
People are really weird.  First they belittle you or make you feel like you're stupid for wanting what you want and then when you stop they ask you why you stopped.  

Friend Zone

My response: Fellas, girls are sick of hearing you talk about the Friend Zone.  The "friendzone" is a scenario the rejected make up to make themselves seem like victims simply for not having their feelings returned.  Get over it.

Now I've touched on this topic before in my "Nice guys" finish last post but that was quite some time ago (3 years?), and I don't think I fully delved into this topic the way I should have.  Most people who read my blog post at that point didn't really get that "nice" with quotation marks in my vocabulary - did not equal a truly genuine and good guy.

Every guy and every girl should be NICE to other people.  That would be basic manners would it not to be pleasant, kind and friendly!?  So why is it that when a guy feels like he's a "Nice" guy and he's not getting the girls that he wants he suddenly blames everything on being friend zoned and girls not appreciating the value of his niceness?  Why do other guys back this absurd theory up?  

Why is it that GIRLS have to hear "He's Just Not That Into You" where we're taught in books, in movies, in popular culture that we're supposed to stop acting like fools and ACCEPT the fact that the man is just simply not into us...

...While Guys are allowed to BLAME women for not "recognizing" the fact that they were so great and kind and wait for it.. nice?  Guys are allowed to just walk around being like "man I treated her so well, I listened to her while she talked about all of her problems and watched all her favourite movies with her and she just friend zoned me, what a b*tch, chicks are f*cked" while girls are told to accept it.  I'm sorry you're right it's MY fault that someone was friendly, showed common courtesy, had good conversations with me about topics and it's my fault that I didn't want to immediately jump his bones or marry him because of this.  

Why are girls supposed to be so thankful that a guy is being nice to her that we're supposed to date/marry/whatever them?  Do we not deserve, does the GUY not deserve to meet someone who has a genuine connection with them?  Whatever happened to LOVE, Chemistry, Compatibility, Attraction, Passion and other such powerful emotions?  I want men to want more for themselves, I want them to find a girl that loves them for who they truly are (flaws and all) and to wait for someone who they genuinely, truly connect with and most of all I want them to stop blaming women for when their feelings are not reciprocated.  It is not a woman's duty to like you just because you were nice and friendly.

I know so many NICE girls, that have bad qualities about them like every other human being, as well as many NICE guys with bad qualities about them.  Just because NICE GIRL+NICE GUY meet and the person fits all the criteria (well educated, nice, smart, kind, good family, can cook, good job) does NOT mean that they should be together!  

Life is a journey as they say, and I don't know about you but I want someone that I can see myself enjoying my time with for the rest of my life, walking, running, exploring and growing with.. not just settling for someone who checks off the "marriageable" or "dateable" qualities in a man.

Viral Video - Cellphones

Everyone seems to be posting this video lately on Facebook and Twitter.. I definitely think that it has a huge message.  People these days would rather take 40 pictures so they can remember that night rather than actually living the night and having fun!
I am not a phone person.  This may come as a surprise to people who think I am a different person altogether, or it'll come as no surprise to the people that yell at me for not answering my calls or texting back.  More on that later.  

When do I use my phone?  I use my phone on my way to work because I'm on public transit, so I use it to either catch up with a friend or listen to music.  I don't get time to use my phone while I am at work because - I'm working !!!!!! - I do check it quickly before a break to see if there were any calls from VIPS (my family) when I have a bunch of notifications and need to clear my messages.  I don't often reply right away, or call someone back right away.  My break times are not to type away on my phone - it's to have a break!  I want to eat, chill, go for a walk, and de-stress, not cause more stress in my life by trying to reply to everyone who was bored and decided to shoot me a text or call me (people who probably don't really give AF about you or your life).

When I'm at home - and the rest of my family is awake (mornings or weekends) - my phone is lying on my bed in my room.  I have no use for it!  My close friends have my home phone number, if it's really necessary for them to reach me and I don't answer my cell phone they can call the house phone!  OR, they can come over!  I'm rarely home with my family because of everyone's varying work schedule, I really don't have time to be sitting on my phone, or sitting on the computer, or generally doing anything phone related and it amazes me that people get SO. PISSED. OFF. 

Like WHY do I have to call you back right away?  Do you need something urgently?  Are you my mother?  Are you the President of the United States?  What is it that you REALLY have to say?  I'm all for catching up, I speak to my close friends at least every other day, but just because you saw that I have read your message, or there are double check marks showing in the Whatsapp message, or my BBM says "read", or my Snapchat says "opened" does not mean that I have the time to reply to you!  If you were living life, you wouldn't have time either!

Most people now don't want to live their life, they want to broadcast it.  Doing something cool?  Snapchat it.  Doing something where you look super hot?  Instagram it.  Doing something where you saw someone famous?  Tweet it.  (reminds me of that Bop it game - Bop it, twist it, beat it, snap it lol)

Social media IS important, I communicate through snapchat with my friends and cousins from England and Singapore, I feel connected in their lives more so than ever before.  I Facetime and Google Hangouts with my family members, I GOT A JOB in social media!!!!!!  However, I think that people need to understand that there's a difference between being a SEEMINGLY public and social person who uses social media, and having social media and your friends and your phone run your life. 

I sleep around 3 or 4 am everyday.  If I'm ever consistently on my phone it's between 12am and 4am in the morning (which is when I get a lot of texts from my friends who see my tweets and posts and call me a vampire, and is also the time that I'm sitting here writing this).  This is the time that my family is asleep, it's "me" time.  Monday to Friday I sleep, wake up, hang out with family, go to work, come home and on the weekends I meet my close friends and hang out with my family.  I try very hard to reply to everyone who takes the time out of their day to reach out to me.  I appreciate it very much!  I'm just not glued to my phone.  I personally think that unless there was a text message or a voicemail or like 5 phone calls that showed me that there was some urgency required in responding, 1-2 business days is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to get back to someone.

1.) Don't be rude.  People did take time out of their day to reach out to you, make time to message them or call them back at some point (I believe in 24-48 hours depending on how important it is).
2.) Don't let your phone run your life.

I've been fortunate enough to have been in many situations that were soooo freakishly cool and amazing and random (well I think so anyway!) that I actually was not "allowed" or it wouldn't be correct to record/snapchat/broadcast it (just based on social situations or protocol).  Some of my best and most interesting days are when I wasn't able to talk about it (!)  and those days will forever be sacred to me.  I don't need to see a picture to remember where I have been that was so cool, or who I met, or what I ate, or what we talked about.  I remember it inside, and I love that no one will ever know!  It makes me feel like there is something about me, something people don't know about, something that if ever anyone were to find out they would be intrigued, something I can tell my grandchildren one day, something I can discuss late at night with the love of my life one day.  A woman always has to have a little bit of mystery to her ;)  

Just live people, live as much as you can in as little time as we have left.


My Soul

Is dying slowly.  

I'm in love with both of you

I'm in a conundrum.. 

I'm in love with two different.. Ugh I'm gonna cry.  Yes #two .. I can't believe this happened to me of all people!! I was so careful I tried to resist.

Let me explain.  My first love.. Bachelor #1..Well he's black.. Not that that should matter in this day and age but it just had to be said.  He's so smooth and hard and I know just how to press all of his buttons.. (Well it's usually just the one if you know what I mean ;)).  Literally we're inseparable.  If I'm away from him for even a moment I feel like I'm missing an arm.  I couldn't even imagine a life without him!  He's everything.. He knows EVERYTHING about me, he finishes my sentences before I even say them (aww I know) and we're just really at that point where we're so comfortable with each other you know?  There's no real variety or spice but there's something to be said for reliability.  This just WORKS.  I'm never waiting for him, he's never insecure, he's always ready for me when I need him (wink) and I've invested so much into this relationship. We've been through so much together.  I know he'll always be there for me.  It's the big things like reliability AND the little things like opening things for me just the way I like it, finishing my sentences for me, the little noises he makes <3.  He's the perfect size like we just fit.

But then.. There's eligible bachelor number 2.  He's white (shocker).  He's just so.. Different!!! He's so big and impressive and comes at me with all this exciting stuff!  He makes it seem like the possibilities are endless if only I'll give him a real shot and all of my time.  He makes me feel both in control because this could go wherever I want and out of control because I feel out of sorts when I have so many options.  But he's so new it's hard for me to resist and at the same time hard for me to commit.  I just don't know how reliable he'll be in the long run, and I get really irritated when he doesn't know what I want to say or do.  I know I shouldn't be in love with both.  I know it's wrong.  

The worst thing is I see so much of #1 in #2, like the more I've hung out with #2 and the more we get to know each other I don't feel so anxious being with him.. It helps that I've been able to download the iOS 7 keyboard on my Samsung Galaxy S4.  Wait, what? What did you think I was talking about?

Yes, I'm in love with both my iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4! It's driving me crazy because I just can't make a choice and I'm using both phones for no reason.  The iPhone honestly works brilliantly.  The software is so intuitive and there's no need to download a million different apps to do what you want, the native software has almost everything you need!  But the Galaxy S4 has the ability to do a lot.  You want an iPhone keyboard? There's an app for that.  You want a different keyboard that has nothing to do with iPhone or Samsung? There's an app for that. You want to use your phone as a remote or hook it up with your Xbox, feel free (literally) iPhone on the other hand.. $$$.  You can't customize anything, but I guess the main point is, do you need to?

All I know is that I literally can't part with either one (as much as I want to be a one phone woman), so I sit here typing this on my iPhone while whatsapping and refreshing my twitter stream on my Samsung. #firstworldproblems.

I'm so irritated

Ok so you know how you have an idea and then you're too chicken to do it and you think what will people think.. Well don't!  If you doubt yourself and never even give yourself the opportunity to bring your idea to fruition - someone else will do it and be successful because of it and then you'll regret it.  So what the picture says.. Do that.  The only people who get anywhere are people who live life on their own terms!!!!  There is such a thin line between being creative and amazing and being an idiot.  Honestly, so what if you embarass yourself?  So what if you put yourself out there?  All that matters is that you tried and you were true to yourself!  That's all.  Goodnight all you beautiful people!


Remember that Britney spears song.. "If there's nothing missing in my life than why do these tears come at night".. ?

I always loved that song "Lucky" as well as all other stories of seemingly flawless people (Marilyn Monroe ex.) with flawed lives.    

Nothing is as it seems.

Mirror mirror on the wall... Instagram pics|Artistic expression|Good vs Evil|SKR vs SS

We put a lot of stuff out there on social media sites.  I think it's safe to say that we also take a lot more pictures now than we used to now that we're in a digital age and no longer trying to save precious film (24 images a roll - preposterous! Now I take 24 pics for one angle per outfit and then upload the best one ;) lol).  I usually try and post things that are a little out there, to me nothing is ever just as it is.  A quote that I post is really because of something else that I'm trying to reveal about myself (or to someone specific - I've written before about Why I Write ), a picture is an artistic expression and so on.  This is not to say that everything has deep meaning, I mean of course I like every girl, post some pictures because I went out and spent money on a nice outfit or what have you.  We live in a world now where we are all essentially creating our brands and self promoting ourselves to stay relevant if we want to be a part of a career that cares primarily about looks especially (say model or actress).  I've noticed that as time goes on I feel more and more divided as a person and I've noticed it via my pic posts.   I've posted quite a few "mirror" pics where there are two of me or I'm actually looking into a mirror (like above and below).  

I thought it would be cool for me to kind of explain what I meant by posting the pictures and where I was going in my head with them - ALSO just delving a little bit into how women can feel conflicted with what is expected of them.  I'm very into good vs evil, the battle between light and dark.  A few people have asked me "why are you so dark now", "what's with the Gothic pics", etc.. someone actually spent a good five minutes at a party telling me that they understood why I was showcasing the pics that I did on instagram and facebook and explained some of it to me and I was shocked by the level of insight other people had towards my actions - So I thought I would explain some of them to you ...  With more and more people (everyone basically lol) choosing to have a "public" image via social media sites and a "private" one I feel like not just I but a lot of people have these conflicting feelings...hence this post :).  I've written about being an Extremist person before and I've posted a "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am"  post so this is really a recurring issue/theme.

So the above picture was me saying "suck it" to myself... the negative force inside me, that I can be whoever I want and do whatever I want and I don't need to hold myself back as we so often do :).  I was just in a "suck it a-holes" frame of mind.

This picture above is me staring into a mirror again it was kind of a good wife vs mistress type of thing.. the good me is outside and I'm kind of observing someone else in the reflection.  I originally wanted to photoshop the girl in the mirror to be wearing a black dress but I didn't know how to do that lol.  (Just realized I wrote "girl in the mirror" as if it's a different person lol fml.) The picture was originally posted on Instagram with the lyric "Je main tenu andar doonda te baher kisdi maya" which means "If I'm looking for you inside than whose reflection is outside" and it has to do with God and Love as well.  The lyric originally says If I look for you outside then who is residing in me, if I'm looking for you inside than whose reflection is outside". The reason why I chose that lyric is because I mean it in the sense of a love lost/found as well as God lost found and the struggle between light and dark.

I posted some of the pics subconsciously choosing to mirror myself and later as I realized that I've done quite a bit of it I just kind of realized it's because I've actually... I actually feel very divided and like two people. When you're a kid it's so simple, you're just a kid.  You're so pure and innocent and then now with society the way it is it's just this constant struggle.  The struggle to be yourself but to be noticed as an artistic person so essentially the battle between selling out and staying true to yourself, the struggle to be a female and embrace your femininity and sexuality and be bold but also to preserve that and hold that close to you because it's sacred.  The struggle between wanting to be wild and not come home at night and to feel nothing but the pleasure of the music rushing through you and lights flashing vs wanting to be home with family in Spongebob Squarepants pajamas (totally wearing them right now).  

 My friend JUST said to me on Thursday "the old you would never wear that", and I was like "who?", she said "there are so many you's I don't even know which one anymore the new old you, the old old you, the old new you". It's just SO WEIRD that people around me have actually felt the divisions.  I met someone who asked me about what I used to do before working and I explained that I was doing political science at SFU and he was just like wow that's .. so different from who I am now.  He's right, I could never imagine myself being the same person who went to SFU again, I left that place and never went back because I would feel like I was going to my own graveyard.  

The weird thing is a couple of years ago - when I was kind of into this new transition into a newer, bolder me let's just say lol I had a dream (and I don't have dreams) and I dreamt that I was in the apartment my family lived in when I was five.  There were two of me - me now and me when I was about 4 with curly hair and I just hugged the 4 year old me.  It was the creepiest dream I've ever had in my life I have goosebumps as I write this.  The next day I just felt so unsettled.  I think my soul somewhere went to visit an old me or something.  It was weird I tell you I can still see it clearly.

This pic I didn't end up posting actually but I think it correctly showcases the sweet me vs like the demonic me.  I like the demonic/bad me lol haha.  I think all indian women or just all women in general have to deal with what society expects them to be.  We're supposed to be sweet and fluffy and nice and ladylike in the streets and yet also be hot and vixenish.  It's always damned if you do damned if you don't.

 This picture that I took... scares people apparently lol.  It's GOOD to be dark sometimes!

This picture was about stepping into the light or staying in the shadows...also again light vs dark... public vs private.  See.... all so recurring.  N people think I just thought I looked good and posted a random pic.  It's all about artistic expression baby!

Oh Taylor Swift


Oh boo hoo poor female so hungry for love that she’s desperately chasing after people and being too clingy and the innocent little males who need a perfect woman who isn’t clingy and who fall for her maneater chasing ways are heartbroken when she sings about them after.  EFF YOU WORLD.  I’m so sick of the world depicting women in this manner!

Lately I’ve felt really bad about the whole Taylor Swift thing.  Not because of the usual reasons that people feel bad for her – the string of broken relationships, the poor little rich girl who can’t find someone to love her thing – I don’t care about all that.  What I do feel bad about is that people feel that they can make fun of a woman for essentially having more than one “boyfriend” a year and then singing about it.  Let me just get this straight… people are making fun of Taylor because she' dates amazingly good looking and famous men, she is minting money off of singing about them, and she’s a hot, young blonde with oodles of talent?  Sorry um, did I miss the memo?  I fail to understand why no one is saluting or applauding the girl and are instead making her the butt of jokes!

It’s all because we live in this misogynistic world where women are hated and people have such extreme double standards.  She hasn’t killed anyone, she’s beautiful and has access to places I couldn’t dream of being, why the EFF wouldn’t she be dating around?  I’m not saying that she’s a completely flawless and sane human being; buying houses by your summer fling’s home and suddenly dressing like you’re Jackie Kennedy was a tad bit unnerving even for me, so yes she’s made some poor choices, but to me that is completely irrelevant to the fact that people are not smart enough to see the other side of things or to see that they’re even BEING misogynistic.  I have a problem with people judging other people, especially other women WHILE holding men who do the EXACT same thing in high regard.

Here’s my case for Taylor Swift:

1.) She’s making money, and people like her songs.  She’s a REAL girl who has relationships and her songs actually reflect her life.  Oh but maybe she should be singing about the streets she never grew up on and the jail cells she’s never been in, or how chains and whips excite her because THAT’S cool!  SHE’S A FREAKIN SINGER – HER SONGS SHOULD REFLECT HER LIFE – She’s possibly one of the FEW people who in their actual singing career are being honest while allowing other people to relate to it.  No lie her songs are pretty catchy!  One thing I’ve learnt in life DON’T MESS WIT PPL’S MONEY – if singing about her boyfriends has made her get to where she is, why are people hating?  What do you expect her to do instead like are you going to pay her bills?  You just don’t dog on someone’s career choices when they’re actually successful at what they’re doing because that makes you El Stupido.

2.) If you’re going to date her, you already know what you’re getting into so don’t complain when things don’t work out and you suddenly hear a song about you.  I mean, hello?

3.) Choosing to sing about your view on your own relationships is hardly a crime and the people who are making fun of her (example Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, late night show comedians, Chelsea Handler etc) are people who have made their careers off of making fun of other people so I hardly think that they should be ones to judge.  That makes no sense to me “Hi I make fun of other people for a living but the fact that you sing about your relationships and made your career off of that is DISGUSTING YOU SLUT”.  Right..

4.) In a survey on 67% of people who participated in the online poll said that they LIKED when Taylor sang about her relationships.  She’s an artist/singer/star… she has to give the people what they wanttt goddamit!  Civic duty and responsibility and all that jazz! 


I don’t see anything wrong with what she’s doing.  She dates people, the world is interested, she sings about them, she banks millions off of it, she get’s interviews because people care and she’s “relevant”… keep doin what you’re doin sistah!  Hashtag mad props.

Legit couldn’t think of a title.


Sup people’s!!!!  Ok SO – I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M FINALLY WRITING!  I just felt it today I felt this ZING like this is a moment that I def have to write about so HERE I AM.  It’s an Oprah kinda blog post like if today was a day on the Oprah show you’d probably skip it if all you care about is celebrity interviews cuz it’s one of those spiritual Oprah show days so skip it if you’re a soul less horrible person who doesn’t care about human emotion (see what I just did there haha suckaa now you gota read it!).

Let’s roll.

Background story:

Today I felt really weird as soon as I woke up, I didn’t even recognize what emotion it was it just felt weird in my windpipes or something.  I realized I was feeling sad as I blow-dried my hair because I suddenly (to my shock) burst out crying.  I didn’t really know why but whatever it’s not a big deal.  So I stopped went on my way, went to the building where I work and kinda started crying again!  At this point I’m like dayum Sharin get yo ish togetha!  It was really weird because nothing had happened specifically I guess it was just subconscious emotion or something but I felt down it just wasn’t a fantabulous day – UNTILLLLLLLLLLL I went to the bathroom to wash my hands :D

So I’m chillin out maxin relaxin washing my hands scrubbin away feelin blue and I look up into the miror to see this CUTE LITTLE BABY BOY in his pram kickin his little feet with his head turned all the way to the left lookin at me in the mirror smiling!  I swear all my sadness - that weird windpipe heavy in the chest feeling EVERYTHING just washed away like I was cleansed by that little angel’s smile.  I walked out of that bathroom on a whole other level and I was just like “dayum what is wrong with you woman like who do you think you are?  Who the heck gave you the right to be sad like do you see where you are?  You are on this freaking beautiful amazing Earth living the LIFE right now just truly blessed and you’re going to cry or feel blue and be sad over what?  EFF you Sharin lighten up – stop and smell the effing roses and smile cause you’re ALIVEEEEE homie!!!!!!”  (truly that’s the convo I had with myself) 


Point of my story:

Babies and animals are dope.  Get out of your own head.  Stop and smell the roses so to speak… smile at a baby… touch a flower… touch your grandparent’s hand… smell a baby’s breath… marvel at the world.  It’s shiny and clean and filled with oxygen just for you!

I love it I love the world, I love everything about it and I’m so glad to be here.  People talk about feeling blessed and it sounds so corny but I feel it inside I feel so thankful to be here.  Not everyone is here with me and I still am and people I love are still here and I’m so happy and thankful to God to grace me with another day.  I sound like one of those spiritual people on tv I know I sound weird but this is what I feel.

Babies and animals I honestly believe are like.. angels.. they’re God, they’re everything true and beautiful and divine on this Earth.  When I walked out of that bathroom I honestly felt like God just smiled at me and gently reminded me that I am lucky.  I truly felt a spiritual presence.  I felt like an idiot too I felt like the world’s biggest buffoon that a BABY had to take time out of it’s day and go out of it’s way to smile at ME.  I’M the one who’s supposed to be smiling at the baby!  How wrapped up in my own head and space was I that I first of all didn’t even notice a cute baby in it’s pram and secondly didn’t even see him smile at me until I looked into the mirror? 

I just love babies so much, thank goodness they exist because they teach us so much about life.

So THANK you miracle little baby in it’s pram for making my day so wonderful, you’ll never know what it meant to me but your smile saved me.

Trying To Stay Positive



I’m a big believer in thinking positive and that we can all achieve anything that we set our minds to.  I believe that our minds have powers that are beyond our comprehension.  I believe that we inadvertently or for those who have discovered “the secret” as it’s often called (the power of positive thinking) purposefully shape our own destinies.

I think I was always a positive person and that I always kind of had this sense that I could “make” things happen.  A lot of my positive thinking was just visualizing, visualizing my life in my head – aka day dreaming.  I would very distinctly imagine my future.  On the first day my best friend and I hung out we wrote down and planned out our future and I’d say quite a lot of it came true or what we had thought about and wanted when we were younger came true although of course as we grew older we always wanted more and more. I also wrote a lot so besides day dreaming I would write about my life and what I wanted and believed would happen.  I would sometimes write in a future tense and act as if I was already a famous journalist or hot shot what have you.


Then there came a time when I wasn’t so positive.  I was so immersed in sadness and negative thinking that I often couldn’t breathe.  I’d throw up randomly (not knowing why (at the time)), I was not able to sleep well, I would wander the streets, I was pretty much constantly crying – at work, on the bus, on the skytrain, waiting for the bus, walking, in my room, in the bathroom, when watching a movie (you get the point) or hyperventilating to the point where I thought I needed to call 911.  I remember an episode where I was in my room and suddenly couldn’t breathe and thus far I had tried hiding it from my family but they found out this time and suddenly EVERYONE in my family was in front of me (including my dad, omgah poor guy), freaked out and scared and trying to help me.  It was a surreal moment and my sister told me that my lips or tongue started turning purple.  The power of positive thinking helped me.

After watching The Secret and meeting people in my life who were positive and really changing their mindset consciously I too changed my mindset.  I believe that if you clearly visualize yourself in the image that you want to be (a successful lawyer for example) and you FEEL that image, you feel the happiness, the power etc you will gravitate towards that and the powers of the universe will conspire to get you where you want to be.  It’s a very, very conscious effort.  It’s not easy to do this and you’ll find yourself slipping and thinking “one day” or thinking negatively.  You can’t imagine that you will be something “one day” you have to feel it NOW or you will forever be that person “one day”.   Create a vision board where you showcase things in a present tense.  “Your car” should not be the car you have now but the car you want and the more you look at that board and believe that that life is yours, the better for you.   I stopped dwelling on anything negative, I used to get so upset at little things.  I used to call up a friend and vent and moan about things and now I literally don’t tell anyone anything.  I may feel bad about something, write it on a piece of paper and rip it up and then I never think about that again.  I only allow myself to be upset for a few minutes and then I’m like ok .. time to move on.  It’s ok to rant and vent every so often as long as it’s not something you’re doing all the time and it’s not affecting your mental health.

It’s not easy being positive and lately I’ve been feeling that the future I once saw so clearly in my head has slipped and it’s getting more and more difficult to imagine that I will actually do what I said I would - so this post is about me trying to get back to the power of positive thinking and saying that I will once again make time for ME, for being positive, thinking happy thoughts, writing powerful quotes and speeches to myself to motivate me and working on my future as if it’s a reality.  I hope you will do the same and please do share with me if you try to think positive – what you do to stay positive – if you’ve slipped on this.  I READ ALLLLL OF YOUR COMMENTS via twitter/facebook and on this blog itself!!!!!!!!!!!  Sometimes your comments are just awesomeness so I just post it and don’t reply because there’s nothing to say cuz you’re right!!  But I do read them all!

I think I’ll write another post later on how to actually feel better and be more positive.  So watch out for that :D

**Side note** You can’t just sit there and think that thinking positive alone will change your life, it is meant to be a catalyst for positive ACTION. 


Now get out there and KICK SOME BUTT PEOPLES!! :D :D

The night sky

Speaks for itself doesn't it.

Just saying

 "You did not betray me, you betrayed yourself." - Optimus Prime

It is not my duty to seek punishment on anyone nor do I feel like people "owe me" anything.  If I'm friends with someone I will ask them what their story is - if I choose to believe that we can move on if not than I will move on with my life without them.  It's as simple as that... I don't need to ask around to others to see what the real story was because I believe that if they chose to lie to me - that's on them.  That's their karma, that's their betrayal to themselves as decent human beings and that really is not my problem.  They did not betray me, they betrayed themselves.  I follow my gut instinct.

My theory is I would rather be deceived by my friends than to distrust them.  At the end of the day though if you have to EVEN ASK... it's already over.  That's what I always say.  If you can't trust your friends, or your boyfriend or girlfriend and you have to ASK them "Did you _____" then it's over!! If you really trusted them you wouldn't need to ask them.  WHAT'S WORSE is going behind your boyfriend or girlfriend's back and confronting SOME RANDOM PERSON to "figure out the truth".  I really, really, really do not think that is the right thing to do and I'm shocked by how many people do this!  You can't always have the truth served to you on a platter, you have to use your own judgement.  

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