they couldn’t speak/write English and would never have been able to fight for themselves…just small things, maybe you told the person helping you at the store that they could help the pregnant woman first.  It’s better than nothing!  Like I said above, Karma really isn’t the bitch, you are.  If you’re a nice person then you have nothing to worry about.

I personally feel that we are on here (Earth) because of the above three reasons… to be good human beings, explore the world and meet amazing people along the journey.  I also believe that everyday you should give the Big guy up there a reason to keep you around for another day.  That’s how I live my life, day by day and just trying to convince the tough guy up top each day that I’m worthy of being on this planet.  So far so good I guess. 

I guess I’ll explain what I mean by the above three points:


This is not as easy as it seems.  It takes a lot of courage, passion and determination to be the best you that you can be.  Step one to being the best you is common sense…

…Get healthy!


I’m lucky to have people in my life that care about my health and want me to get healthy!  The fact of the matter is that every single thing that you do will catch up to you one day.  I know this isn’t what you want to hear and maybe you’re reading this and you’re in your teens or young and you think, psh, I’m invincible.  Well, good for you but… even Superman has his kryptonite. 


Poor sleep habits, poor eating habits are not going to get you where you want to go.  A lot of things are not in our control but this is in our control, this is number one – sleeping and eating.  Trust me.  You will not be successful or the best you if you are not treating yourself well.  My friends know that I have been one of the worst for this.  I used to never sleep in high school like NEVER and for much of my university life… I used to have McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner but now… it’s a different story.  It affects you mentally and physically… I suggest you read up on it.  Your health will give you a reality check one of these days.  Just remember that everything in your body is connected! 

Ok so that’s step one in being the best you that you can be.  You have to look after yourself, you have to sleep well, drink lots of water, eat well and exercise.  Then comes the passion and courage part… you have to do what you love.  If you don’t love being a lawyer and you spend all your time in this so called “successful” position when all you really want to do is become a florist then DO IT!  Not everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams due to social and economic hardships but for the most part you can either make excuses or you can go for it.  You can’t do both so pick one.


I’ve been bitten by the travelling bug.  HELLOOO?!    The world is God’s GIFT to you.  We are here to explore and wonder at this gift.  If you’re sad, or you have this notion that you have it bad or you can’t find yourself or whatever, I suggest you travel.  Honestly if I hadn’t left the country ever in my life I guarantee you I would be locked up in a mental institution right now.  Travelling is THE BEST THING ever.  Make $$$.  Go travel.  That’s like my life goal (having fun is my life goal and travelling is fun so it’s a no brainer).  I live to travel.  I live dreaming of Mumbai, Cambodia, Africa, Brazil.  Ah!  This is REASON NUMBER TWO FOR WHY WE ARE ON EARTH.  We’re supposed to see other things.  It helps us realize we are all connected, you have to get out of your own little world and get new perspectives and experiences.  I love walking around in shorts, flip flops and no makeup with your hair pulled back because the humidity is making it look like Monica on that episode of Friends.  I couldn’t do that if I just sat in Vancouver all my life.


Friends, family, casual encounters.  You never know where things will lead so be open to meeting new people. 

These are our three duties to do here on Earth… if you have not done any of the above yet I suggest you get started ducklings!