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I often get asked, why I don't write as much. I do write. I get asked this question from people who I've known for a long time, people that have seen me grow up and have followed me and supported me on my journey. First, to you I say thank you. You know who you are!

But yes, I do write still! I write in journals, I write in my Notes on my phone, I write long emails or long letters or I just write in my head (if that's a thing....).  I'm a huge fan of letters, but I'm a little bit cautious of them because I don't want to jinx myself so I tend to write in my journal now as if I'm writing to that person; and then I just keep it to myself.

I've learnt that not everything can be communicated or needs to be communicated/said. You may need to express yourself, but not necessarily to the person who caused you to feel this way. It's your journey, not theirs. This can be both when a person makes you feel good and when a person makes you feel bad.

Say a person makes you feel good. What about that feeling is about them, and what about that feeling is about you? In my opinion it's largely about you and how you need that feeling, validation, or that emotion, or that love, or that kindness, or that understanding at that time. You are the one who is in that prime spot of needing or wanting or enjoying that emotion and that's why you feel good. So, say you like someone, and they compliment you. You will react positively and feel great and think YES. Say you don't like someone and they compliment you, you'll likely be a little irritated and wish that person would just leave you alone or not engage with you because you don't like them. Other people cannot make you feel good. You have to allow or want or need that feeling and you are the one who chooses the people that can make you feel good.

Your reaction to things is 100% your responsibility. So... if you are happy because someone made you feel happy - it's because you were ready and willing to accept it. My point is - the sole responsibility of your happiness does not derive from someone else. It truly lies with you. You are actually the only person that can make you happy. This isn't a unique thought, many people say this all the time "You're in control of your happiness" etc etc. My point though is the opposite (negative statement) - that someone else is not in control of your happiness. That someone else is not in control of your sadness or the bringer of happiness/sadness into your life. You aren't lovable because you are loved, you are loved because you are lovable and open to being loved. The difference between the "you're in control of your happiness" and "someone else is not in control of your happiness" is that the former sounds very optimistic and idealistic and the latter is the blatant truth. Mr. Whoever or New Job, or New Car is not the reason why you're happy. YOU are the reason why you're happy. Likewise, Mr Whoever, or Job or Money is not the reason why you're sad. YOU are the reason why you're sad. Telling someone they're in control of their happiness is not the same thing as telling someone that the factors in their life is not the reason why they feel happy or sad. It's a subtle but important shift of focus.

So, when you are in a relationship - stop thrusting all your happy emotions on them or they'll feel terribly burdened with the responsibility of keeping you happy. Stop expressing every single emotion that you feel to that person because it's YOUR emotion. You may need to express emotions but it doesn't have to be TO that person. They are adding to your happiness, but it's your responsibility to be happy.

That's what I've learnt so far in life, that there are many blessings to look out for and many people that add to your joy and happiness. Ultimately it is up to you to open up to this and to own it. Don't put the burden of keeping you happy on someone else because that's a false way to live. Just be happy, on your own, and share your happiness and accept the additions to that happiness from others.

I wrote this Jul 31 2014. Things have changed since then...

I wrote this Jul 31 2014 and never posted it.  I should have posted it, this is why I write... to document my life, express my feelings properly and without censoring.  I feel bad that I didn't post this so.. here we go.  It's so interesting to me to realize that small changes have occurred.  I suppose I'll write another blog post soon.

I've always been a self proclaimed "extremist" (see HERE) but even I have grown tired of the roller coaster of emotions that I go through.

I'm tired.  I always have my eyes on the people close to me.  I'm always like "are they ok, are their feelings hurt, are they tired, are they stressed, did I go too far in pushing them to do something productive, am I hurting their ego, should I be more caring versus tough love, should I be more disconnected and let them figure their own thing out, did I act too upset (even if I feel upset) and do they now know that I'm upset but I don't want them to feel like they upset me because then they'll feel bad and I don't want them to feel bad because I know they mean well or they didn't mean to hurt me"... I'm just always so concerned with having everyone around me be ok and be good, and of course that's just trying it's not always successful but I am very mindful of other people's feelings (of those close to me).

I may not need anything from anyone but it's just that sometimes I get really tired.  Like today, I'm tired.  I'm stressed, I've tried to do what I do every day and be happy and chill and be positive and not dwell... like I'm REALLY good now at just being like "No Sharin, you have to be happy" and switch off and find happiness somewhere.  I CHOOSE to be happy but sometimes you want to be able to just lie on someone's chest and have them stroke your hair while actually UNDERSTANDING you.

I've grown used to being alone.  I occupy my time with work, books, TV, magazines, and hanging out with friends as much as I can.  And then laughably I actually get random calls from people sometimes who tell me stuff like "you're actually a nice girl, I know people talk shit about you but you're actually nice".. like what??..1. people still talk about me, and 2. they have ill things to say? how confusing!  If only they knew I spent the last weekend re-reading Harry Potter 6 and 7 ;).

Whether it's in a funny YouTube video or reading a tabloid magazine to distract me, I've learnt to depend on myself and only myself to be my friend.   I watch movies by myself, I have eaten in restaurants alone, I can go somewhere alone after work and sit for a bit, at this point I can't even visualize myself travelling the world with anyone.  I would have to go alone.  There's always going to be someone who says "oh everybody does that it's not a big deal".  It's not.  It's not a big deal.  I'm just saying a lot of people have that person that they can discuss their shitty or good day with or talk about a coworker or talk about the person in front of them in line or talk about their dreams or talk about their failures or talk about whatever.  Even now even though I'm a little down I know I have NO right to be down, I personally know someone who is dealing with so much and in the most painful way and she's so strong about it outwardly that I feel no right to even write this blog post.  I never feel like I have the right to b*tch about something.  I'm always apologizing to myself, to others about how I feel or what I'm thinking.. or thinking that I don't have the right to feel a certain way.  Again, it's tiring, I'm tired.

I do have to say that my mother is my greatest source of comfort and pure love.  Although she is usually the person that I argue with the most and I often get the emotional backlash of her frustrations (that are always totally warranted), she is the person who has my back for 99.9% of situations lol (the other 0.1 percent being my desire to be a vagabond drunk hippie flower artist living in Mumbai).

I just feel like I can't leave until I know everyone is going to be ok.  I need to know that everyone I care about will be ok.

Rape.. Oh no I mean Drugs, Drake n Chris Brown, the World Cup.. Interesting topics ;)

I'm writing this post 46 seconds into watching this YouTube video:

I'm crying (big surprise I'm the most emotional crier I know).  I have been in more situations than I would like to mention, in horrid and truly terrifying moments where I thought - this is it, I'm going to be raped, this is the end, this person is going to kill me.

I am not exaggerating.  These are the thoughts that run through a woman's head when she is out, when she is alone, when someone looks at her the wrong way, when someone leers at her, when she's had a few drinks, when she realizes that any man who wants to can overpower her, when she's in a cab and the cab driver makes a turn she wasn't expecting, when her phone battery is dead and she's out, when she gets lost, when she goes on a date with someone who she wasn't too sure with, when she's in a public bathroom that doesn't have anyone else in it and she hears the door open, when she's on the Skytrain and someone won't leave her alone, when she gets off at a bus stop and someone who was staring at her gets off the same stop, when she hears someone running behind her and she's on a street walking and the sun has set and no one is around, when she's in a parking lot walking to her car and the only other person is a male and he's walking close to you, when you're at a party and someone keeps pressuring you to walk with them or go somewhere with them, when someone you know is supposed to "drop you off" but are ambling around and giving you really creepy vibes, when you're at a college party and someone is dropping you off at your dorm, when you're on a camping trip and someone is walking you to your tent under a guise of being nice and helpful but you don't really trust them, when you have to ask someone else to come along with you, when you are travelling in a foreign country and you're trying to book a room somewhere, when you're on a Vegas trip with your friends and you have to call security because someone you met casually just won't stop banging down your door and terrifying your friends after you told them no.  Whew.

There are a myriad of situations in which a woman will have that one blinking second (or more) of pure fear, of pure terror, of the thought of being raped.

It is, I believe, every Woman's worse fear.  The act of rape, is a terrifying and very real fear for women.  It's not something like being kidnapped where you think, this only happens to other people.  It's one of those fears that is VERY REAL, it's very present in a woman's life.  There have been multiple "What would you do" type of situations in which a drunken girl in America has been at a bar and a man she clearly doesn't know tries to pick her up.  Watch:

 I remember watching that video with my Father no less and tearing up so badly at 2:30.  It is shocking to me to see people do nothing.  That man is a hero in my eyes, he is someone I will never forget.  "She don't walk this freaking place with you because she don't know you".   Word!  Thank you humanity!!!!!!  If you did not cry at 3:04 I don't even want to know you, straight up.

It is heartening to me when people, complete strangers, have come to my aid.  I have walked up to complete strangers and said "hey, this man has been taking pictures of me while I'm standing here, I don't know him, please help me".  Can you imagine?  Literally I have had males that I don't even know block me from being snapped.  My new tactic is to flip my phone to "selfie" mode, turn it around to face the offender and have them see themselves being perverts.  It's actually quite effective (but scary if they get angry).

I have walked up to Skytrain officials without saying one word just looking at them with my eyes and having them personally escort me on the train, have the man refused entry while I boarded and been assured of my safety (this literally happened just last week - he was refused entry and they blocked him from entering my train, I tweeted my thanks here:  I have been followed on the streets, chased in a car (with my mom driving), been in an almost empty stadium after a job interview and have a man follow me into the bathroom and peel my name tag off my shirt, as I said, more situations than I would care to speak of.

All I want to say is - Women look out for other women but I just don't see men doing the same.  I don't see men feeling that same responsibility, that same empathy and the empathy level drops very significantly if the woman in question has had alcohol.  Alcohol does not make a woman a target, alcohol is not a "no rules apply" situation.  The most drunken woman in the world can lie naked in front of a male member of my family and they would never be touched, they would be treated like a Queen; alcohol is not consent.

Whenever I am out, if I see someone that I think needs help, or may need my help I will NEVER leave them, they will not go out of my sight.  I will personally go out of my way to ensure that they are safe.  It may sound weird to you but I could never leave a situation where I think this girl or old man or whomever is alone, is in a dangerous situation and just leave.  Whatever the situation is, I will stay, I will say something, I will do it...why, because I can't look myself in the mirror if I left.  All I want, is for people to STAND UP.  It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.  It's your responsibility to help.  Don't be that douchebag that helps some guy hook up with a drunk girl.

Don't be that that person.  Please realize that it's your responsibility to watch out for someone, to make sure that no harm falls on them.

No one deserves to be violated.  No one deserves to be raped.  No one is asking for it.  No one.

Please do the right thing, be alert when you're out, and when you see something please, please don't be silent.  Call the police or if you won't be endangered speak out but whatever you do, do SOMETHING.

A Job

I've been working since I was 10 years old.

I did a paper route as a child for 5 years, until I was 15 turning 16 years old.  Most people did a paper route for a few months, I really don't understand (looking back) but am amazed that I did it for 5 years.

First, I would get the delivery of papers (twice a week!) to my house, flyers separate.  Then I would sit on the bottom flight of my stairs with the flyers one stair above, open the newspaper and insert each flyer into approximately 200+ newspapers.  I would then load half of the papers into my trolley and make my rounds.  Through sun, rain and snow I would roll my trolley and walk up to each door step to place the paper into the letterbox, then I would go back home and collect round two.  Often I had a friend from school who lived on my paper route come out and walk with me if the weather was nice, and I'll admit, a few times I had my parents put all the papers in the van and have my mom help me.  It paid for my new shoes for "back to school", it paid for my Lip Smackers (root beer was my fav flavor), it paid for my 5 cent candies, it paid for my $1 chocolate cake that I would buy at lunch time (McCains, so delicious) and it literally paid approximately $27-30 dollars every two weeks.  If I went on vacation, I had to train and hire my replacement (a classmate who I then paid).  It taught me responsibility, it taught me the value of a dollar and it taught me that no matter what, rain or shine you had to go out there and do what you signed up to do.

My second job, I was hired on the spot at one of the most terrifying perfume stores in the mall.  I was turning 16 in one week, I was given written cheques every two weeks by very stereotypical looking hairy chested, gold chained wearing men, and I was told to NEVER, EVER sell the customer what they want.  We sold the customer what we could afford to sell (cheap fragrances that the store would profit off of versus legitimate perfumes that the store would not make much money on).  The turnover rate was high, approximately every 3 weeks we would have a new girl for the one that quit, I lasted almost 1 year.  I was self conscious, scared and intimidated.  I had to stand at the doorway of the store and call out "up to 70% off all fragrances" to complete strangers and then when they walked in I had to sell them what I wanted "If you like Dolce and Gabbana you'll loove this new fragrance that's so popular right now called Water Drops".  I became their #1 girl, so the first customer to walk in I would approach.  If there was only every one customer in the store at a time, that meant that I would always be doing the work (because I was the best at selling).  It taught me.  It taught me how to bullshit, how to sell (um not directly related to bullshitting lol), how to get over your fears and EVERY single other job that I've ever worked since that job has been a piece of cake!!!!  That experience can't be bought.

Every job after that, was a mixture of fun, hard work, and running around getting stuff done.  I never went more than 3 weeks without a job, I couldn't do that, I NEEDED a job.  I worked at drugstores, restaurants, clothing stores, a photo lab, an electronics shop.  I would get off school at 3pm and work 4pm-midnight or 7 to midnight shifts, and I would still get my homework done.  I never asked my parents to pay for field trips, lunch money, back to school clothes or anything that I wanted.  I earned it, I bought it.

Studying was a luxury, there was never a time in my life when I felt that I had all the time in the world to study, not even in University.

I messed up, I'm not going to pretend that every job I did I was flawless at, there were times when I was in high school that I couldn't get up, or I just had to call in sick but looking back at the availability I had to give my part time jobs as a high school student  (every weekday from 4-midnight and every weekend) I guess that was pretty understandable that I would often be too exhausted and drained (or would be scheduled to work the night before an exam - sorry Shoppers Drug Mart!).

There was one time that I worked two jobs, I worked from 7am-3pm full time Monday to Friday and then I would take two buses and the train to my second job and work from 5pm-9pm.  It was heaven and it was hell at the same time.  I would be so exhausted that if I had the car (on occasion) I would drive home and just sit in the car, not wanting to get out.  It was heaven in the sense that I needed that at that time in my life.  I needed to be so bone tired that I would go home and just fall asleep.  I needed to not have free time on my hands.  I would consider it a "day off" if I didn't have to work the evening shift at my second job!  It was awesome!

Too often people complain about their jobs and I just DON'T get it.  Do you know what that job gives you?  It doesn't just give you money, it gives you freedom.  Maybe it's not the job that you want to do for the rest of your life, but it is the PATH and the way to get to what you want to do for the rest of your life.  It gives you the freedom to make choices, it gives you a sense of direction, it gives you a purpose and I have never in my life worked at a job that I did not personally grow and benefit from that.  I am not at all discounting education but it's funny that all my years at school have blended together, while I look back on my life and can distinctly recall what I learnt and what I did at each job.  Too many people these days have parents that will comfortably pay for everything their child does but I just don't get why that child doesn't have the sense of ego and pride in themselves to want to go out there and make their own coin.

I'd rather hustle than have things given to me.  I'd rather do without than ask for something.  I respect people who can not only talk grand schemes but who can put them to action and get something done.  I love people who put their money where their mouth is.  My money has not only helped me personally, but it's helped my family.  I was able to give someone very important to me time with someone very important to them (and me) and wouldn't go back and change anything in my life just because of this one thing that I did.  I will always, always thank god that I was able to help someone in that way.

I'm passionate about work and working, I will work for as long as I can work and I can honestly say that these values were instilled in me because of my father and because of my eldest sister.  I hope as an elder sister myself to be able to motivate other youngsters to realize the value of an honest living because it's far too easy in the society and culture that I live in now for young individuals to be un motivated and/or buy into the fast money lifestyle.

Question and Answer

Q: "Does it not bother you at all that there are people around the world that are looking at you in a sleazy way, or do you like the popularity?" "Don't you care that there are all these 'dippers' commenting on your pictures, or do you like that stuff?"  "Why don't you put your stuff on private?".

A: "Yeah I do it so people will jack off to me at night."

Ok, in all honesty, why do I do this?  I thought that, I would be "somebody", maybe a girl who was interning somewhere, maybe a girl that was auditioning somewhere, maybe a girl who was working and doing stuff on the side.  I've always been someone who loved meeting people, who loved being expressive (reading, journalism, writing, dancing, performing has always been part of me), I look at writing or Twitter or Instagram as a creative expression, as a diary of sorts, and not to mention a great networking opportunity.  Also, I work in social media, I completely disagree with having PRIVATE accounts for the most part (Facebook and Instagram I can see how you may just want family/friends to view it) but WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE PRIVATE TWITTER ACCOUNTS?  It just baffles me.  So no, I will never private my stuff, I think it's dumb to do that.

Right now, I'm nobody, but I can't fully pull the plug on the public me.  I still have that darned sliver of hope that maybe one day I'll... figure it all out in a manner that won't leave me wanting more.  Not sure if this is humanly possible but it's a hope!

There are people who pursue a public career choice in a private manner, there are people who pursue private careers in a public manner, and then there are people who pursue public careers in a public manner.  I personally do not regret having put myself out there in the past, (or now, if I am) because I've met so many amazing people and have come across some pretty cool situations!

Now please note, I'm not saying that I am a public personality, I'm simply talking about how as an individual you can be a little more public or a little more private.  Everyone is fairly public these days, I can probably find most of you on LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter, and most people post pictures that are up for public consumption.  Do I think that 1 sleazy guy is probably viewing a girl's picture right now?  Of course he is.  At the end of the day a girl is going to be looked at no matter what by someone in a sleazy manner no matter what.  Does that mean that we're supposed to lock ourselves in a cage and only go out when fully covered?

Do I like the popularity?  Firstly, what popularity?  This is so relative.  I would say that the most "out there" or "popular" I have ever FELT in my life was when I was in bhangra.  This was pre - Much Music tryouts which is what I would consider the start of a more "public" me.  So yes, bhangra was when I felt the most popular.  If I was just into "feeling popular" than I would have just stayed in bhangra, gone out with multiple people, talked to 50 other guys and had a grand old time.  That's not what I did because I don't care about that.  I did not have 2000 Twitter or Instagram followers or 1000 Facebook friends at the time, but I felt like wow people know me, people like me (in a normal way), etc.  So no, I'm not doing this for popularity, but I do appreciate the fact that in this day and age, having some klout online is a good thing.  Ask any producer if he would rather pick someone with 15K followers or 100 followers (of course if you're truly beautiful, it likely will not matter how many followers you have, but for those that are not god gifted, everything else helps :) ).  To gain social influence, you sometimes have to appeal to the masses and do your business needs to keep that up.  It's purely business.  Trust me when I say this, a nice selfie can go a long way haha.

As a woman who cares deeply about objectification, it's always been difficult to want to be in an industry that puts so much emphasis on physical appearance.  The joy of acting or wanting to be in a medium that has given me so much joy has always outweighed my feminist views (so far).  I would love to be able to change things from within, but also I think there's something beautiful in not caring about how people perceive you and owning your sexuality.

I've tried my best to not be sleazy myself, to not be just tits and ass.  I appeared in a music video once that sang about how every guy wants a nice car and a nice girl.  I also appear on top of the car in one scene (wearing a pink and white striped A-line dress mind you not a short and tight number).  I was also pretty young but... I remember thinking that the song was kind of cool.  What was wrong with a guy saying that he wants a nice car and a nice girl, is that not a humble ambition?  Is it not like me saying, I want a nice husband and a nice house?  Do we have to deny EVERYTHING and become completely asexual and unrealistic in order to be an advocate for self respect and woman's issues?

Also, honestly sometimes, you just want to do something because it's fun!  I did a music video where the artist literally says that he pops a boner.. seriously.  This one, might be a little hard to explain, so I might not even go there in this blog post because then I'll have to touch on what I feel about being sexual, open and honest but I still thought it was a classy shoot lol.   I HAVE boobs, I HAVE an ass this is part of me being a woman and I don't feel that I should have to hide this fact from people just so that I don't get judged by men and other woman as being "skanky" or "slutty".  I also did a swimsuit shoot for a men's magazine that shall not be named (only because they changed the answers to my interview to better suit them).  I thought it was classy, my dad did not have a problem with it, my brother was there with me when I shot the whole thing and I had a great time.  It's a swimsuit, and I was posing.  I'm not rolling around in the sand pouring water over myself while licking my lips.  It's a beach shoot, I'm wearing a bikini, and I quite liked the results.  Did I do this to have men look at me in a sexual way?  I would have to say that's not the THE reason why I did it but yes, I wanted to look appealing I definitely didn't want men to be repulsed when looking at the images, but there was a greater purpose other than "wanting to look hot and be popular".. like seriously.. no girl needs to be in a freaking swimsuit in a magazine or in a music video or doing photo shoots to be popular with men.

Maybe I've done some out there things, maybe I've made some choices that people will not understand, maybe I've lost all my chances at being selected as eligible marriage material by an Indian matchmaker but this is me.  Take it or leave it!  I don't do things without a lot of thought (which I think is contrary to what people may think), and I can feel good about every decision I've ever made in my life so at the end of the day isn't that what life should be about?

I hope you got your answer.

Friend Zone

My response: Fellas, girls are sick of hearing you talk about the Friend Zone.  The "friendzone" is a scenario the rejected make up to make themselves seem like victims simply for not having their feelings returned.  Get over it.

Now I've touched on this topic before in my "Nice guys" finish last post but that was quite some time ago (3 years?), and I don't think I fully delved into this topic the way I should have.  Most people who read my blog post at that point didn't really get that "nice" with quotation marks in my vocabulary - did not equal a truly genuine and good guy.

Every guy and every girl should be NICE to other people.  That would be basic manners would it not to be pleasant, kind and friendly!?  So why is it that when a guy feels like he's a "Nice" guy and he's not getting the girls that he wants he suddenly blames everything on being friend zoned and girls not appreciating the value of his niceness?  Why do other guys back this absurd theory up?  

Why is it that GIRLS have to hear "He's Just Not That Into You" where we're taught in books, in movies, in popular culture that we're supposed to stop acting like fools and ACCEPT the fact that the man is just simply not into us...

...While Guys are allowed to BLAME women for not "recognizing" the fact that they were so great and kind and wait for it.. nice?  Guys are allowed to just walk around being like "man I treated her so well, I listened to her while she talked about all of her problems and watched all her favourite movies with her and she just friend zoned me, what a b*tch, chicks are f*cked" while girls are told to accept it.  I'm sorry you're right it's MY fault that someone was friendly, showed common courtesy, had good conversations with me about topics and it's my fault that I didn't want to immediately jump his bones or marry him because of this.  

Why are girls supposed to be so thankful that a guy is being nice to her that we're supposed to date/marry/whatever them?  Do we not deserve, does the GUY not deserve to meet someone who has a genuine connection with them?  Whatever happened to LOVE, Chemistry, Compatibility, Attraction, Passion and other such powerful emotions?  I want men to want more for themselves, I want them to find a girl that loves them for who they truly are (flaws and all) and to wait for someone who they genuinely, truly connect with and most of all I want them to stop blaming women for when their feelings are not reciprocated.  It is not a woman's duty to like you just because you were nice and friendly.

I know so many NICE girls, that have bad qualities about them like every other human being, as well as many NICE guys with bad qualities about them.  Just because NICE GIRL+NICE GUY meet and the person fits all the criteria (well educated, nice, smart, kind, good family, can cook, good job) does NOT mean that they should be together!  

Life is a journey as they say, and I don't know about you but I want someone that I can see myself enjoying my time with for the rest of my life, walking, running, exploring and growing with.. not just settling for someone who checks off the "marriageable" or "dateable" qualities in a man.

Legit couldn’t think of a title.


Sup people’s!!!!  Ok SO – I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M FINALLY WRITING!  I just felt it today I felt this ZING like this is a moment that I def have to write about so HERE I AM.  It’s an Oprah kinda blog post like if today was a day on the Oprah show you’d probably skip it if all you care about is celebrity interviews cuz it’s one of those spiritual Oprah show days so skip it if you’re a soul less horrible person who doesn’t care about human emotion (see what I just did there haha suckaa now you gota read it!).

Let’s roll.

Background story:

Today I felt really weird as soon as I woke up, I didn’t even recognize what emotion it was it just felt weird in my windpipes or something.  I realized I was feeling sad as I blow-dried my hair because I suddenly (to my shock) burst out crying.  I didn’t really know why but whatever it’s not a big deal.  So I stopped went on my way, went to the building where I work and kinda started crying again!  At this point I’m like dayum Sharin get yo ish togetha!  It was really weird because nothing had happened specifically I guess it was just subconscious emotion or something but I felt down it just wasn’t a fantabulous day – UNTILLLLLLLLLLL I went to the bathroom to wash my hands :D

So I’m chillin out maxin relaxin washing my hands scrubbin away feelin blue and I look up into the miror to see this CUTE LITTLE BABY BOY in his pram kickin his little feet with his head turned all the way to the left lookin at me in the mirror smiling!  I swear all my sadness - that weird windpipe heavy in the chest feeling EVERYTHING just washed away like I was cleansed by that little angel’s smile.  I walked out of that bathroom on a whole other level and I was just like “dayum what is wrong with you woman like who do you think you are?  Who the heck gave you the right to be sad like do you see where you are?  You are on this freaking beautiful amazing Earth living the LIFE right now just truly blessed and you’re going to cry or feel blue and be sad over what?  EFF you Sharin lighten up – stop and smell the effing roses and smile cause you’re ALIVEEEEE homie!!!!!!”  (truly that’s the convo I had with myself) 


Point of my story:

Babies and animals are dope.  Get out of your own head.  Stop and smell the roses so to speak… smile at a baby… touch a flower… touch your grandparent’s hand… smell a baby’s breath… marvel at the world.  It’s shiny and clean and filled with oxygen just for you!

I love it I love the world, I love everything about it and I’m so glad to be here.  People talk about feeling blessed and it sounds so corny but I feel it inside I feel so thankful to be here.  Not everyone is here with me and I still am and people I love are still here and I’m so happy and thankful to God to grace me with another day.  I sound like one of those spiritual people on tv I know I sound weird but this is what I feel.

Babies and animals I honestly believe are like.. angels.. they’re God, they’re everything true and beautiful and divine on this Earth.  When I walked out of that bathroom I honestly felt like God just smiled at me and gently reminded me that I am lucky.  I truly felt a spiritual presence.  I felt like an idiot too I felt like the world’s biggest buffoon that a BABY had to take time out of it’s day and go out of it’s way to smile at ME.  I’M the one who’s supposed to be smiling at the baby!  How wrapped up in my own head and space was I that I first of all didn’t even notice a cute baby in it’s pram and secondly didn’t even see him smile at me until I looked into the mirror? 

I just love babies so much, thank goodness they exist because they teach us so much about life.

So THANK you miracle little baby in it’s pram for making my day so wonderful, you’ll never know what it meant to me but your smile saved me.

Reality Check


I was sitting going through some old pictures when I realized… I have no real idea of who I used to be.  I do not fully remember what I used to be like, or how I used to think when I was younger.  I have no idea who that girl was.  If I met her on the street, her and I would probably have different views on a few different topics.  She’s lost to me forever. 

No, I’m not having a mid mid life crisis, I’m just trying to say that I or you can’t fully get back into the old “you’s” brain and think the way you used to think.  We can never really go back, every moment that happens changes us irrevocably.  I guess I just find it weird that not only do we not truly ever know how someone else feels or think, we don’t even really know ourselves.

Too often we go through life thinking that all we need is ourselves. All we need to do is trust in ourselves.  All we need to do is believe in ourselves.  All we need is to take care of ourselves.  This is all complete bullsh*t. 

The reality check is we need more than just ourselves.  We wouldn’t be alive today without being cared for by other human beings.  We’re nothing without other people, we wouldn’t exist without other people and we shouldn’t forget that fact as we grow older into our teens or early twenties.  “When an infant falls below the threshold of physical affection needed to stimulate the production of growth hormone and the immune system, his body starts shutting down." - - - we literally would die if we weren’t loved.  Maybe you can be conceived in a test tube and in the future from an artificial uterus, but there is no machine that would mimic a human’s love or touch.  Isn’t that strangely comforting?

How do you define yourself?  If I asked you – who are you?  Your response would be???… I am Sarah.  Or Jane or whoever – so by your name, right?  But who calls you by your name?… other people do.  Your own name doesn’t really belong to you does it, it’s just a way for OTHER people to identify you, so it really belongs to them.  Its for them to use.  You don’t write your name down on a piece of paper so that you know who you are, you write it down because someone else gave you that name and you need to identify yourself to whoever you’re handing the paper in to.

How do you know what you were like as a kid?  Because other people told you.  So that means that my first few years don’t belong to me – they belong to my family.  I don’t remember anything at all about who I used to be when I was 2 years old, or 5 years old for the most part.  Knowing that someone else knows something about you that you don’t know is so extremely cool.  Hearing that I used to walk before I crawled or that I used to draw squiggly lines over people’s faces in photo albums or when my sister tells me when we’re shopping for groceries during our trip to Singapore that I used to eat those cookies all the time when I was young makes me smile, and I would never have known those facts about my own self if it wasn’t for my family and people around me.  It’s that question - “if the tree falls in the woods and there was no one there to hear it does it make a sound?”… If I grew up with no one around to tell me who I used to be would I actually exist?  I’m not so sure I would. 

It’s odd to me to know that I don’t even know who I used to be.  It’s one thing to think that way about yourself as a child because no one has memories from when they’re 1 years old… but what about if you couldn’t remember who you were 3 years ago?  What about if you couldn’t remember what you thought like?  What if you couldn’t remember what it was like to feel the emotion that you knew you felt at that point of time?  What if you couldn’t remember what it was like when you fell in love with someone or something like painting or dancing?  How is it that we change so fast?

Is the you that you are now really the same you that you came into the world as?  Scientifically even – no.  You’re not the same you as you were when you were born, and you’re not even the same you that you were 8 years ago or yesterday.  From Stanford’s stem cell bio and regenerative medicine website it states: “Every one of us completely regenerates our own skin every 7 days. A cut heals itself and disappears in a week or two. Every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years.”

So every single cell in my skeleton has been replaced 3 times now.  That is so freaking weird!  I think for the most part, I exist because I have family, because they’ve told me initially who I was.  I am my father’s daughter, my mother’s daughter, my older sisters youngest sister.  Without people who love me in this world I don’t exist.  The tree wouldn’t make a sound if it fell.

So to all the people who think they’re all cool and thug life and “You’re born alone you die alone”… reality check.  It’s not really true, is it?

Read that.  Super interesting.

Personal Meltdown!

I’m having a personal melt down right now.  Most of the time I don’t give a eff what someone thinks about me.  Maybe I’ve just developed thick skin over the years or maybe it’s my obsession with women like Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie or maybe it’s the fact that the amount of love that I receive for being myself has eclipsed any naysayers.  I’ve opened myself up to the universe and received so much love in return!!  Maybe it’s because I feel like people have talked so much crap about me that I’m just used to it.  Maybe it’s because I think other people are idiots most of the time and I’m actually super cool.

Sometimes though, sometimes I feel like I am the most out there and weirdest chick ever.  Maybe I’m giving myself too much importance but all of a sudden I’m sitting here with this gripping fear and realization that MAYBE MY PARENTS WERE RIGHT?!

WHO…WHO is going to marry a girl that is this out there, who secretly (or I guess not so secretly anymore) wants to be an actress and writes her thoughts out for the world to see on a blog and wants to put DANCING freaking VIDEOS of herself on Youtube and loves item numbers in Bollywood songs and would totally love to be in one because she doesn’t think it’s “dirty” and thinks people who thinks it’s dirty are dirty.?  Who would want to be with a girl who wants to travel the world and work crazy amazing jobs that are fun because she doesn’t care about money , who wants to be able to get up and leave whenever she wants and live in 3 different countries, who wants to join politics and write and act and dance and host a food n travel tv show and become an Egyptologist and makeup artist?  Who would want to be with a girl who thinks in lyrics and writes lyrics down on paper and wants to save the world while holding a designer bag, who buys Maclean’s, Times, Psychology Today magazines the same time she buys In Touch and Star because Kim Kardashian is on the cover and then takes notes while reading Elle and Vogue, who buys like a book a week from Kobo and Google’s images of Mumbai for fun?  Who would want to be with a girl who feels bad for her teddy bears that don’t get regular hugs and makes sure to divvy them up fairly, who will put her family before anyone else, who actually likes alone time and goes to watch movies in the cinema alone, who shops in the toy section for herself while pretending it’s for her nieces, who cries when Italy doesn’t win the World Cup and eats Pringles like they’re going out of style?  Who would want to be with a girl who is fiercely independent  yet still wants to live with her in laws (and really I mean if I didn’t live with my in laws what would have been the bloody point of learning how to cook roti and every sabji and curry out there – today’s generation sure as heck wouldn’t appreciate my rotis and FYI I can’t make western food only indian and singaporean).  Who would not get scared after checking out my blog? Who would marry a girl who wants someone to run with her not walk and who is so fiercely loyal that she had the same mp3 and camera for 6 years even though she works at an electronics store?  Who  planned out the rest of her life starting from gr.8 the first day she went to her best friends house and is still best friends with her and pretty much followed the plan lol.  Who would want to marry a girl who has strong opinions and thinks for herself?  Hmm…Wait a second I sound kinda cool actually (to myself anyways – and that’s all that really matters!)

Personal meltdown over.  For all of you who no doubt get that gripping fear that you’re never going to find anyone (that everyone feels every once in a while…if you didn’t feel this way you probably wouldn’t be a very nice and compassionate individual) – Here’s some advice for you:


Goodnight boys and girls – wait for the one!!  Oh and…If any asshole leaves or gives up on you, remember – they’re just an asshole! ;)


beach3 Sexually liberated or persuaded by males into thinking this will make her attractive/liberated?
It’s all about your point of view isn’t it, but at least make sure your viewpoint is an educated one.  Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
My reason for writing this blog post is because I’m sick of people judging other people who don’t look like them.  I’m also sick of people not knowing anything about other people’s religion and Islam is one of the more misunderstood religions, although Sikhism is often thought to be an extremist, violent religion as well – I will keep this post on Islam.
Pocahontas said it best:
“You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew”
Yeah that’s right I just quoted Pocahontas from a Disney movie and yes I know Disney is effing sexist and racist half the time but I LIKE THE SONG GODDAMIT. 
Look, I understand why so many western women think that women who wear a burqa or hijaab are repressed.  When they hear stories of women who are not allowed to leave their houses or work and simultaneously see images of women in a niqaab or burqa they automatically leap to the conclusion that it is the religion that is oppressive.  I don’t know how many times I’ve heard racist comments by people who I KNOW, people who would consider themselves NOT racist say racist things about Muslim people.  Are there many oppressed Muslim women in this world?  Yes!  Are they oppressed because of Islam?  No!  If you knew anything at all about the religion you would know this.
You think Canada or Vancouver is a place that isn’t very racist?  All you have to do is read news stories online and see the racist comments underneath and you’ll know the truth. 

Continue »

Summer’s Over

Summer always makes me sad.  I think it’s sad because I love that this season is associated with sun, the beach, good times, bbq’s, drinks, hanging out with friends and I love all of those things SO much - - but then at the same time I know that it’s not going to last and it’s going to be way too short so it can be a little bit bittersweet.  More sweet than bitter though :).
I had an INSANELY amazingly great summer!  I lost a few things (one of them being my ipod – but I try not to own anything I can’t afford to lose so luckily I got a newer, nicer red touch nano), I met the most amazing, fun loving people from all over the world and I cannot wait to go visit them, and I got to experience some things that I’ve always wanted to!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I’ve gained so much and grown so much as a person!  Cheers to summer, good times, good friends, life experiences and remember: any time above ground is a good day!

An Old Sufi Tale

"One afternoon, Nasruddin and his friend were sitting in a cafe, drinking tea and talking about life and love.  His friend asked: 'How come you never married?'

'Well,' said Nasruddin, 'to tell you the truth, I spend my youth looking for the perfect woman. In Cairo I met a beautiful and intelligent woman, but she was unkind. Then in Baghdad, I met a woman who was a wonderful and generous soul, but we had no common interests. One woman after another would seem just right, but there would always be something missing. Then one day, I met her; beautiful, intelligent, generous and kind. We had very much in common. In fact, she was perfect!'

'So, what happened?' asked Nasruddin's friend, 'Why didn't you marry her?'

Nasruddin sipped his tea reflectively. 'Well,' he replied, 'it's really the sad story of my life.... It seemed that she was looking for the perfect man...' "


I’ve always loved this tale.  I feel like a lot of people nowadays are always looking for the next best thing and they hold out waiting for it, or once they’ve gotten something they are never totally satisfied.

They have an ipad, but they want the ipad 2, they don’t even bother getting the iphone 4 because they’re waiting for the iphone 5.  You get the picture.

I hope this tale above won’t be mine :|  In some ways I am very, very loyal – I had the same mp3 player for over 5 years, I’ve had the same dinky camera since 2006 (even though I work at one of the leading electronics retailers)… So I’m pretty loyal, but yeah it’s def a big problem in today’s society where we’re so used to instant gratification and always getting the newer model.  I guess that’s why there’s so much cheating (adultery) in this world - - - it’s for the same reason that we’re all in so much debt  - Instant gratification/never thinking about the future.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

I don’t want to say that I constantly think of death but I think about it more often than an average person would.  That might sound terrible but it’s really not.
It’s led me to appreciate things in life a lot more. 
I also don’t waste time on people, things or events that I really don’t care about.  I never feel obligated to do something.  I have a lot of friends who feel like “arrey, they called me to come somewhere so I should go even if for a little bit na just to show my face?” (ok they don’t talk in that Mumbai accent but I couldn’t resist I love talking like that in my head teehee).  I NEVER feel like I “HAVE” to go somewhere.  If I want to go, I’ll go, if I don’t want to go then I won’t, I don’t feel obligated. 
I don’t like to waste time on petty things.  On my time off which is rare – I really want to
a.) accomplish the things I didn’t get to do because I was working which could be errands/blogging/watching movies/side jobs etc.
b.) spend time with family
c.) spend time with close friends that I see all the time
d.) spend time with the friends that don’t hang out with daily in the same circle of friends
e.)  chill.
I guess I’ve just aged prematurely or something, I imagine myself thinking like an old person – that death could happen at any moment to anyone and so you really do have to live life now and most importantly you shouldn’t  sweat the small stuff.
When people piss me off or do things that they shouldn’t I do get mad but I just think to myself – if they died tomorrow would this really matter?  99.999999 percent of the time it doesn’t freaking matter and so I move on.  The problem though is that the other person doesn’t have that morbid way of thinking so for them they just did something terrible and then I just continued on as per normal so they were never really “punished”.  That’s kind of a bad thing but I guess I just think that it’s fine as long as it doesn’t happen again.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  So if you piss me off once about something – say you forgot my birthday – it’s not a big deal.  I won’t sweat the small stuff and you won’t have to bend over backwards to make it up to me, but if you EVER forget again ….woman_yelling_at_guy_051909_m lol poor guy.
I think of death and it helps keep things in perspective.  It helps let me know what is important and what isn’t but one shouldn’t think of death all the time.  There is a lot of life to live in this world, and sometimes people sweat the small stuff because they think that time is running out.  RELAX!  Life is a lot longer than we make out to be (it’s our memories that are short).  Martha Stewart was like 40+ when she published her first book, then finally came on TV in 1990 I believe (she was born in 1941) which was when she really became a home making expert so she was almost 50.  So…there’s plenty of time in life to do everything you want to do (but that’s no reason to delay – I’m just saying don’t sweat the small stuff).
Alrighty!  Remember – think of death, and at the same time, think that you have plenty of time to live.  It’s typical oxymoronic Sharin way of thinking and I think it works.  Don’t sweat the small stuff because you or people could die any second, and don’t freak out that life is running out because there’s tons of time to accomplish your dreams.

Untitled. Like the rest of your life.

People say where there is a will there is a way.  People say you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  People also say to be careful what you wish for, for it just might come true.
Sometimes in life you find yourselves at a crossroads.  You can choose the easy way out, or the hard way…which way will make you the happiest?
What if your dreams can come true?  What if you had the chance to make it happen?  Nothing in this world is for free, the question is are you willing to pay the price?  For some, pursuing their dreams and living their normal life is one and the same.  I have friends that dream of being accountants, or optometrists and they go about their daily lives while simultaneously pursuing their dream.  Others don’t have it so lucky, they want to act, they want to dance, they want to be lawyers or doctors and they might need to leave the country in order to expedite the process.  It takes a lot of guts to leave behind your friends and family.  It also takes paper.  Fat wads of cash baby.
For the people who would have to drop their family, friends and regular life - It’s so easy to stop yourself from doing what you want because no one has ever told you that you should, or because you don’t feel pretty enough or because you don’t have the time.  Dropping everything to follow your dreams is insanely difficult and you think, do I just not want it enough, because if I did wouldn’t I have gone for it? 
If you’re sitting there debating on what you should do, I say – DO IT.  Do what you always wanted to do.  Go for it!  At least you TRIED!  Make the rest of your life amazing.  Go for your dreams, eff everyone else.  Eff people who say you aren’t good enough, eff people who say you’re too fat, thin, tall, short whatever.  It’s easy for me to say this but yeah if you have the MOOLAH then do it.  Go for it – life is short but at the same time it’s long if you don’t put your own timeline on it.  You know: “find a guy at age 24, marry him by 26, first baby by 28” etc.  If you actually just LIVE your life and let things happen at their own pace you really have a lot of time!  Live a little. 

Just Accept The Compliment Goddamit.

I don’t know what it is with girls.  We are SO different from guys!

129167033986932671Guys are used to pumping themselves up.  Their self esteem increases in direct relation to the number they’re bench pressing.  They feel good when they’re making money, when they’re working out, when they’re picking up chicks, and when they’re DOING things.  They have no problem promoting themselves and bragging or boasting about how much they’re benchpressing, how much they’re making, how many numbers they’re getting, how many chicks they’re doing and …you get the point.  It’s all very measurable.  Girls can have an amazing body and STILL be complaining about their fat arms or small boobs. 

When a guy gives another guy a compliment like: “your arms are getting huge”, the guy who is on the receiving end of the compliment accepts it matter of factly.  He does NOT do what girls do and reject the compliment “my arms are nice whatt noo no look at this it’s so jigglyyyy *shake shake shake*”. 

Why is it that girls have such a hard time accepting compliments?  Not only is it stupid to point out your flaws if you really believe they are flaws, it’s detrimental to your self worth and esteem.  TAKE THE COMPLIMENT – ESPECIALLY, and I cannot stress this enough ESPECIALLY if a guy is giving it to you.  Don’t let it get to your head, but just thank him and accept it.  The more you point out your flaws the more he’ll end up believing you!  It will slowly sink into his head and then he might be like ya that’s right, your friend’s ass IS nicer than yours, or ya you’re right your hair really is messed up.  It’s true.  Trust me.

To Be Understood

Sometimes you feel… Does anyone even know what you’re talking about?  Does anyone bother to read between the lines?  Does anyone understand you?  Is anyone out there?  Do they feel the same way as you?  Do they know where you’re coming from?  Are you talking to yourself?  Does everyone else just think you’re a freaking weirdo?

Sometimes you ask yourself those things.  I do all the time.  I think the biggest thing for people is to be understood.  You want someone to know who you really are.  You want someone to know how you feel.  You want to be understood.  There are a few people in my life who I think do understand me.  For some reason, I think I’m a pretty weird person and sometimes I wish I was normal.  I guess everyone is weird in their own way though.  For me it’s just that sometimes I wish I didn’t have the desire to do all the things that I want to do.

I wish I could be content being mediocre.

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Why Nice Guys Finish Last

EVERY GUY is supposed to be nice because humans should be nice!  Unfortunately most of the people you end up meeting or hearing about tend to be dirt bags and so when you finally do meet that one nice guy, you feel like you need to give him a shot just because he’s (apparently) nice.  That my friends, is the beginning of the end!  DON’T CAVE IN! 
Girls have a tendency to get confused and say “but he’s so nice” and then agonize over why they don’t feel any connection.  It has nothing to do with the fact that this person is nice, it’s just that you don’t connect with them!  You’re not supposed to be with someone just because they’re SUPPOSEDLY nice.
1.) TOO PASSIVE = I think “nice guys” are just too passive.  They very often don’t hit on a girl as much as a “bad boy” would?  Theory of mine.
2.) NO GAME = constantly texting and being available, “hey we should meet, hey what are you up to, hey how was the exam you told me about once briefly three weeks ago that you were going to write today and I still remembered because I’m a creepy person with no life and I want to impress you with how nice I am?”.  This is what I say in my head to people who do that: BUDDY RELAX!  It’s not that a girl wants a guy to play games and not text her back; a girl wants a guy who has a life!  You should really not be that available, it's a turn off (remember this all you clueless “nice guys” out there!).
3.) Picture above: straight up!  A “nice” guy is really just a guy who wants to boink you and doesn’t have the balls or CONFIDENCE to say so.  "NICE" GUYS DON’T HAVE CONFIDENCE.  They don’t straight up ASK you to go on a DATE, instead they ask you out for coffee and/or pretend to be your friend first.  They cover up the intentions from the get go, thereby usually confusing the girl who doesn't automatically view you in that light.
4.) Pushovers.  "Nice" guys are known to be pushovers.  If I cancelled on a “nice” guy last minute with a lame excuse they’d be totally ok with it.  A bad boy would be like ok this chick’s a waste of time, screw her and move on.  A “nice” guy would be all understanding and say “it’s ok next time”. There’s nothing WRONG with being nice and with being understanding, but every time you allow yourself to be a second class citizen, girls realize that hey this person is ok with this type of behaviour and treat you like a second class citizen.  People don’t cancel on the Queen of England.  They shouldn’t cancel on you either.  If they do forget to call you back, or cancel on you, or whatever – screw em.

No More Waity Katie!!



So she finally got her man.  She had his picture in her room before she even met him, she went on the same Chile trip to the town William went to some time apart from his trip (I bet you she probably just heard that he was going and signed herself up then got screwed over because she didn’t end up on the same trip as him)…she finally met him, became friends, got semi naked in a fashion show while she was currently dating someone


and bam.  She got her Prince.  There you go girls… 1.) Get naked 2.)Break up with guy who was keeping the seat warm and 3.) Get your Prince!  Supposedly guys are into what they can’t have and this situation was no exception from the supposed rule.  Kate was “the friend (off limits) who had a boyfriend (totally off limits).  Totally off limits = Totally desirable to a man.  Agree?  Disagree?  I guess it was fate.

Who IS THE REAL KATE ?  I don’t hate her, this by no means is an I H8 K8 post, I think I like her - it's just that I don’t KNOW HER.  She hasn’t committed herself to anything (other than being girlfriend numero uno) or shown her personality and she’s been in the public eye for years now!  How horrible is that that she’s been in the public eye for so long, yet we can’t really tell what she’s like?

She hasn’t had a proper job since 2007, she’s obviously a smart girl having gotten a university degree from a top notch school and yet it seems that other than marrying her love (I don’t doubt that she’s in love with him and I truly think they make a great pair and look happy) she has no ambition.  What has she DONE in the past few years?  Attend a few weddings?  Go to etiquette classes?  I mean, she’s 29 years old for goodness sakes and I guess I’m just irritated with the fact that other than being photographed on yachts, exiting from clubs or being a style icon she hasn’t really done anything.  Apparently much of England feels the same way:

She has a lot of work to do because the people were so in love with Diana and Kate has big shoes to fill.  I think most people will warm up to her now that she’s finally (almost – still a couple hours to go) getting hitched and people like to see a girl finally get her man, but I mean, what is she going to do now after marriage?  Sit at home and wait around while her husband goes to work?  (They’re going to be living alone in a regular house fyi.)  Is she going to get a job?  Is she going to do charity work and risk being compared to Diana the People’s Princess?  Kate didn’t seem to have much of a social conscience before!  People inevitably draw comparisons between her and Princess Diana, and while Princess Diana seemed to genuinely care for people I just don’t get that same feeling from Kate.  If she did all of a sudden go to Africa to work with Aid’s patients or something I would just scoff and say she’s trying to win the public’s favor. 

Or maybe I’ve just become a cynic.  Very possible.

In the 80’s there was Madonna, in the 90’s there was Princess Diana, 2000’s had Britney and from 2011 onwards, Kate is the icon.  Girls have someone to look up to and while I like that she’s always been a fresh faced good girl, I hope that she will further live up to the media attention and establish an actual identity for herself with an actual focus in life other than her man.  Well… I’m off, I have a wedding to attend!  Torra!

Why Are You Here? Karma is Only a Bitch Because You Are.


Have you ever wondered why you are here?  You are on this Earth to

  1. Be the best you that you can be. 
  2. Explore the world
  3. Make amazing connections with other human beings.

That’s pretty much it.  Wow I’m so smart?!

You don’t have to save the world, every single day.  You don’t even have to save the world at all but you have to do SOMETHING good in the day.  You should be nice!

Maybe you helped your mom out, or did something nice for your dad or sisters.  Maybe you ran ahead to a bus and told the bus driver to wait for the older woman who couldn’t run and catch the bus herself and was struggling, maybe you walked home a senior citizen just to make sure he got home safe, maybe you filled out a complaint form and effectively fought for justice for someone who didn’t even know you were doing it just because you knew that they couldn’t speak/write English and would never have been able to fight for themselves…just small things, maybe you told the person helping you at the store that they could help the pregnant woman first.  It’s better than nothing!  Like I said above, Karma really isn’t the bitch, you are.  If you’re a nice person then you have nothing to worry about.

I personally feel that we are on here (Earth) because of the above three reasons… to be good human beings, explore the world and meet amazing people along the journey.  I also believe that everyday you should give the Big guy up there a reason to keep you around for another day.  That’s how I live my life, day by day and just trying to convince the tough guy up top each day that I’m worthy of being on this planet.  So far so good I guess. 

I guess I’ll explain what I mean by the above three points:


This is not as easy as it seems.  It takes a lot of courage, passion and determination to be the best you that you can be.  Step one to being the best you is common sense…

…Get healthy!


I’m lucky to have people in my life that care about my health and want me to get healthy!  The fact of the matter is that every single thing that you do will catch up to you one day.  I know this isn’t what you want to hear and maybe you’re reading this and you’re in your teens or young and you think, psh, I’m invincible.  Well, good for you but… even Superman has his kryptonite. 


Poor sleep habits, poor eating habits are not going to get you where you want to go.  A lot of things are not in our control but this is in our control, this is number one – sleeping and eating.  Trust me.  You will not be successful or the best you if you are not treating yourself well.  My friends know that I have been one of the worst for this.  I used to never sleep in high school like NEVER and for much of my university life… I used to have McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner but now… it’s a different story.  It affects you mentally and physically… I suggest you read up on it.  Your health will give you a reality check one of these days.  Just remember that everything in your body is connected! 

Ok so that’s step one in being the best you that you can be.  You have to look after yourself, you have to sleep well, drink lots of water, eat well and exercise.  Then comes the passion and courage part… you have to do what you love.  If you don’t love being a lawyer and you spend all your time in this so called “successful” position when all you really want to do is become a florist then DO IT!  Not everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams due to social and economic hardships but for the most part you can either make excuses or you can go for it.  You can’t do both so pick one.


I’ve been bitten by the travelling bug.  HELLOOO?!    The world is God’s GIFT to you.  We are here to explore and wonder at this gift.  If you’re sad, or you have this notion that you have it bad or you can’t find yourself or whatever, I suggest you travel.  Honestly if I hadn’t left the country ever in my life I guarantee you I would be locked up in a mental institution right now.  Travelling is THE BEST THING ever.  Make $$$.  Go travel.  That’s like my life goal (having fun is my life goal and travelling is fun so it’s a no brainer).  I live to travel.  I live dreaming of Mumbai, Cambodia, Africa, Brazil.  Ah!  This is REASON NUMBER TWO FOR WHY WE ARE ON EARTH.  We’re supposed to see other things.  It helps us realize we are all connected, you have to get out of your own little world and get new perspectives and experiences.  I love walking around in shorts, flip flops and no makeup with your hair pulled back because the humidity is making it look like Monica on that episode of Friends.  I couldn’t do that if I just sat in Vancouver all my life.


Friends, family, casual encounters.  You never know where things will lead so be open to meeting new people. 

These are our three duties to do here on Earth… if you have not done any of the above yet I suggest you get started ducklings!

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