Why Are You Here? Karma is Only a Bitch Because You Are.


Have you ever wondered why you are here?  You are on this Earth to

  1. Be the best you that you can be. 
  2. Explore the world
  3. Make amazing connections with other human beings.

That’s pretty much it.  Wow I’m so smart?!

You don’t have to save the world, every single day.  You don’t even have to save the world at all but you have to do SOMETHING good in the day.  You should be nice!

Maybe you helped your mom out, or did something nice for your dad or sisters.  Maybe you ran ahead to a bus and told the bus driver to wait for the older woman who couldn’t run and catch the bus herself and was struggling, maybe you walked home a senior citizen just to make sure he got home safe, maybe you filled out a complaint form and effectively fought for justice for someone who didn’t even know you were doing it just because you knew that they couldn’t speak/write English and would never have been able to fight for themselves…just small things, maybe you told the person helping you at the store that they could help the pregnant woman first.  It’s better than nothing!  Like I said above, Karma really isn’t the bitch, you are.  If you’re a nice person then you have nothing to worry about.

I personally feel that we are on here (Earth) because of the above three reasons… to be good human beings, explore the world and meet amazing people along the journey.  I also believe that everyday you should give the Big guy up there a reason to keep you around for another day.  That’s how I live my life, day by day and just trying to convince the tough guy up top each day that I’m worthy of being on this planet.  So far so good I guess. 

I guess I’ll explain what I mean by the above three points:


This is not as easy as it seems.  It takes a lot of courage, passion and determination to be the best you that you can be.  Step one to being the best you is common sense…

…Get healthy!


I’m lucky to have people in my life that care about my health and want me to get healthy!  The fact of the matter is that every single thing that you do will catch up to you one day.  I know this isn’t what you want to hear and maybe you’re reading this and you’re in your teens or young and you think, psh, I’m invincible.  Well, good for you but… even Superman has his kryptonite. 


Poor sleep habits, poor eating habits are not going to get you where you want to go.  A lot of things are not in our control but this is in our control, this is number one – sleeping and eating.  Trust me.  You will not be successful or the best you if you are not treating yourself well.  My friends know that I have been one of the worst for this.  I used to never sleep in high school like NEVER and for much of my university life… I used to have McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner but now… it’s a different story.  It affects you mentally and physically… I suggest you read up on it.  Your health will give you a reality check one of these days.  Just remember that everything in your body is connected! 

Ok so that’s step one in being the best you that you can be.  You have to look after yourself, you have to sleep well, drink lots of water, eat well and exercise.  Then comes the passion and courage part… you have to do what you love.  If you don’t love being a lawyer and you spend all your time in this so called “successful” position when all you really want to do is become a florist then DO IT!  Not everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams due to social and economic hardships but for the most part you can either make excuses or you can go for it.  You can’t do both so pick one.


I’ve been bitten by the travelling bug.  HELLOOO?!    The world is God’s GIFT to you.  We are here to explore and wonder at this gift.  If you’re sad, or you have this notion that you have it bad or you can’t find yourself or whatever, I suggest you travel.  Honestly if I hadn’t left the country ever in my life I guarantee you I would be locked up in a mental institution right now.  Travelling is THE BEST THING ever.  Make $$$.  Go travel.  That’s like my life goal (having fun is my life goal and travelling is fun so it’s a no brainer).  I live to travel.  I live dreaming of Mumbai, Cambodia, Africa, Brazil.  Ah!  This is REASON NUMBER TWO FOR WHY WE ARE ON EARTH.  We’re supposed to see other things.  It helps us realize we are all connected, you have to get out of your own little world and get new perspectives and experiences.  I love walking around in shorts, flip flops and no makeup with your hair pulled back because the humidity is making it look like Monica on that episode of Friends.  I couldn’t do that if I just sat in Vancouver all my life.


Friends, family, casual encounters.  You never know where things will lead so be open to meeting new people. 

These are our three duties to do here on Earth… if you have not done any of the above yet I suggest you get started ducklings!

How to Break Up With Someone





There you go :)  Glad you know how to break up with someone now, use any of the above options, have a nice day!

Hehe ok so I’m not a relationship queen or anything like that (FAR, FAR from it) but here are some rules on how to break up with someone.  It’s largely derived from a Psychology Today article by Elizabeth Svoboda called “The Thoroughly Modern Guide To Breakups” found in the Feb 2011 issue.  I really liked it, possibly should also have taken it’s advice and I haven’t really, but if sharing it helps one other  person than my job here is done.  Short of someone dying, breaking up with someone and being broken up with is the hardest thing one ever has to endure.  Hopefully this makes things a little easier.


Do not be so horrible that you force them into breaking up with you.  It’s YOUR feelings that have changed, it’s YOUR life that you want to go in a different direction from what it’s going in and it’s you who wants a break up so don’t be a jerk, don’t be an asshole, and don’t all of a sudden avoid their phone calls, spend an insane amount of time with your friends, give one word answers, etc in an effort to make them break up with you.  Honestly, all you are doing is making them question themselves.  You’re making them overlook what their own basic instincts were telling them about your relationship; they can’t trust how they felt about you, they can’t trust what they saw or heard or felt in your relationship.  If you make them break up with you, you ARE crippling them for any future relationship.  They will not be able to trust anyone because they have no idea what went wrong, therefore the only thing they can think of is that THEY are wrong.  You’ve made them blame themselves.

  • Rule #2 – Do not break up via email, text, Twitter, Facebook etc.  Face to Face baby.

We were not born to communicate via text or email.  It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.  It could be the look in your eyes saying “hey you still care about them it just didn’t work out” or the tone in your voice saying you mean this… just the fact that you are there face to face shows that you were worth that much.  You cannot properly communicate through a 20 second delay through text message.  I for one cannot have a serious conversation through text let alone breaking up with someone!  I need to see their face, hear their tone, and perhaps lighten the mood with a look or a smile.  Having a face to face conversation ensures closure.  Trust me when you look back on the moment ten years later you will be happy that you met face to face.

  • Rule #3 - Be nice, and be honest.

You’re already breaking up with them, there is no reason to hurl insults.  You should have done that before the breakup lol so they at least knew what was wrong and how you felt.  At this point, you’re just sealing the deal, there is no reason to argue, no reason to say “You’re a ****** of **** you dirty ****”.  It’s not going to solve anything, it’s not worth it.  Do be honest, if you’re just not in love with them anymore, say it, but there’s no reason to get nasty and talk about how you faked every orgasm or how you hate his mother.  It’s your job at this point to keep them going and keep their self esteem up – you don’t want them to think they are a horrible person because they weren’t, you just weren’t right for each other.  There is no reason to cut them down. 

  • Rule #4 – It’s not You its Me.  Avoid saying this.

Pretty self explanatory.  Saying something like this is usually false, it doesn’t sound sincere and the person you’re breaking up with deserves an explanation, ANY explanation.  They deserve a true explanation not some generic line.  If you can’t think of an explanation maybe you shouldn’t initiate a break up because you’re obviously  clueless and confused.  Figure your ish out first before you break up with someone.  You need to be clear on your reasons.  Avoid a point by point breakdown however because you don’t want your partner to be like: “no that’s not what happened”, “it was actually your fault we lost our dog”, etc.  It’s not about minor details at this point so there’s no reason to go into a case by case breakdown.

  • Rule #5 – Do not suggest being friends after.

At this point it’s just not a good idea.  You should move on first, then if you can be friends in the future that’s fine but your first step should be moving on completely.  Otherwise your partner may just remain in limbo.  That doesn’t mean you should ignore your partner afterwards, it just means it’s probably best to not have a friendly dinner date just yet.

  • Rule #6 – Express yourself

If you want to text the person you just broke up with and say it sucks that the future we talked about just didn’t happen, I’m sorry, I wanted it to work out but this is for the best and this is what I want – SAY IT.  There is nothing wrong in letting them know that you are upset with how things ended.  A break up is usually something no one walks into a relationship thinking they will do.  Both parties are injured.  Let the person you broke up with know that you feel pain as well.  Just make sure that you don’t give them the impression that you made a mistake in breaking up; end each communication with something along the lines of “this is for the best”, “this is what I want”, etc.

  • Rule #7 - Do not beg.  Do not protest.

O gosh.  If you’re being dumped, you’re being dumped.  Nothing you say or do will change their mind.  It’s better to just leave when someone wants to leave you.  You don’t want to change their mind!  Trust me.  Just accept it.  Dumpees for the love of God follow this rule for any future break up.

  • Rule #8 – Say No to Revenge

Just move on!  Stop making them the center of your world by plotting ways to kill them, kill their new gf, destroy their relationship with their family etc.  It’s not worth your sanity.

  • Rule #9 – Feel the Pain

Be honest with yourself.  It’s ok to be in unbelievable pain, you don’t have to pretend that everything is ok.  Don’t numb it down by drinking and going out every night, having meaningless sex, or travelling the world (aka running away).  Eventually you have to come home and it’s better to feel the pain now rather than later.

  • Rule #10 – Love again

You’ll find someone else!  Believe that.

Moment’s with Strangers


I love sharing an intimate moment with a stranger (not the one night stand kind although I’m sure that’s very nice as well).  It helps me feel connected to the world and makes you realize how we are all so similar and all human.

It doesn’t have to be a sit down and cry raw emotion type of moment but even a commiserating glance with someone else who has been waiting a long time at the cash register, a smile with someone else who saw something funny on the sky train; anything that connects you with another person for a moment.  I just LOVE that.  I get shivers.  I love feeling like part of one giant circle of life.  I’m a Lion King era baby what else can I say? :)

I’ve had some amazing “stranger moments” with people and so many people who have touched my life without even knowing it.  I’m not being dramatic but I could have died and been raped if not for some strangers so… thank you to all the strangers out there!  I’m sure I’ll have a “Five People You Meet In Heaven” moment with you on the other side.


I don’t confirm or deny rumours.  It’s weird because I’m like extra gung ho on this and I’ve always been this way.  If someone male or female wants to talk about me I really don’t care to defend myself to people who want to listen to rumours.  “What other people think about me is none of my business” is kind of my philosophy.  Not that I’m someone who hears a ton of rumours about myself but just in general this is how I feel.  I’ve been asked the most outlandish things and my response is always: it’s none of your business… I don’t confirm or deny rumours, sorry.  So can you imagine how difficult my life gets because I think this way?  It would almost be easier to sit there and say “yes that is true”, “no that is false”.  Instead I respond with “um that’s nunya (business)” and the person who asked me is just like are you serious?!
Yes, I mean it SERIOUSLY.  If you were my FRIEND and you listened to someone talk ish about me and then felt the need to come up to me to ask me if it was true, you really don’t deserve an answer.  At the end of the day you need to grow up, use your brain and make your own decisions about people.   You can’t be spoon fed your whole life waiting around for the truth.  You have to believe what you want and follow through on your beliefs and your instincts.  At the end of the day no matter what I say you’re going to have to choose to believe me or not so I’m just skipping the “whole waste of my time explanation” part and making you decide right away because that’s what you’re going to have to do at the end anyway.  I hate listening to gossip.  I just think people who do are really ugly (physically).  They disgust me.  Obviously, life is not black and white and there are exceptions to this rule but yeah generally speaking I will not ever confirm or deny a rumour, and you shouldn't either :)  Let people think what they want.
On the flip side if I have ever asked someone something, I will believe what they tell me.  I believe that it is better to be deceived than to distrust a friend.  Also, if they are lying to me, their fate lies in God’s hands not mine, so it doesn’t harm me to believe them.


If you only have ten seconds read this:

You have two choices on how to deal.  You can either “scrap it out” or shut up.  You can’t NOT scrap it out and still run your mouth – that makes zero sense.  Unless the other person can’t even be bothered to scrap it out with you… then you’re just lame for harbouring a hatred for someone who doesn’t even give an eff.  Screw bullies and eff bitches.

Now if you have more time to spare, here are my ramblings and philosophies on the two.  Maybe you will relate, maybe you feel I deal with things completely wrong but here jump in my head and let’s check it out.


As most of you know, I was born in Singapore and I moved to Canada in 1994.  What that means is that as a child I had this dorky Singaporean accent for my first few years in Canada (I still do actually but I’ve developed a Canadian one for when I’m oot and aboot), big ears, I was painfully shy and had a braid, and I didn’t know American tv shows or cartoons like Puff the Magic Dragon and Pippi Longstocking or Barney for the longest time.  I was somewhat culturally clueless and it left me feeling unbelievably displaced.  It’s a big change even if you are only a little kid to move from Asia to North America.  If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts you will know that I spent most of my time reading.  All in all I wasn’t a “cool” chick and I was bullied up until about gr. 4. 


A funny word for funny people.  Now that I’ve grown up and have become the pretty confident chicka I am today one would think that no one would ever dare to bully me, and if they did, that it wouldn’t affect me.  Not exactly the case.  There are still bullies in the world even at this age and it’s unfortunate that some people still feel the need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves.  When you’re older the face of your bully may change or even disappear.  Cyber bullying is unbelievable right now with sites like the Dirty and Facebook making it ok for anyone to make an account or post something nasty about you.  It may happen at work when you’re intimidated or pressured by an imbalance of power to do something you don’t want to.  It could be verbal/physical/social like excluding someone.  My policy now as it was then is to ignore it.  I actually find it funny when I encounter it; it makes me smile because I have come so far from the girl who used to come home to cry to my mother or disappear into a book.  But – that doesn’t mean that I’m immune to a bully.

At the core of it all, no matter how high my heels are, how expensive my jeans are or how big I can tease my hair (actually this is a lie I never tease my own hair, Tamara S from Pizazz does it for me – she’s awesome!), I’m still the same geeky Singaporean chick that I always was, I just have a lil more sway in my step.  It amazes me to know that some people in the world think I’m attractive (?? I know…don’t laugh!  GOSH you’re mean you bully!) because in my head I’m a total Looneytune and some situations that I’ve been in I just look around like haha wow who knewwww me, lil ol Sharin, would ever be here and I laugh inside like a maniac.  So if you see me walking with a smile on my face, I’m not smirking at you, I’m smirking at the world because you should never let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do.  You should never let anyone make you feel inferior. 

It does hurt when people don’t like me, I’ve always felt this overwhelming need to be liked but hey, you win some you lose some!  Stop stressing!  Do you feel the same way?  You can’t expect everyone in the world to like you and as long as they don’t like me for who I am rather than for what I’ve done – I’m ok with it.  Was that confusing?  Ok listen, if someone doesn’t like me because I’ve actually DONE something to them – then I am a bad person; I wronged someone knowingly or unknowingly and I am not ok with that.  I really do live my life trying not to wrong anyone.  If they don’t like me for my opinions or because I laugh too much or because I take attention away from them or whatever it is then SCREW THEM!  There are a few people (that I know about) that don’t like me and I never bothered to ask them why because it was out of the blue to me and I know that I’ve never done anything to them so… whatever.  Their loss.  I’m just being me and what other people think of me is none of my business.

If you really don’t like someone, then either shut up, or scrap it out.  I don’t necessarily mean be violent (although if that’s what you mutually want then whatever as long as it’s a fair fight) but you have to go head to head, say what you need and then move on!  You don’t have to settle the matter and be friends but as long as you’ve made your stance clear that you dislike the person then just continue living your life rather than making them the center of your hate filled world.  You cannot do NOTHING to square off against someone but then proceed to make funny faces, talk shit about them to other people and say the word “whore” under your breath every time you walk by each other.  That’s just a waste of your energy, it’s stupid and it makes you a bully (and immature!).

So to all the bullies out there, stop wasting your time!  To all the bullied people or people who have a few haters in this world, you must be doing something right because you have something that intimidates the other person.  There is something about you that they can’t control or can’t be/wishes they were like or maybe they are like you but they don’t have the confidence to showcase it and they want to bring you down.  That mean’s you’re coming out ahead of them brother, keep doing your thing and eff the haters!

My Rant on Gender Issues and the Colour Pink. READ IT ALL! It’s worth it!

I have been meaning to write on this topic for a while and I’m not going to write this all “professionally” just fyi so don’t mind the swear words and asterisks. Boys, you should read this because eventually you might have a little girl one day (and then you’re going to freak out and try to raise her to be the opposite of every girl you’re trying to hook up with right now). Girls you should read this because you’re my homies.
If I was a mom, I don’t know what the best way would be to raise a daughter. This issue is close to me because I often know where my parents are coming from in the decisions they make to raise me (even though they don’t know that I know this), and I have often said to myself “I wouldn’t do the same thing to my children” but would I? I’m not so sure. I was brought up
  • watching Disney movies
  • wearing cute party frocks
  • being in baby beauty contests
but I was also brought up playing with my sister’s hand me down toys and other awesome toys that I chose myself such as
  • a train set which would emit real steam
  • Lego sets
  • board games and other cool toys.
I only had ONE Barbie doll and other than a 30 second hair brushing every other day she did not get played with very much. I think I grew up to be quite an awesome person.

I hate Princesses. I hate the word princess. I hate the Princess collection that Disney has relatively recently put out. I hate how girls seem to have limited choices of toys to play and that companies have brainwashed people into thinking that everything needs to be pink now for a girl to like it. I know my font colour is pink and there’s nothing wrong with the colour itself but I just hate seeing a little girl dressed head to toe in pink, playing baseball with her pink baseball bat and mitt. I hate it because THAT’S NOT ALL THERE IS OUT THERE. I’m not saying giving a girl a pink bat is eventually going to turn her into this girl:
or this girl:
BUT SHE MIGHT. I’m just saying, your little Lady might turn into a little Tramp if you’re not careful and it’s scary how unknowingly we can be priming girls for earlier and earlier sexualisation
There is this perception by toy companies that a female would only want to play a sport if she has her pretty little version of the equipment. Little girls that prefer playing sports and getting dirty are considered tomboys rather than just…athletic girls. It’s ridiculous. Sorry toy companies but I don’t need a “girl version” of Lego where everything is in pink to want to build things.
LEGO® bricks in beautiful colors!
Build a house, a pony, or anything else you can imagine with this special box filled with LEGO® bricks in colors you love and elements like fences, windows, doors and flowers!
Yeah because that’s all girls love to build; ponies, houses, and flowers and only boys can build hospitals, spaceships and helicopters.
Why do boys get the rest of the colours and girls get stuck with pink? (side note: did you know that pink was actually meant for boys because it was a pale red, and blue for girls as it was the colour associated with Virgin Mary? That’s why early cartoons such as Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella wear pale blue.) I can’t believe PARENTS ACTUALLY BUY THEIR DAUGHTERS STUFF LIKE THIS:
Designers edition Scrabble, in the colour pink with the letters spelling the word “Fashion”. Cute. I wonder who their target market is even though this doesn’t specifically say “for girls”? Why does the pink version of Scrabble need to spell Fashion???!?!?!?!?! Why can’t it spell SCIENCE? OR MATH? OR BUSINESS? A**holes.
Designers Scrabble is nothing compared to Boutique Monopoly.
Pretty in Pink – Just for You, Girl! Buy Boutiques and malls, go on a shopping spree, pay your cell phone bill and get Text and Instant Messages. You and your friends will adore the funky tokens, cool buildings and cute illustrations.
I didn’t realize that normal Monopoly was for boys only. Does this mean I should not use my trusted Rover as a game piece and switch to a Chihuahua in purse game piece instead? Instead of picking up CHANCE or OPPORTUNITY I have to make do with getting an instant text message? Oh em gee that like totally sucks. Instead of buying houses and hotels I am supposed to be interested in boutiques and malls? I’m surprised Jail is still Jail and not a spa day! Why do people think that beauty and fashion are all girls care about? Even if they (toy companies) do think that then why do we allow this to go on? Why do we allow people to perpetuate this stereotypical behaviour?
Honestly.. I would rather have this Monopoly set: 6BF07953
Now that’s freaking legit.
Throughout my life I’ve noticed a few things and I want to ask why. Why do people at checkout counters say “why hello princess” to little girls and then proceed to comment on how CUTE they look (focusing on their looks),why are there “princess meals”, why do hairdressers tell little girls to sit in the special princess throne so they can get their princess hair cut? Why do skate rinks promote Daddy daughter skate day as “Daddies bring your little princesses on Monday for a special daddy daughter skate day”. WT EFF IS UP WITH ALL THIS PRINCESS SH*T?! If the same skate company had said “Daddies bring your lil champs to skate today” would you still think they meant for you to bring your daughter? It's funny how the world "champ" short for "champion" is typically used to describe little boys.
Most grown women I know would be offended to be called a princess. Being called a princess means that you are likely high maintenance, live in a dream world, and you’re probably also snobby and condescending. So why in the world would we want to encourage our daughters to grow up thinking being a princess is a magical and special way to be? Why would we want them to grow up wanting to be princesses? Most princesses in Disney movies are weak people from broken or dysfunctional families that eventually get saved by a male. Of course, the prince who saves them falls in love with them because of their good looks and not much else. Cinderella’s hubby didn’t see her dressed in scrubs and cleaning the toilet and THEN proceed to fall in love with her - she needed a fairy godmother and a stunning ball gown to get her man. Princesses also don’t have very strong female relationships or role models and they seem to only be able to communicate with tea cups and saucers, mice or fish. That’s not exactly something I would want for a little girl. Which leads me to play time.
As a boy, you have so many more options during play time at home. You can play sports with friends, you can play act to be a superhero or a frog or a monkey or a knight and be really active and imaginative.
Little girls on the other hand sit indoors playing tea time or pretending to cook on their kitchen set BY THEMSELVES or with other inanimate objects.
It’s no wonder females find it so difficult to get along when they’re older and every other girl becomes a “bitch”. They never learnt how to interact with each other from the beginning.
Why does this have to be so? I also think that playing “princess” primes them for early sexualisation. Girls as young as 4 have become fixated on their appearance and directly relate how they feel to how they look. (read my post on Feeling Fat). It's unhealthy to say the least. Everyone in this world is more than their appearance, more than their sex, more than just a body.
Dora the Explorer was a pretty cool cartoon I thought. She had normal un-princess like clothing, simple features and she actually had something to do. She explored. She taught a language. She was the antithesis of everything princess. Until this.
Magic Hair Fairytale Dora. Play with Dora’s hair girls! Instead of wanting to be adventurers and go out in the world and explore things why don’t you just sit inside and grow Dora’s hair magically? Isn’t that all you really should be caring about anyway?
What do you think? Do you think I’m taking this all way too seriously? Do you think it’s ok that the toy aisle that’s full of pink toys is the girl’s aisle? Do you think that the world is pigeonholing girls more and more as time goes on? Of course there are multiple things that are wrong with this world and I could write more and more about this topic and other topics, but I just wanted to get it out there and keep it as short as possible so that the message would come across. I’m beyond mad but I hope that reading this has made you a little mad too and hopefully it will open a few eyes and make you be a little more critical.

Lingering fear

Ok so this is a random short post because I’m going to crash soon and have to wake up at 5am but…one of my lingering, nagging fears (so not a fear that’s constantly there but a mellower more brooding fear) that pops up every so often is the fear that my close friends will eventually turn on me for reasons unbeknownst to me.  Maybe I’m just paranoid.  You see it happen on 90210 or Gossip Girl all the time, where someone out there is out to get you and all of a sudden your boyfriend, your friends, even your parents turn against you and you have no way of telling everyone what the truth is; or you tell them and they just don’t believe you.  Ah there you go that’s my fear: telling someone the truth and them not believing you.

I just think it’s horrible… – I don’t mean telling someone that you can just write off like ok whatever they don’t believe you - their loss, I mean someone who you deeply and truly care about like your parents or your really close friends. I mean in this day and age where you have sites like “The Dirty” where people can say anything and everything they want about you without repercussions it just seems like it’s something that could happen easily.

Anyone out there can say anything about you, and it’s true that your worst enemies are the ones you don’t even know about.  Some random guy or girl might say some random thing about you and there’s nothing that you can do to stop them.  If you’re someone that is actually friendly and outgoing, chances are people are going to believe the random guy and believe effed up rumours about you (well to you they’re effed up but they might be something small and believable).  It’s just so WEIRD and not fair.  There’s nothing you can do to protect yourself and you just have to hope and believe that people you love and that “know” you will know what kind of person you are.  It’s not just about rumours, but say you’re being possessed by the Devil or something and you tell someone and instead of believing you they think you’re mental?!  I used to tell my guy friend all the time to remember to take me seriously if I ever say I’m being possessed.  Like legit conversation. 

Anyways I guess in short one thing that I want to tell people is that looks can be deceiving.  Things aren’t always what they seem.



I am what I call an “extremist” - not in the terrorist kind of way or “religious zealot” way either but simply put I fluctuate between extreme ends of the emotional spectrum rapidly (see my “Who Am I” section on the right).  On an aside… I absolutely hate the way many extremists who bomb planes and kill their daughters are called “fundamentalists”.  I feel that they are as far from the fundamental teachings of their religion as is possible and the term “fundamentalist” is an insult to the religion itself.  

Back to what I was saying, I am an extremist and I can’t quite decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Any self help book (and I’ve read quite a few), religious book (again – I’ve read quite a few) or meditative/spiritual conversations that I have engaged in with spiritual people have mentioned in some shape or form that peace can be achieved through having a tranquil mind that is free from desires.  A peaceful, happy person is one that has the ability to meditate and free their mind from the banality of worldly goods and desires.  Not only do spiritual or self help books mention this but highly successful people who have accomplished many great things in life for an extended period of time have as well.  Over many years I’ve read various interviews or memoirs on businessmen, activists, politicians, humanitarians, actors/models and they also have often stated that one thing that has kept them going for so long is that they don’t ride too high on their highs or too low on their lows.  They don’t really get affected by the crazy roller coaster of emotions that I seem to be affected by.

So here is why I am confused.  I don’t 100% love being a slave to my emotions, but I 85% love it.  What should I do?  Am I supposed to listen to all these respected and other worldly people and float through life in an almost detached and spiritual meditative state?  Am I supposed to say screw you Buddha and your half a billion followers I think my philosophy is better? I love being wildly, deliriously happy and yes the contrast is that you do occasionally become horribly, cripplingly depressed but I don’t mind suffering so long as I can have that out of this world happiness every so often.  I feel that all super smart people though – Buddha, Guru’s, Holy scriptures, Yogi’s etc think that how I am is a bad thing.  I see the wisdom in what they are saying but…I don’t know.  It’s hard to change.  I guess I am aspiring to not be so extreme but I happen to think it’s one of my best features?! 

I keep most things on the surface; when I’m upset or mad it’s right there in your face but once the matter has been dealt with I’m over it and move on and am all jolly again.  I kind of feel that people who aren’t like me are missing out… it’s great to be me sometimes.  I am going to try to be a bit more balanced.  It can only be a good thing to not be a slave to one’s emotions right?

Here is a quote that really inspires me from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I think it’s really inspiring because I’m so often full of passion that I don’t let reason guide me and basically everything he says is true.  I just love it.  I love every sentence it’s the complete truth.

I Feel Fat


I have heard those three words uttered countless times.  If those words have never crossed your lips then I bet you’ve heard them said by a co-worker or friend.  Women similar to the three women in the above picture have probably said those three words irrespective of the fact that they have three vastly different body types. 

Newsflash people: FAT IS NOT A FEELING!

Emotions have the following parts: subjective feelings, physiological (body) responses, and expressive behaviour. If fat was a feeling it would have some kind of expressive behaviour.  Think about this: if you had to act out the feeling/emotion of sadness it would be easy.  You would maybe have some tears streaming down your face and your head down with an upside down smile. Now act out surprised: Eyes open, mouth open, eyebrows raised and hands to face. Now act out “fat”. All you may be able to do is puff out your cheeks or some other PHYSICAL interpretation/depiction of what being fat is but there is no emotion that is being expressed.  Be conscious of how you feel not how you look.  Looks are not everything!

When you Google: define: fat there is not one definition that includes a feeling or emotion.  So why do so many people say those words?  Am I suggesting that people should listen to this picture below instead?


No! The above picture is also a horrendous outlook to life.  Pretty is not an emotion.  Fat is not an emotion.  People really need to take a step back and realize that how they feel does not need to be directly related to how they think they look.  All “skinny” girls do not have awesome lives; likewise all “pretty” girls do not have perfect lives.  There is no guarantee that being thin or being gorgeous translates into happiness.  Instead of uttering the words “I feel fat”, I would like you to accurately assess your feelings because only then can you address the problem.  The problem is not your weight or your health, the problem is that you are possibly unhappy.  You may feel sad or lonely or depressed that you have gained weight or think you look bigger than you normally do, but you cannot “feel fat”. 

Too many people think that changing the way they look physically will change their lives and that they will become happier.  Do you really believe people who say: “I will be happy if only I had bigger breasts” actually become happy forever after surgery?  There will always be points in life when you feel that your body or face is not what you would want it to be, but it takes a change in attitude, not surgery to become truly happy.  I’m not saying I am opposed to surgery.  I’m saying that one should not depend on surgery or physical alterations to their body to change how they feel about themselves or to feel happier.  If you were truly overweight, your weight is not what leads you to be happy one minute and “feeling fat” the next.  Your weight is also not the root of your problem, just like the fact that credit cards and malls exist are not the root problem for a compulsive shopper.  The problem with “feeling fat” is the inner emotional state that the person is experiencing such as unhappiness, loneliness, anger, or depression; not the literal fatness.

I feel that it can only be a good thing when people begin to be conscious of the way they FEEL rather than directly relating how they feel to their LOOKS and physical appearance.  Next time, try not to “feel” a physical characteristic and actually state an emotion, you owe yourself that much!

Brangelina Who?

I’m in Love.
Am I the only one who just found out they were dating? Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk are officially the hottest couple ever. Brad cleans up well but what with his scruffiness and Angelina’s pale skinniness, I welcome this bronzed glowing new duo with open arms. Wasn’t Kim Kardashian rumoured to have been seeing him at one point? Just goes to show no matter how hot you are, there is always someone hotter. Unless you’re Irina of course. She looks really South American to me because of the skin tone but she’s all Russian. Nazdarovyey!!!!!
Aside: who DOESN’T love Russians? It’s the country that brought the world vodka, Natalie Glebova aka Miss Universe Canada 2005, apparently break dancing and now Irina? Go Russia!
She’s so hot. I can’t get over it right now.
Irina Shayk Club SI Swimsuit Hosted Vanity Wfdtdn-Jaxvl
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 24 7 SI Swimsuit b0n8IV1XCt3l
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Party LAX Las QhqQgsjBpIXl
So cute right? Sorry I posted so many pics… I had a hard time narrowing it down (actually it was quite an enjoyable fifteen minutes…).
Who is Irina? You probably know her better as this girl:
She was also in Kanye West’s video “Power” but it’s kind of a weird video if you haven’t already seen it and was just typing it into Youtube right now, don’t bother. She’s apparently engaged to Cristiano now if rumours are to be believed and you can bet your bottom dollar that you’re going to be seeing more and more of this girl. Aren’t you glad you read my blog?
Ok well I’m off to bed… going to plug in some Enrique Iglesias (his song “Tonight” is currently on repeat) and think about Irina and Cristiano…and me and Irina and Cristiano… then just me and Cristiano… etc etc ;)

6 Irritating Things!!!!!!!!!!!


6 things that irritate me RIGHT NOW.  They may not be your typical list of things as I covered a lot in my Rant

“Not a problem” - When I ask someone if they can help me find something at a store, or ask someone to do a favour for you and they respond with “not a problem”.  IT’S A YES OR NO QUESTION.  YES.  OR NO.  OF COURSE IT’S NOT A PROBLEM OTHERWISE DO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE BEEN SO RUDE AS TO HAVE ASKED?  Responding with “not a problem” insinuates that it could have been perceived as a problem, therefore you think that I am that rude that I would have asked something of someone that would have inconvenienced them majorly.  Screw you.

“No offense” – So let me get this straight… if you’re saying “No offense” you know then that this could be taken the “wrong” way or hurt/irritate the person you’re saying it to and yet you STILL want to say it?  What kind of human being are you?  I hate when people say “no offense” after saying something completely rude and unbearable; don’t think that just by saying that you sound like a decent person because you still don’t sound like one and furthermore you are not and never will be a decent person.  Go lock yourself in a room.

Stupid Celebrities on Twitter – They’re rich, they’re famous and all they do every other day is “OMG I’M ALMOST AT 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TELL UR FRIENDS TO FOLLOW ME HELP ME GET TO 1 MILLION!!”… (cough @KimKardashian cough) You are so lame?!!!!!!!!  If I was a celebrity, I would NEVER ever tell anyone to follow me wtf?  Weirdo celebs…

People who don’t leave messages- If you’re calling me, and you don’t call me very often (ie. daily basis), can you please TEXT or leave a voicemsg saying WHY you called.  I’m not saying I don’t want to hear from you, I’m probably delighted but it is a bit worrisome!  I do it if I’m calling someone who I don’t call very often.  It’s just the polite thing to do!  Shoot them a “hey just thought I’d call and see how you were doing its been a while!  call me when ur free :)”.  There, now was that very hard? 

IpadsThe name itself is irritating, and it’s super irritating to see all you ipad users on the skytrain playing your stupid annoying games. :( I want one :(  Apple comes out with amazing products that is for sure but the one thing I don’t like about their company is you have iNoia (fear that you should have waited one more generation before buying an Apple product).

WHEN MY PARENTS SPEAK A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE – ok I absolutely hate it when we’re all oot and aboot like at a restaurant or something and my parents speak in Punjabi or Malay in front of the waiter… I get so embarrassed because OBVIOUSLY the waiter knows we’re talking about him (or the shop keeper depending on where we are) and I kind of grin and blush and stand there awkwardly trying to not be so ethnic.  I wish my parents would just talk in a language that everyone can understand, or else wait till there is a better opportunity to say something.  The polite way would be just to TELL the waiter/shopkeeper to excuse you for a moment!  They will leave and then blab away all you want!

What the….

Ok guys, makeup does wonders.  Granted you need a good base, but regardless, makeup can do WONDERS.  Check this chicka out.  Her name is Promise and you can check out her tutorials on Youtube HERE
No it’s not Angelina Jolie but it’s a darn good eye makeup job.
The girl is GORGEOUS.  I could totally tell she was doing an Angelina make up look without her having to mention it.

Honestly, I don’t even know how she does this, she manages to look like so many different celebrities and I think she has a million wigs?!
girl kim lkjh nicki ravvv taylor wow
Here she is without makeup:
Yeah.  I know. 
I just think it’s scary for people nowadays because everyone really is so fake and I’m not excluding myself from this.  Everybody is hiding something.  Push up bra’s, plastic surgery, contouring, extensions, eyelash extensions, lip injections, Spanx, contact lenses, hair dye, hair removal – I know for a fact some of you only had one eyebrow you big bunch of fakes reading this :P, tanning, laser treatments, cellulite reduction treatments… You can do a treatment for literally anything and everything.  Promise is beautiful don’t get me wrong, the more you look at JUST the picture of her without makeup (without comparing it to the fully loaded ones) she looks amazing.  She has high cheekbones, a straight nose, full lips, and gorgeous eyes.  I honestly just thought it was really cool that she could pull off such different looks and wanted to share it with you guys!
I wonder sometimes…where is this all bringing us as a society?  When will our quest for perfection end?  How soon will it be that plastic surgery becomes the norm for everyone (not just celebrities and the uber rich)?  Makeup for me is a presentable face.  It’s the polite thing to do.  I wear it when I work at my sales job most of the time, I wear it when I have to be on camera, I wear it when I’m going oot and aboot.  I don’t wear it if I’m just being me without needing to “present” myself to anyone.  I would never want to have the ability to put makeup on so “well” that I look completely different with it washed off.  Less is more!



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