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Question and Answer

Q: "Does it not bother you at all that there are people around the world that are looking at you in a sleazy way, or do you like the popularity?" "Don't you care that there are all these 'dippers' commenting on your pictures, or do you like that stuff?"  "Why don't you put your stuff on private?".

A: "Yeah I do it so people will jack off to me at night."

Ok, in all honesty, why do I do this?  I thought that, I would be "somebody", maybe a girl who was interning somewhere, maybe a girl that was auditioning somewhere, maybe a girl who was working and doing stuff on the side.  I've always been someone who loved meeting people, who loved being expressive (reading, journalism, writing, dancing, performing has always been part of me), I look at writing or Twitter or Instagram as a creative expression, as a diary of sorts, and not to mention a great networking opportunity.  Also, I work in social media, I completely disagree with having PRIVATE accounts for the most part (Facebook and Instagram I can see how you may just want family/friends to view it) but WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE PRIVATE TWITTER ACCOUNTS?  It just baffles me.  So no, I will never private my stuff, I think it's dumb to do that.

Right now, I'm nobody, but I can't fully pull the plug on the public me.  I still have that darned sliver of hope that maybe one day I'll... figure it all out in a manner that won't leave me wanting more.  Not sure if this is humanly possible but it's a hope!

There are people who pursue a public career choice in a private manner, there are people who pursue private careers in a public manner, and then there are people who pursue public careers in a public manner.  I personally do not regret having put myself out there in the past, (or now, if I am) because I've met so many amazing people and have come across some pretty cool situations!

Now please note, I'm not saying that I am a public personality, I'm simply talking about how as an individual you can be a little more public or a little more private.  Everyone is fairly public these days, I can probably find most of you on LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter, and most people post pictures that are up for public consumption.  Do I think that 1 sleazy guy is probably viewing a girl's picture right now?  Of course he is.  At the end of the day a girl is going to be looked at no matter what by someone in a sleazy manner no matter what.  Does that mean that we're supposed to lock ourselves in a cage and only go out when fully covered?

Do I like the popularity?  Firstly, what popularity?  This is so relative.  I would say that the most "out there" or "popular" I have ever FELT in my life was when I was in bhangra.  This was pre - Much Music tryouts which is what I would consider the start of a more "public" me.  So yes, bhangra was when I felt the most popular.  If I was just into "feeling popular" than I would have just stayed in bhangra, gone out with multiple people, talked to 50 other guys and had a grand old time.  That's not what I did because I don't care about that.  I did not have 2000 Twitter or Instagram followers or 1000 Facebook friends at the time, but I felt like wow people know me, people like me (in a normal way), etc.  So no, I'm not doing this for popularity, but I do appreciate the fact that in this day and age, having some klout online is a good thing.  Ask any producer if he would rather pick someone with 15K followers or 100 followers (of course if you're truly beautiful, it likely will not matter how many followers you have, but for those that are not god gifted, everything else helps :) ).  To gain social influence, you sometimes have to appeal to the masses and do your business needs to keep that up.  It's purely business.  Trust me when I say this, a nice selfie can go a long way haha.

As a woman who cares deeply about objectification, it's always been difficult to want to be in an industry that puts so much emphasis on physical appearance.  The joy of acting or wanting to be in a medium that has given me so much joy has always outweighed my feminist views (so far).  I would love to be able to change things from within, but also I think there's something beautiful in not caring about how people perceive you and owning your sexuality.

I've tried my best to not be sleazy myself, to not be just tits and ass.  I appeared in a music video once that sang about how every guy wants a nice car and a nice girl.  I also appear on top of the car in one scene (wearing a pink and white striped A-line dress mind you not a short and tight number).  I was also pretty young but... I remember thinking that the song was kind of cool.  What was wrong with a guy saying that he wants a nice car and a nice girl, is that not a humble ambition?  Is it not like me saying, I want a nice husband and a nice house?  Do we have to deny EVERYTHING and become completely asexual and unrealistic in order to be an advocate for self respect and woman's issues?

Also, honestly sometimes, you just want to do something because it's fun!  I did a music video where the artist literally says that he pops a boner.. seriously.  This one, might be a little hard to explain, so I might not even go there in this blog post because then I'll have to touch on what I feel about being sexual, open and honest but I still thought it was a classy shoot lol.   I HAVE boobs, I HAVE an ass this is part of me being a woman and I don't feel that I should have to hide this fact from people just so that I don't get judged by men and other woman as being "skanky" or "slutty".  I also did a swimsuit shoot for a men's magazine that shall not be named (only because they changed the answers to my interview to better suit them).  I thought it was classy, my dad did not have a problem with it, my brother was there with me when I shot the whole thing and I had a great time.  It's a swimsuit, and I was posing.  I'm not rolling around in the sand pouring water over myself while licking my lips.  It's a beach shoot, I'm wearing a bikini, and I quite liked the results.  Did I do this to have men look at me in a sexual way?  I would have to say that's not the THE reason why I did it but yes, I wanted to look appealing I definitely didn't want men to be repulsed when looking at the images, but there was a greater purpose other than "wanting to look hot and be popular".. like seriously.. no girl needs to be in a freaking swimsuit in a magazine or in a music video or doing photo shoots to be popular with men.

Maybe I've done some out there things, maybe I've made some choices that people will not understand, maybe I've lost all my chances at being selected as eligible marriage material by an Indian matchmaker but this is me.  Take it or leave it!  I don't do things without a lot of thought (which I think is contrary to what people may think), and I can feel good about every decision I've ever made in my life so at the end of the day isn't that what life should be about?

I hope you got your answer.


Some people are twisted/read too much into things that I do and are too judgmental.  They also can’t comprehend that people have lives that continue on and that doesn’t mean the past never happened and it honestly just perplexes and baffles me.  HENCE why I’m writing this post because I’m so perplexed and baffled!!!!!  It’s stuff that happens sometimes I notice it sometimes I don’t.  Right now I’ve noticed it so I’ll write about it cuz it’s on my mind.  Ok so lemme explain…
Here’s a story for you.  I had a best friend in gr. 4.  We were cool, she’s no longer my best friend and things DID NOT END VERY WELL… AT ALL.  I still live in the same city so I see her once every 2 years or so randomly.  End of story.  It’s a TRUE STORY.
So now when I see her… am I not going to greet her warmly when I see her, or pretend she doesn’t exist and I don’t know her, or not ask how she was?  Of course I am and have because I’m a nice person and you shouldn’t let small things define a person.  Maybe we just weren’t meant to be best friends, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly!?!  I’ve also – believe it or not – gotten over what happened in grade freaking four!!
I AM JUST THE KIND OF GIRL WHO IS VERY …RANDOM AND I DEEPLY APPRECIATE ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE I’VE MET ALONG THE WAY TO BEING WHO I AM TODAY.  I don’t think of things as ending so much as I think of things as having changed.  For example I didn’t end my relationship with my bank I just changed banks.
Going on with the best friend story here let’s just use it as an analogy now... I’m someone who’s PRETTYYYY EASY GOING AND FORGIVING, I don’t hold grudges (unless you like screw over my family or something) and I sometimes don’t even remember what so and so supposedly did or why we stopped hanging out… and I’m sometimes actually a little too absorbed in my goals and vision for my future (that’s my euphemism for self absorbed) that I don’t notice mundane things like someone deleting me off Facebook or that they haven’t texted or called me as often.  So forgive me if I don’t realize that I’m “supposed” to be mad at someone or not talking to someone.  I don’t have that chip inside me I don’t realize what it is I’m “supposed” to do I just do what I want.  I don’t care what it is that YOU’RE doing – maybe you have a new best friend now – good for you – that doesn’t mean I can’t call you if I want and say hey what’s up, how’ve you been.  You can not answer if you want – that’s your choice but if you make a big deal about the fact that I called and tell your mama and your boyfriend that I called and then write little cryptic tweets – it’s a little weird and it perplexes me like um …are you not over this?  Are you not a mature adult?
I truly just don’t get how some people think I just think some people are so messed up it actually gives me a headache.  Maybe some people read too much into small things… maybe I’m weird for being friendly and easy going and impulsive? 
Am I “living in the past” if say an ex something from 7 years ago texts me happy birthday like they do every year and I say thanks and then we proceed to have a small conversation which culminates in us deciding to have a coffee together?  No… I have no desire to get back together with the person or to rekindle a romance or friendship or to do anything other than have a coffee and see how they’ve been and have a friendly 20 minute meeting with someone who once put a smile on my face and nor do I think THEY want anything more than a coffee.  I have time for a coffee it’s no sweat off my back.  Now if people see us together of course I understand they might think differently because they don’t know the situation, that’s natural that’s understandable.  What is not understandable is going around talking about it to Tom, Dick and Harry and going to ex’s friends and saying that ex is making a bad decision and ex needs to stop living in the past.  IT’S JUST A COFFEE!  IT’S JUST A HI.  IT’S JUST A HUG.  IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS.
Sometimes the guy who approaches you at a party and strikes up a conversation isn’t trying to pick you up… they’re just having a freaking conversation with you.  There’s nothing wrong with humans trying to interact with each other.  Some people just genuinely like conversing and connecting with people.  Some people are just so messed up!  Me talking to someone doesn’t mean I’m trying to get with them or vice versa.  I just don’t get how some girls or guys get so jealous or offended at what they think someone else’s motive is.  Some things should just be taken at face value.  If you’re saying hey I hope you’ve been well – it means hey I hope you’ve been well not hey I freaking miss you and love you and think about you all the time.
Sometimes I walk into my old jobs to say hi to old coworkers or managers.  That doesn’t mean I want my old job back, I have a new job.

Reality Check


I was sitting going through some old pictures when I realized… I have no real idea of who I used to be.  I do not fully remember what I used to be like, or how I used to think when I was younger.  I have no idea who that girl was.  If I met her on the street, her and I would probably have different views on a few different topics.  She’s lost to me forever. 

No, I’m not having a mid mid life crisis, I’m just trying to say that I or you can’t fully get back into the old “you’s” brain and think the way you used to think.  We can never really go back, every moment that happens changes us irrevocably.  I guess I just find it weird that not only do we not truly ever know how someone else feels or think, we don’t even really know ourselves.

Too often we go through life thinking that all we need is ourselves. All we need to do is trust in ourselves.  All we need to do is believe in ourselves.  All we need is to take care of ourselves.  This is all complete bullsh*t. 

The reality check is we need more than just ourselves.  We wouldn’t be alive today without being cared for by other human beings.  We’re nothing without other people, we wouldn’t exist without other people and we shouldn’t forget that fact as we grow older into our teens or early twenties.  “When an infant falls below the threshold of physical affection needed to stimulate the production of growth hormone and the immune system, his body starts shutting down." - - - we literally would die if we weren’t loved.  Maybe you can be conceived in a test tube and in the future from an artificial uterus, but there is no machine that would mimic a human’s love or touch.  Isn’t that strangely comforting?

How do you define yourself?  If I asked you – who are you?  Your response would be???… I am Sarah.  Or Jane or whoever – so by your name, right?  But who calls you by your name?… other people do.  Your own name doesn’t really belong to you does it, it’s just a way for OTHER people to identify you, so it really belongs to them.  Its for them to use.  You don’t write your name down on a piece of paper so that you know who you are, you write it down because someone else gave you that name and you need to identify yourself to whoever you’re handing the paper in to.

How do you know what you were like as a kid?  Because other people told you.  So that means that my first few years don’t belong to me – they belong to my family.  I don’t remember anything at all about who I used to be when I was 2 years old, or 5 years old for the most part.  Knowing that someone else knows something about you that you don’t know is so extremely cool.  Hearing that I used to walk before I crawled or that I used to draw squiggly lines over people’s faces in photo albums or when my sister tells me when we’re shopping for groceries during our trip to Singapore that I used to eat those cookies all the time when I was young makes me smile, and I would never have known those facts about my own self if it wasn’t for my family and people around me.  It’s that question - “if the tree falls in the woods and there was no one there to hear it does it make a sound?”… If I grew up with no one around to tell me who I used to be would I actually exist?  I’m not so sure I would. 

It’s odd to me to know that I don’t even know who I used to be.  It’s one thing to think that way about yourself as a child because no one has memories from when they’re 1 years old… but what about if you couldn’t remember who you were 3 years ago?  What about if you couldn’t remember what you thought like?  What if you couldn’t remember what it was like to feel the emotion that you knew you felt at that point of time?  What if you couldn’t remember what it was like when you fell in love with someone or something like painting or dancing?  How is it that we change so fast?

Is the you that you are now really the same you that you came into the world as?  Scientifically even – no.  You’re not the same you as you were when you were born, and you’re not even the same you that you were 8 years ago or yesterday.  From Stanford’s stem cell bio and regenerative medicine website it states: “Every one of us completely regenerates our own skin every 7 days. A cut heals itself and disappears in a week or two. Every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years.”

So every single cell in my skeleton has been replaced 3 times now.  That is so freaking weird!  I think for the most part, I exist because I have family, because they’ve told me initially who I was.  I am my father’s daughter, my mother’s daughter, my older sisters youngest sister.  Without people who love me in this world I don’t exist.  The tree wouldn’t make a sound if it fell.

So to all the people who think they’re all cool and thug life and “You’re born alone you die alone”… reality check.  It’s not really true, is it?

Read that.  Super interesting.

Personal Meltdown!

I’m having a personal melt down right now.  Most of the time I don’t give a eff what someone thinks about me.  Maybe I’ve just developed thick skin over the years or maybe it’s my obsession with women like Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie or maybe it’s the fact that the amount of love that I receive for being myself has eclipsed any naysayers.  I’ve opened myself up to the universe and received so much love in return!!  Maybe it’s because I feel like people have talked so much crap about me that I’m just used to it.  Maybe it’s because I think other people are idiots most of the time and I’m actually super cool.

Sometimes though, sometimes I feel like I am the most out there and weirdest chick ever.  Maybe I’m giving myself too much importance but all of a sudden I’m sitting here with this gripping fear and realization that MAYBE MY PARENTS WERE RIGHT?!

WHO…WHO is going to marry a girl that is this out there, who secretly (or I guess not so secretly anymore) wants to be an actress and writes her thoughts out for the world to see on a blog and wants to put DANCING freaking VIDEOS of herself on Youtube and loves item numbers in Bollywood songs and would totally love to be in one because she doesn’t think it’s “dirty” and thinks people who thinks it’s dirty are dirty.?  Who would want to be with a girl who wants to travel the world and work crazy amazing jobs that are fun because she doesn’t care about money , who wants to be able to get up and leave whenever she wants and live in 3 different countries, who wants to join politics and write and act and dance and host a food n travel tv show and become an Egyptologist and makeup artist?  Who would want to be with a girl who thinks in lyrics and writes lyrics down on paper and wants to save the world while holding a designer bag, who buys Maclean’s, Times, Psychology Today magazines the same time she buys In Touch and Star because Kim Kardashian is on the cover and then takes notes while reading Elle and Vogue, who buys like a book a week from Kobo and Google’s images of Mumbai for fun?  Who would want to be with a girl who feels bad for her teddy bears that don’t get regular hugs and makes sure to divvy them up fairly, who will put her family before anyone else, who actually likes alone time and goes to watch movies in the cinema alone, who shops in the toy section for herself while pretending it’s for her nieces, who cries when Italy doesn’t win the World Cup and eats Pringles like they’re going out of style?  Who would want to be with a girl who is fiercely independent  yet still wants to live with her in laws (and really I mean if I didn’t live with my in laws what would have been the bloody point of learning how to cook roti and every sabji and curry out there – today’s generation sure as heck wouldn’t appreciate my rotis and FYI I can’t make western food only indian and singaporean).  Who would not get scared after checking out my blog? Who would marry a girl who wants someone to run with her not walk and who is so fiercely loyal that she had the same mp3 and camera for 6 years even though she works at an electronics store?  Who  planned out the rest of her life starting from gr.8 the first day she went to her best friends house and is still best friends with her and pretty much followed the plan lol.  Who would want to marry a girl who has strong opinions and thinks for herself?  Hmm…Wait a second I sound kinda cool actually (to myself anyways – and that’s all that really matters!)

Personal meltdown over.  For all of you who no doubt get that gripping fear that you’re never going to find anyone (that everyone feels every once in a while…if you didn’t feel this way you probably wouldn’t be a very nice and compassionate individual) – Here’s some advice for you:


Goodnight boys and girls – wait for the one!!  Oh and…If any asshole leaves or gives up on you, remember – they’re just an asshole! ;)

Summer’s Over

Summer always makes me sad.  I think it’s sad because I love that this season is associated with sun, the beach, good times, bbq’s, drinks, hanging out with friends and I love all of those things SO much - - but then at the same time I know that it’s not going to last and it’s going to be way too short so it can be a little bit bittersweet.  More sweet than bitter though :).
I had an INSANELY amazingly great summer!  I lost a few things (one of them being my ipod – but I try not to own anything I can’t afford to lose so luckily I got a newer, nicer red touch nano), I met the most amazing, fun loving people from all over the world and I cannot wait to go visit them, and I got to experience some things that I’ve always wanted to!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I’ve gained so much and grown so much as a person!  Cheers to summer, good times, good friends, life experiences and remember: any time above ground is a good day!

Someone’s comment on Youtube.

I'll be honest, if you get offended by vulgar comments, you probably shouldn't be uploading to YouTube. No offense but once you put yourself in the public eye, one of the eyes staring at you will be perverted.
trivium666fan 7 months ago
LOL SOOO TRUE!!!!!!  Genius comment.
If you can’t take the heat you should get out of the kitchen isn’t it?  :)
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Rant #4

Hello jellos.  Here are a few things that people do that irritate me currently.  If you’re wondering why this is RANT NUMERO QUATRO… see: ONE, TWO, and THREE
Disclaimer:  I am not a hater.  It’s just little odd things that kind of bug me, if you have done any of the following below, woops :) hehe. xoxo

SO: PEOPLE WHO POKE ME ON FACEBOOK YET HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID HELLO VIA WALL OR INBOX.  DON’T EFFING POKE ME.  If you have NOTHING worthwhile to say that you can’t write on my wall or message me then don’t poke!  You are so lame, use your brain and think of something…and don’t just say “hey watsup”!  Actually just don’t even msg me (unless you’re really hot. guy or girl ;) I like pretty girls in a non sexual way).
Girls who insist on turning their face sideways to an EXTREME to take a picture (bending their head back).  You look better at a normal angle…knowing which angles are good for you is fine… just learn how to do it so you don’t look weird.
I am however COMPLETELY ok with the skinny arm trick, only because I do that all the time teehee.  (see below :$)
Girl faking sex positions on another girl = ATTENTION WHORE

People who automatically start spreading the word when they see someone they know oot and aboot with a boy.  People honestly could just be friends!!!!!!…also -we live in Surrey, not the Upper East Side – if you want to play Gossip Girl you’re going to need to dress better.
People who steal. AKA whoever found my mp3 player SERIOUSLY why couldn’t you just RETURN IT.  God DAYUM people.  :( :( or I suppose I could stop leaving things places.  WHATEVER.  PEOPLE SHOULD STILL RETURN THINGS.
People who stare.  Just. Stop.
The man who came after me as I was exiting the steam room and tapped me on the shoulder repeatedly telling me he liked me.  CREEPY DUDE LEAVE ME ALONE AAARGH.
Girls with fake eyelashes on in the daytime.  Day makeup, and night makeup = two different looks.  Day makeup does not include fake eyelashes!!!  I’m SORRY I’m all about makeup believe me but this one just bugs me.

People who tag you in pictures on Facebook that you ARE NOT ACTUALLY IN.  I really don’t get how tagging me in a picture of a poster for an event you’re promoting even helps you at all?
People who msg me on bbm WHEN A STATUS CLEARLY SAYS “NOT HERE”.  You’re just asking for me to think you’re annoying.
People who take an insanely long amount of time to put food on their plate in a buffet line.  ARE YOU LOOKING FOR YOUR NAME TO BE WRITTEN ON A PIECE OF CHICKEN?  EFFING PICK ONE UP AND PUT IT ON YOUR PLATE.  holy eff.
People who say they want to be famous so that they can make a difference in the world yet all they advertise that they do is lie on a beach and go to the gym.  Hmmm… posting inspirational status updates isn’t what most people would consider “making a difference”.
People who go into stores smelling like weed.  One word.  Febreze.  Have some dignity!
People who see a group of girls in a Facebook profile pic and comment to only one person in that picture “omg Xara you look sooo good”.  I mean… HELLOOO … there are four other chicks in that picture.  Can you not just say “looking good girlies”? 
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Just Accept The Compliment Goddamit.

I don’t know what it is with girls.  We are SO different from guys!

129167033986932671Guys are used to pumping themselves up.  Their self esteem increases in direct relation to the number they’re bench pressing.  They feel good when they’re making money, when they’re working out, when they’re picking up chicks, and when they’re DOING things.  They have no problem promoting themselves and bragging or boasting about how much they’re benchpressing, how much they’re making, how many numbers they’re getting, how many chicks they’re doing and …you get the point.  It’s all very measurable.  Girls can have an amazing body and STILL be complaining about their fat arms or small boobs. 

When a guy gives another guy a compliment like: “your arms are getting huge”, the guy who is on the receiving end of the compliment accepts it matter of factly.  He does NOT do what girls do and reject the compliment “my arms are nice whatt noo no look at this it’s so jigglyyyy *shake shake shake*”. 

Why is it that girls have such a hard time accepting compliments?  Not only is it stupid to point out your flaws if you really believe they are flaws, it’s detrimental to your self worth and esteem.  TAKE THE COMPLIMENT – ESPECIALLY, and I cannot stress this enough ESPECIALLY if a guy is giving it to you.  Don’t let it get to your head, but just thank him and accept it.  The more you point out your flaws the more he’ll end up believing you!  It will slowly sink into his head and then he might be like ya that’s right, your friend’s ass IS nicer than yours, or ya you’re right your hair really is messed up.  It’s true.  Trust me.

To Be Understood

Sometimes you feel… Does anyone even know what you’re talking about?  Does anyone bother to read between the lines?  Does anyone understand you?  Is anyone out there?  Do they feel the same way as you?  Do they know where you’re coming from?  Are you talking to yourself?  Does everyone else just think you’re a freaking weirdo?

Sometimes you ask yourself those things.  I do all the time.  I think the biggest thing for people is to be understood.  You want someone to know who you really are.  You want someone to know how you feel.  You want to be understood.  There are a few people in my life who I think do understand me.  For some reason, I think I’m a pretty weird person and sometimes I wish I was normal.  I guess everyone is weird in their own way though.  For me it’s just that sometimes I wish I didn’t have the desire to do all the things that I want to do.

I wish I could be content being mediocre.

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Moment’s with Strangers


I love sharing an intimate moment with a stranger (not the one night stand kind although I’m sure that’s very nice as well).  It helps me feel connected to the world and makes you realize how we are all so similar and all human.

It doesn’t have to be a sit down and cry raw emotion type of moment but even a commiserating glance with someone else who has been waiting a long time at the cash register, a smile with someone else who saw something funny on the sky train; anything that connects you with another person for a moment.  I just LOVE that.  I get shivers.  I love feeling like part of one giant circle of life.  I’m a Lion King era baby what else can I say? :)

I’ve had some amazing “stranger moments” with people and so many people who have touched my life without even knowing it.  I’m not being dramatic but I could have died and been raped if not for some strangers so… thank you to all the strangers out there!  I’m sure I’ll have a “Five People You Meet In Heaven” moment with you on the other side.

6 Irritating Things!!!!!!!!!!!


6 things that irritate me RIGHT NOW.  They may not be your typical list of things as I covered a lot in my Rant

“Not a problem” - When I ask someone if they can help me find something at a store, or ask someone to do a favour for you and they respond with “not a problem”.  IT’S A YES OR NO QUESTION.  YES.  OR NO.  OF COURSE IT’S NOT A PROBLEM OTHERWISE DO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE BEEN SO RUDE AS TO HAVE ASKED?  Responding with “not a problem” insinuates that it could have been perceived as a problem, therefore you think that I am that rude that I would have asked something of someone that would have inconvenienced them majorly.  Screw you.

“No offense” – So let me get this straight… if you’re saying “No offense” you know then that this could be taken the “wrong” way or hurt/irritate the person you’re saying it to and yet you STILL want to say it?  What kind of human being are you?  I hate when people say “no offense” after saying something completely rude and unbearable; don’t think that just by saying that you sound like a decent person because you still don’t sound like one and furthermore you are not and never will be a decent person.  Go lock yourself in a room.

Stupid Celebrities on Twitter – They’re rich, they’re famous and all they do every other day is “OMG I’M ALMOST AT 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TELL UR FRIENDS TO FOLLOW ME HELP ME GET TO 1 MILLION!!”… (cough @KimKardashian cough) You are so lame?!!!!!!!!  If I was a celebrity, I would NEVER ever tell anyone to follow me wtf?  Weirdo celebs…

People who don’t leave messages- If you’re calling me, and you don’t call me very often (ie. daily basis), can you please TEXT or leave a voicemsg saying WHY you called.  I’m not saying I don’t want to hear from you, I’m probably delighted but it is a bit worrisome!  I do it if I’m calling someone who I don’t call very often.  It’s just the polite thing to do!  Shoot them a “hey just thought I’d call and see how you were doing its been a while!  call me when ur free :)”.  There, now was that very hard? 

IpadsThe name itself is irritating, and it’s super irritating to see all you ipad users on the skytrain playing your stupid annoying games. :( I want one :(  Apple comes out with amazing products that is for sure but the one thing I don’t like about their company is you have iNoia (fear that you should have waited one more generation before buying an Apple product).

WHEN MY PARENTS SPEAK A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE – ok I absolutely hate it when we’re all oot and aboot like at a restaurant or something and my parents speak in Punjabi or Malay in front of the waiter… I get so embarrassed because OBVIOUSLY the waiter knows we’re talking about him (or the shop keeper depending on where we are) and I kind of grin and blush and stand there awkwardly trying to not be so ethnic.  I wish my parents would just talk in a language that everyone can understand, or else wait till there is a better opportunity to say something.  The polite way would be just to TELL the waiter/shopkeeper to excuse you for a moment!  They will leave and then blab away all you want!

2 Random Quizzes I Found on the Internet

Thought I’d take a couple of quizzes on the internet since it’s the new year.  You might find this boring but I write for me so I can’t really apologize to you.  Happy New Year everyone!
1. Why not me?
I have no idea what this question is asking.  Why not me?… to do what?
2. Am I nice?
I think I am.  I’m not naturally as nice as some people because I’m kind of sarcastic but I’m not fake when I’m being nice to someone.. if I’m being nice to you I mean it.
3. Am I doing what I really want to do?
Definitely not.
4. What am I grateful for?
My family.
5. What’s missing in my life?
Love and freedom.
6. Am I honest?
No.  I’m honest in the sense that I don’t lie to people (other than parents…they don’t count all kids lie to parents eventually), but I’m not honest about how I feel and I don’t always tell everything about how I’m feeling to people (sounds funny coming from someone who blogs about everything and anything but there you go I’m a walking oxymoron).  I do what’s best for me, or I try to at all times so if it’s in my best interests to not tell you that I think you’re a horrible person, or the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me than I won’t.  If that’s lying then so be it.  There are a handful of people in this world who I will never lie to and tell too much to!
7. Do I listen to others?
Not really.  I don’t listen to what other people think I should do or how I should behave, I do whatever I think is right, and I guess this is why I am always getting in trouble in my family lol.  It might technically be the “wrong” thing to do but if I will live without regretting it, even if it’s the “wrong” thing, then for me it was the right thing to do.  Does that make sense?  For example, if I was lactose intolerant maybe it wouldn’t be correct for me to have an entire bucket of ice cream, but I would rather eat the bucket of ice cream because I wanted to than wake up the next day wondering what flavour it was. 
8. Do I work hard?
9. Do I help others?
Not enough.
10. What do I need to change about myself?
Number 9.  I should dedicate more time to helping other people.  My family as well as other citizens of the Earth :)
11. Have I hurt others?
Yes.  A lot…all the time.
12. Do I complain?
All the time.  I’m ashamed to say I’m a whiny person haha but in certain situations I don’t complain.  I will always complain if I feel cold, otherwise I’d say I’m pretty easy going.  I don’t complain about food when I’m travelling or accommodations.
13. What’s next for me?
Being happy and having fun are the only two things on my list of things to do.  These are the only goals of my life, beyond this I have no idea and no plans.
14. Do I have fun?
How funny that this was the next question.  Yes!  As depressing as I can get sometimes I always have fun every single day.  (As long as I have a book or a good laugh life is pretty awesome so I’m pretty easy to please…at the present time I’d like to thank my bff’s Youtube and Kobo).
15. Have I seized opportunities?
Sometimes I am not prepared for the opportunities that arise and that’s horrible because luck is 90 percent preparation and 10 percent chance! However, what I have the capability to do, I do seize..yes.  Example: I once went downtown with my sister and friend to meet someone in the afternoon and suddenly an opportunity arose to be a part of something.  I said yes no questions asked… I stayed up all night in downtown Vancouver outside in the cold , rainy weather without an umbrella or proper clothes, alone and not knowing a single person there or how I was going to get home and went to work the next morning at 7am straight just so I could take part.
16. Do I care about others?
Too much.
17. Do I spend enough time with my family?
You can never spend enough time with your family.  Never.  Everyone will realize this at one point or another.
18. Am I open-minded?
19. Have I seen enough of the world?
Same as #17, you can never see enough of the world.
20. Do I judge others?
Oh I love this question.  I never judge other people I firmly believe their choices and decisions are between them and God.  Unless they are a murderer or other such condemned individual.
21. Do I take risks?
22. What is my purpose?
To make other people smile?  To hopefully raise good children.
23. What is my biggest fear?
Being alone.
24. How can I conquer that fear?
I think you can’t.  If anyone knows how to please let me know.
25. Do I thank people enough?
Blah blah blahhhh I’m getting bored and so are you I’m sure… lets skip this one.
26. Am I successful?
Not yet
27. What am I ashamed of?
I won’t tell it’s personal and it involves someone else.
28. Do I annoy others?
Ask my sisters and my best friends haha.
29. What are my dreams?
To do what I like to do for the rest of my life.
30. Am I positive?
33. Does everything happen for a reason?
Yes, always.  I believe in fate and destiny and there is always something to be learnt from things that happen in this world.
34. What can I do to change the world?
Be the best me that I can be.
42. Do I care what others think about me?
Not enough to stop being myself.
50. What was the toughest time in my life?
It started on November 15th 2009 and hasn’t ended yet.  I’ll let you know when it does…
51. What was the easiest time in my life?
It started on Feb 26th or 27th 2007. 
53. What was the craziest thing I did?
Fall in love.
54. What is the craziest thing I want to do?
Fall in love again.
55. Do I procrastinate?
I’ll answer this question laterrrrr.
56. What is my greatest regret?
Not calling to speak to my grandparents enough.
57. What has had the greatest impact on my life?
58. Who has had the greatest impact on my life?
My mother and her mother.
59. Do I stand up for myself?
To the death.
61. Do I hold grudges?
Only one.
63. Do I listen to my heart?
Too much!?
66. Do I constantly dwell on the past?
If you live in the past isn’t it the present?
67. Do I let other people’s negativity affect me?
Yes.  I care too much about people.
68. Do I forgive myself?
Yes always.
69. When I help someone do I think “What’s in it for me”?
I can thankfully say that thought never crosses my mind.
70. Am I aware that someone always has it worse than me?
Yes, unfortunately I’m kind of a morbid person.

************SECOND QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**************

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? – NO ONLY BECAUSE THAT WOULD PROBABLY HURT HER FAMILY AND THAT WOULDN’T BE VERY NICE OF ME.
How do you flush the toilet in public?  WITH MY FOOT
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?  YES ALWAYS
Name one thing you worry about running out of. EYELASHES AND HAIR
What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? I’VE ACTUALLY GOTTEN LAUREN CONRAD FROM ENOUGH RANDOM PEOPLE TO OFFICIALLY SAY ITS HER.
What is your favorite pizza topping? PEPPERONI
Do you crack your knuckles? NO IT GIVES YOU ARTHRITIS
What song do you hate the most?  99 BOTTLES OF BEER
Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?  YOU ARE SO MEAN!
Peppermint or spearmint?  SPEARMINT
Where are your car keys?  WHERE IS MY CAR IS THE BETTER QUESTION
Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?  YOURS!  FEEL FREE TO COPY PASTE AND WRITE IN MY COMMENT.
Where did you last go on vacation?  LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA
What is your best physical feature?  MY BIG…CHEEKS.
What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?  MILK, EGGS AND BEER
What color are your bed sheets?  BLACK AND WHITE PRINT
Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?  HANDS FREE
What are your favorite sayings?  WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE’S A WAY
What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?  I CAN’T SING AND WON’T TRY.
If you could go back or forward in time,where would you go?  TO MARCH OR APRIL 2007 AND TO DEC 2000.
What do you do when no one is watching?  BLOG
If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?  PREITY ZINTA.
Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?  I WOULD RATHER DIE IN MY SLEEP BUT BEING A SIKH I WOULD BE HONOURED TO DIE FIGHTING FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN.
Coffee or Tea  GREEN TEA.
Have you ever been in love?  YES
Do you talk to yourself?  I THINK RIGHT NOW COUNTS.


As of late.. I’ve heard so many people say the word “bandwagon”.  Why is that?  It is because, Michael Jackson has died, and now anytime someone mentions his name or says anything good about him, the other person in the conversation goes “way to jump on the bandwagon.”
What is a bandwagon(er)? describes it as
A fan of a particular sports team who had no previous interest in the team until they began winning. They often will claim that they have been "a fan forever."  AND/OR
In sports, someone who shamelessly cheers for a particular team not because he likes them or follows them faithfully, but only because that particular team is the "popular" choice or has been or is the top team in their specific sport recently. When that team which bandwagoners follow falls from grace, they gleefully jump on the next teams bandwagon and cheer for that team.
I believe that:
just because you HAPPEN to like something that everyone else likes.. it doesn't mean you're a bandwagoner just because it happens to be a convenient time to start liking something.. HOWEVER .. if you're liking something JUST because other people are liking it and you don't actually fully like it yourself and would never have liked it if other people didn't like it only then are you a bandwagoner.
In the case of Michael Jackson.  It is completely plausible and highly likely that people were a fan of Michael Jackson before his death,(in fact I don’t think I know a single person who would be immune to his music or talent) and after he died, they realized once again how amazing he was and and kind of renewed that interest in him.  It’s completely natural, and a common product of mourning, to reminisce about a person and to remember all the good things that came out of that person’s life.  I think it’s an insult to just continue on as if nothing had ever happened.  Are people supposed to shout from the rooftops randomly that you’re a fan of someone?  I’ve never been that type of person where I shout things from rooftops lol (figuratively) because I just don’t feel that I need to prove anything to anyone.  I’m a quiet kind of fan.  Of course, when people are alive yea you could be a fan and have all the cds or love the songs and think he’s awesome, but if he never really came up in conversation with someone or made news it’s not likely that many people will know, especially because he was around for so long it’s kind of generally accepted that everyone loves him.  It’s like.. when people ask me who my favourite actors are.. I usually say the younger, generally popular talented actors and bypass someone like Amitabh Bachchan because that’s just kind of a known fact.  Of course I don’t think anyone matches up to him.. he’s not even in the running he’s just permanently up there and not in the same league.  If that makes sense.
But you know what?  Even if someone was not ever a fan of Michael Jackson and just started listening to his music after his death and now realized that they liked it… SO WHAT?  I’m HAPPY!  Why would any fan of his NOT be happy that more people are appreciating his music?  As a fan, why would I say to someone “oh whatever you’re just into him now that he died”?.  That doesn’t make any sense.  I hate people and fans who look down on others..  “you can’t be as big of a fan as I am because I’ve watched every single Canucks hockey game since I was five”, “If you were a real fan you would have _____” Fill in the blank.  Being a fan, means that you care/love something.  There is no measure for how much someone loves something.  Sure, there are other people who know more about Italian football than I do, but that doesn’t mean I’m not as happy as those people when they win the World Cup, or as sad as them when they lose!  (I don’t actually watch club soccer but I watch the cups).  As for Michael, I mean, he lived a pretty rough life, and he WAS one of the most talented entertainers there ever was (WHILE he was alive and will continue to be the most talented for a long time I think) so of course I think he deserves it.  He deserves to have his songs played on the radio for weeks, he deserves to have people fall in love with his music, he deserves all the CNN and worldwide coverage, he deserves to have Billie Jean pumping from every car on the road.  It would be a disservice to him not to remember him.  And like I said before, of course people that you might not have known were fans before are going to be talking about him now.  It’s natural.  Someone DIED.. what are people supposed to just ignore that?  Does it really matter if you liked his music before or not?  What matters is if you like it NOW.  You’re alive NOW.  You either like something, or you don’t, and if you appreciate his music now that he’s dead, than all I can say to you is I’m glad you finally saw the light.  Yes of course, it kills me to see how the media and normal people everywhere bullied the sh*t out of him when he was alive but it would kill me even more if people didn’t at the very least appreciate him now that he’s gone.
It just amazes me how human’s put so many restrictions on themselves.  Like, you should be able to feel whatever you want to feel and not restrict yourself from those feelings.  Just because you might seem like you’re jumping on a bandwagon, doesn’t mean that you should suppress your emotions! 

Facebook is Creepy

Five years ago would you ever have thought that it was necessary to join a social networking site because if you didn’t you would feel disconnected from your friends, unaware of what events are happening and therefore will be left out of them, and worried that you weren’t going to know the latest on your “friends” life? Seems crazy right? I would never have thought that would be the case today, and it is with a site known as Facebook. Five years ago I also would never have thought that my fascination with tabloid stories of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears being hounded by the paparazzi, would lead me to become somewhat of a stalker myself. Sadly, I’m not the only one who has bought into the voyeuristic culture of today’s world.

Facebook has become the premier networking site of choice for youth all across the world. The reality is this; tabloids are still in existence today because people are interested in other people’s lives. This is not a good thing. Facebook is pretty much a tabloid. The newsfeed on your profile, the homepage that screams headlines of what the rest of your Facebook Friends are up to, it’s all a sick fascination with other people and aspects of their lives which you otherwise would never know about.

Here’s a crazy story that pretty much scared me into writing this article, a wakeup call if you may. I had joined a group called Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a Goddess on Facebook, and a few girls on that group became my “Facebook Friend” (hereby known as FF!). We would analyze Aishwarya’s beauty over other famous, beautiful people in the world. One day I became FF’s with another girl on the Ash group. Let’s call her J. I added J because she and I argued against a random person that said Ash had plastic surgery. I also added her because she was strikingly beautiful as she had green eyes and a face that rivaled international actresses today. I complimented her on her beauty and we gossiped about how silly other people were for thinking that Ash had plastic surgery!

I pretty much stalked J's page for weeks, she had the most amazing life! She was a hybrid of Megan Fox and Nadia Bjorlin, had the luscious locks of Priyanka Chopra, and a booty that was a better version of Kim Kardashian’s. She had a gorgeous boyfriend (they’re the non-white version of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to say the least), the best clubbing outfits and a huge rock on her ring finger. How did she get that rock? Oh don’t worry, I know that story too! Her and her boyfriend went on a trip to a tropical locale and he proposed to her. The ring was hidden in her dessert and he had made her the most artistic 3-D scrapbook I had ever seen to propose to her…*sigh*. Too good to be true, right? How could a girl’s life be so perfect? I was totally jealous! My other FF had also added J unbeknownst to me. She too thought J had a wicked life, and showed J’s page to her older sister. Enter the “kahani mein twist” (twist in the tale). She told me that her sister had met and worked with this girl, except the girl’s name was M not J. She lived in a different place than J’s Facebook profile stated; she was a different age, and therefore all her friends that wrote on her profile about the awesome party they ALL went to, weren’t real either.

I immediately vetoed this possibility. Why would someone go through all this trouble making such a detailed fake profile page and profiles for fake friends, only to proceed to have fake conversations with themselves? This had to be investigated thoroughly. I went through each and every picture looking for clues. Sure enough, I found them. License plates of the country that the real M lived in were in J’s pictures, phone numbers on banners in the background that advertised a restaurant with a different area code than wherever J claimed to live, a cake with the wrong candles on it for J’s supposed age - with the name M written on it! I realized that not only was J a total weirdo who likely found a hot girl off some other networking group and created a Facebook profile that tricked me into hours of stalking, but I wasn’t far behind on the weirdness scale. I basically knew EVERYTHING about this girl through the pictures she had posted, and I had enough time on my hands to investigate the validity of J. I still kept J on my friends list because I was oddly fascinated at the amount of energy and time he or she put into their fake world, and I was super curious and wanted to eventually find the source from where she was getting her pictures from and let the real girl (M) know what was going on! Over about a year, I looked at pictures she posted, read her descriptions on things and eventually added more and more “evidence” to my growing list of reasons as to why J was really M. I had gotten M’s real name, her father’s name and her age from my FF’s sister, however, try as I might, I could not find the profile from where J was stealing all of M’s pictures.

Until now. I found M! I found her facebook profile (she wasn’t using her real name of M but a nickname, which is why I couldn’t find her before). I couldn’t view her actual page but I could view her friends, and creepily, I recognized a bunch of them off of J’s pictures, and on J’s their names had been slightly changed from the original version. On J’s page, her “friends’” friend lists were all un-viewable, but on M, each friend had their own friend list that was viewable and had multiple mutual friends. Too hard to fake. I added a guy of M’s friends, so that I could check to make sure that this was 100% the real girl. He added me back, and I was surprised to see that most of my hunches and observations were correct. This was the real girl. What now though? How do I message someone I don’t really know and tell them, “hey, msg me back because your identity’s been stolen and faked to the max by some other girl”?. I mean, how am I supposed to say HOW I know that she is the real girl and not the fake one? “I creeped this other girl’s facebook page for a year after finding out from someone else that she was fake. I know your bf’s real name because I read it off a cake in a picture?!”. God, life is so complicated. I just think this whole situation, is creepy, weird (including my part in all of this), and seriously fascinating. To see the extent that the fake has made her profile look real, is crazy! She literally is having conversations with herself. It’s really quite sad. Now that I know the “real” girl (M), I wonder who the fake actually is. What kind of person does this? Is she an agoraphobic that has no real life of her own? Is she just a lonely teenager that wants to feel popular?

This may not be the kind of identity theft that can ruin you financially, but it’s just as scary. Unfortunately, Facebook stalking and internet identity theft is a common phenomenon. After surfing MySpace, I found five girls with the exact same pictures, but the names of their profiles were all different. That was with minimal effort on my part.
Who is a Facebook stalker? More people than you would realize. Have you ever seen someone in the mall or a party that you’ve recognized, only to realize you saw them on your friends Facebook profile because they have a picture together? Do you know where your ex boyfriend or girlfriend went on vacation? Yep, you’re a Facebook stalker. There are things that you can do to protect yourself from stalking, being stalked and from having your identity stolen. (I totally need to follow these rules as well!)
1.) Only add people that you are friends with in real life.

2.) Stop posting a million photos on Facebook, or at the very least make sure that all of the albums aren’t viewable by everyone on your list. Your real friends know what you look like, they don’t need to see 20 pictures of you in various club gear if they’re not in the album themselves. Benefits for yourself: When you go out, you will actually enjoy yourself rather than spending your time taking pictures and making sure they’re “facebookable” (meaning: do I look hot enough and do I look like I’m having tons of fun?). Another benefit is that you will also get more usage out of your closet! Fewer pictures posted of your killer outfits are a good thing for your closet, and your wallet!

3.) Delete friends that you haven’t talked to within the month. Even if they know you in real life it doesn’t mean they deserve to be your FF. Benefits for yourself: When you stop caring about friends that don’t mean anything to you, you will have more time for your true friends.

4.) Get rid of your wall. People only post on it because they want other people to see what they’re saying, and if they really want to say something to you, they can message you, or call you! Walls often reveal information that is potentially deadly, as do clicking the “Attending” choice on Facebook events. Why do you need to advertise where you’re going to be or what your plans for the weekend are? A little mystery is always good, and the less information you give unseen Facebook stalkers, the safer you’ll be!

5.) Make sure your profile is limited and is viewable only by your friends!

6.) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post pictures of yourself on other groups. For example that hot pic of you in your sari that you recently posted on the group “UK Desi Girls are the Hottest!!”… Do you really need strangers commenting on how good you look? Self confidence is good but asking for compliments really isn’t necessary.

Prevent yourself from ever being in M’s situation, the girl who I “know” so much about, and yet she has no idea that a J exists, or that there’s a blog entry written about her.

Le Tigre and Baby..not connected at all but whatever

So I've been MIA for a while now as I've been in Singapore travelling and visiting family. While I was in Singapore I had the opportunity to go to one of the best zoo's in the world - The Singapore Zoo. The Singapore Zoo has an "open zoo" concept, meaning there are natural barriers that divide the animals from humans. I really can't get over how I feel about zoos, and animals. I have a pet lovebird named Baby, and when I think about how he's supposed to be in Africa, enjoying the hot sunshine and flying around looking for food I get really sad.

I've never been against having pets, but ever since "owning" (see who are we to even say we own another living being?!) Baby, I've realized the major effects we have on a wild animal. Baby came to my house with his natural survival skills and an overall zest for life. He was a healthy, happy bird. I researched all about lovebirds before purchasing him. I know that they need new toys, they need a proper diet, they need lots of love and care, etc. Before, he hated having our hand wrapped all around him as he felt confined. Now, he trusts us and knows us and loves being held like that as he feels warm and snuggly (or so we think). I didn't think much of the fact that he used to hate being held like that and now allows us to do it all the time until my sister mentioned it. She told me that he used to be so feisty and not allow us to do that and now it's like he's just given up and lets us do whatever he wants. That is what taming an animal is called but I feel really bad about it. We messed with this living animal's brain and we changed him so much from how he naturally used to be!

I also think that my precious Baby has developed psychological problems. See, birds spend 90% of their time in the wild searching for food. Even though my family tries our hardest to involve him in activities to search for food, Baby is often alone at home while we are all at school and work, and to occupy his time, he bites the skin on his feet and often pecks the skin on his back and under his wing. To prevent him from injuring himself he has a cone around his head, and we're not sure when we get to take that off. It's really heartbreaking, I feel like I've just done a horrible job and messed up this poor bird's life..but he LOVES my little brother (lovebirds attach and mate for life!).. so hopefully he's happy. I guess I'll never really know.

Best Pretzels EVER

Bathed in butter and salt, these Classic Pretzel Balls from ??? in Metrotown are the BEST pretzels ever! Unfortunately I can't find the name of the store anywhere and don't remember the name from when I went in myself, but it's located right next to the Real Canadian Superstore on the ground level of Metrotown in Burnaby, BC. Do not miss these juicy balls of pleasure. Ok that didn't sound the way I wanted it to. Basically, they're delish (!) and you can get them in a variety of flavours such as cinnamon, chocolate, and sour cream & onion to name a few. Mrs. Fields which is right by the food court is a popular place for pretzels, but trust me, Mrs. Fields has nothing on these guys.

Speaking of Judith Leiber clutches..

From left to right: Buddha Minaudiere, Ganesh Minaudiere, Limited Edition Strawberry Cupcake Clutch, Safari Tiger Clutch, and Panther Minaudiere.
Even though some of these were released months ago, I thought I'd post a few Judith Leiber clutches since I alluded to them in my previous post. These Judith Leiber clutches available online at are deliciously luxe and fantastically detailed!
While I do find the Panther, L.E Strawberry and the Safari clutch positively droolworthy, I don't think that Buddha or Ganesh should be subjected to being some rich woman's statement piece for an evening out.
In Hinduism, idol worship is predominant, and many homes have statues or images of Gods that they worship, pray and perform rituals with. The Ganesh Leiber clutch would be treated with Godly respect by Hindus, yet in America it's something that women might throw in the back of their walk in closets.
In Buddhism, there is no idol worship, and Buddhists may or may not find the Leiber piece to be of any controversy. Although I'm not a Buddhist, I believe that there shouldn't be any images or depictions of Buddha, although I do appreciate and respect effigies of Buddha around the world (for ex. the Daibutsu in Kamakura - Daibutsu means "Big Buddha"). This is because immediately after the death of Buddha, there was basically a taboo against any image of him. This is because a Buddhist's goal is to achieve final Nirvana, and since Buddha had achieved total nirvana there should be nothing of him left behind. This is why for centuries he was represented by his abscence - in depictions of an empty throne, a tree with no one underneath, or even a dusty footprint.
Now, anthropomorphic images of Buddha prevail and one can find statues and depictions of him in places such as Winners, where he is sold as a decorative, household item.

OTT and Loving It!

Over the top (ott) and fabulously tacky I couldn't resist taking a picture of these nails! All class I pretty much stared at them and was blinded by their "blingyness". Ok I have to admit, I'm kind of digging them, even though they're ridiculously tacky, at least they're not shy about it and it's so in your face that you just cannot ignore them - much like a Leiber clutch!

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